
dǎo xiànɡ
  • orientation;guidance
  • direct sth. towards
导向 [dǎo xiàng]
  • (1) [lead to]∶使事情向某个方面发展

  • 这次会谈导向这个地区的经济合作

  • (2) [direction of guiding]∶指所引导的方向

  • 舆论导向

  • 导向错误

  1. 其传播功能、导向功能、凝聚功能、催化功能和控制功能等等是科学事业发展中必不可少的重要因素。

    The functions of their diffuseness , orientation , agglomeration , catalyzer and controls are indispensable factors of science development .

  2. 市场导向和企业绩效de因果关系研究

    A Study on the Causal Relation Between Market Orientation and Business Performance

  3. 在分析实现这个以市场为导向的战略转变的关键问题时,涉及了诸多领域。

    A lot of ground has been covered in unpacking the issues central to achieving this market-led strategic change .

  4. 步行交通和便利的换乘让诸如酒吧和餐馆这类以娱乐休闲为导向的商家可以开到更晚,吸引到年轻人、创意工作者和濒临退休的生育高峰一代等。

    Access to foot traffic and proximity to transit allow the type of entertainment-oriented businesses such as bars and restaurants to stay open later , which attracts both younger , creative workers and baby boomers nearing retirement alike .

  5. 创造应该是学生导向并以学生为主导的,否则就会很无聊。

    Making should be student-directed and student-led , otherwise it 's boring .

  6. 我的学生们真的全身心地投入了这种专题导向的学习活动。

    My students really got their teeth into this project-based learning activity .

  7. 新疆油田MBHW04水平井是国内第一口使用地质导向钻井技术的井

    The MBHW04 is the first well using geometry steerable drilling technology in China .

  8. 要承担起这个职责和使命,必须把政治方向摆在第一位,牢牢坚持正确舆论导向。

    To do so , they should put political direction first and stick to guiding public opinion on the correct path in every aspect and stage of their work .

  9. 科技攻关要坚持问题导向,奔着最紧急、最紧迫的问题去,从国家急迫需要和长远需求出发。

    Scientific and technological research should apply a problem-oriented approach , address the most urgent and pressing problems , and start from the urgent needs and long-term demands of the country .

  10. 党的新闻舆论工作的职责和使命是:高举旗帜、引领导向,围绕中心、服务大局,团结人民、鼓舞士气,成风化人、凝心聚力,澄清谬误、明辨是非,联接中外、沟通世界。

    The mission of the Party 's media work is to hold high the banner , provide guidance for the public , focus on the core issues , serve the country 's overall interests , unite the general public , instill confidence and pool strength , tell right from wrong and connect China to the world .

  11. 颅内血肿的CT导向介入治疗

    CT Guided Interventional Treatment of Intracranial Hematoma

  12. PE重组免疫毒素在肿瘤导向治疗中的应用

    Roles of PE-based recombinant immunotoxins in the targeting therapy of tumor

  13. 目的探讨经前腹壁进针CT导向腹腔神经丛阻滞止痛的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate CT guided celiac plexus block analgesia via an anterior approach in clinical practice .

  14. GO法是以成功为导向,与故障树方法完全不同的一种全新概念的可靠性分析方法。该文研究GO法的原理及其应用,系统归纳了GO法,阐明了GO法的原理。

    This paper provides an advanced GO method for quantification of system reliability and describes the principle and application of the GO methodology .

  15. 目的评价肺内孤立病灶CT导向切割针活检的准确性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the accuracy and safety of CT-guided cutting needle biopsy of the lung isolated lesions .

  16. 导向剂法合成U沸石的光谱研究

    Spectroscopic Studies of β Zeolite Synthesized with Nucleation Gel

  17. 导向药物用纳米Fe3O4磁性粒子的制备及表征

    Preparation and analysis of magnetic nanoparticles used as targeted-drug carriers

  18. VM型氦气制冷机高温导向环材料的研究

    An investigation on high-temperature materials for guide ring in VM type helium cryogenerator

  19. 应用空气-水-CO_2系统,测定了梯形导向浮阀塔板的效率。

    The plate efficiency of the trapezoidal directed valve tray based on the desorption of CO_2 has been determined using the air-water-CO_2 system .

  20. PPS导向系统在TBM中的应用

    Application of PPS orientating system to tunneling with TBM

  21. 高温超导YBCO块材在永磁导轨上方导向力的研究

    Research on Guidance Force of High Temperature Superconductor YBCO Bulks over the Permanent Magnet Guideway

  22. 目的研究131I标记的rituximab对CD20高表达的B细胞淋巴瘤细胞的生物学效应,为放射免疫导向治疗提供实验依据。

    Objective To study the biological response of B-cell lymphoma cells positive for CD20 expression to 131I-labeled rituximab .

  23. 目的评价超声导向下经皮肝穿刺瘤内注射无水酒精(percutaneousethanolinjection,PEI),在肝癌术后复发病人中的治疗效果和应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect and application value of ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection therapy ( PEI ) on patients with the post-operative recurrence of live cancer .

  24. 抗膀胱癌单克隆抗体导向的粘附性LAK细胞体外抗膀胱癌作用的研究

    An in vitro study on the specific killing effect of anti-bladder cancer monoclonal antibody-directed A-LAK cells against bladder cancer

  25. 单抗导向药物3A1-Dextran-DM对白血病CEM细胞特异性杀伤效应的观察

    The Specific Killing Effect of McAb 3A_1-Dextran-DM Immunoconjugate on the CEM Cells of Leukemia

  26. 利用数据库和数据挖掘技术设计了以顾客为导向的电信产品市场细分应用案例,给出了基于质量功能配置(QFD)进行营销设计的概念程序,提出了基于质量工具集成的改进模式。

    The thesis presented concept program improving model based on QFD in marketing design through a case study on telecom service market segment designed with database and data mining technology .

  27. 抗体导向酶-前体药物疗法(antibody-directedenzymeprodrugtherapy,ADEPT)是近年来肿瘤抗体导向治疗研究中一项引人注目的新进展。

    Antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy ( ADEPT ) is one of the noticeable new progresses in the research of antibody-directed treatment for tumor in recent years .

  28. 其中上行链路是通过由信道估计得到的导向矢量形成指向各用户的AdaptiveBeam,下行链路则是通过估计得到的用户分布形成switchedbeam。

    In the uplink the system forms Adaptive Beam to point each user based on the estimated users ' steering vector . In the downlink the system forms Switched Beam based on the distribution of users in the cell .

  29. 企业管理从过去的产品导向转变为客户导向,客户关系管理(CRM)逐渐成为企业的焦点,也成为计算机领域的一个活跃的研究领域。

    Enterprise Management orientation transform from " product " to " customer " . Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) becomes the focus of enterprise and an active research field of computer science .

  30. 阐明了CO2再生塔一塔两用处理尿素废液的原理、流程,进行了经济效益和社会效益评价。高效导向筛板在PVA装置回收一塔的应用

    Double function of CO 2 regeneration tower is introduced when it is used to treat waste urea solution . Applications of High Efficiency Flow-guided Sieve Tray in the First Tower of Reclaiming Processing PVA Plant