
  • 网络Self-service apartment;Self Contained Apartment
  1. 手机柜台临沂短租房临沂自助公寓而品牌大战的硝烟无论是现在还是将来,都永不会停息!

    Therefore we can conclude that the brand battle will never cease from now to the future forever .

  2. 经济型的酒店、家庭旅馆以及带有自助厨房的公寓,都使得塞舌尔之行不再价格高昂。

    The wallet-friendly hotels , guesthouses and self-catering apartments make tours affordable .

  3. 涉及的业务有,特惠酒店预定,特价机票,自助旅游,特惠公寓,大学生旅馆,代订车票等。

    Involved in the business , ex-gratia Hotel reservations , book tickets and travel self-gratia apartment , a university student Hotel subsidy tickets .