
  • 网络W.Preyer;Preyer;Prior;Pryor;Gary Player
  1. 第二章介绍并评价了儿童研究的起源,主要是德国普莱尔的研究及思想。

    Chapter Two is the introduction and evaluation of the origin of Child Study Movement , focusing on the study and thoughts of Wilhelm Preyer .

  2. 但汇丰银行(HSBC)的罗伯特•普莱尔(RobertPrior)表示,若欧元走强,特别是若欧元在不当高位保持一段时间的话,上述趋势将恶化。

    But the strong euro , especially if it stays at an uncomfortably high level for some time , will worsen the trend , says Robert Prior of HSBC .

  3. 不过,普莱尔表示对发射成功自己感到很惊讶。

    Still , Preble says he was surprised the launch was successful .

  4. 世界粮食计划署的一名发言人普莱尔说,在分发食物和其他民生必须品上,已经做出了一些进展。

    World Food Program spokesman , Marcus Prior , says some progress has been made in distributing food and other essentials .