
  • 网络Standard Environment;standard atmosphere
  1. NIS通常适合在任何标准环境中使用,而且在配置正确的网络中,如果此网络附加到Internet,并不会带来任何安全威胁。

    NIS is typically fine in any standard environment and , within a correctly configured network , poses no security threat if the same network is attached to the Internet .

  2. EFI的全称是ExtensibleFirmwareInterface(可扩展固件接口),是在开机前(Pre-boot)环境下进行扫毒及诊断的执行环境,为启动操作系统前的程序提供了一个标准环境。

    EFI is the abbreviation of Extensible Firmware Interface , which is the pre-boot environment for virus scanning and diagnosis , providing the standard environment for the pre-OS programs .

  3. 标准环境中可利用的标准HTTP和SIP应用开发工具可以帮助开发人员创建整合服务。

    The unified HTTP and SIP application development tools available in this unified environment help developers create converged services .

  4. 突触形态结构可塑性检测显示:标准环境对照组较标准环境模型组突触数密度和面密度较大(P0.01),连接带平均面积也较小(P0.01)。

    The results of detecting synaptic plasticity : Compared with the model group of standard environment , in the control group of the standard environment synaptic numerical density and the surface density was significantly larger ( P0.01 ), and the average area was lesser ( P0.01 ) .

  5. 本文将色彩管理的概念引入到分析系统图像的颜色复原中,提出了基于ICC特征描述文件的颜色复原方法,实现了不同设备环境下得到的图像颜色向标准环境下颜色数据的转换。

    The color management method is adopted and an ICC standard based color reproduction approach is presented here so that the color of images captured under different situation could be translated into the color under the standard condition which has been defined in advance .

  6. 在30m3的标准环境试验舱中,将一款空气净化器对甲醛、TVOC和氨气的净化性能进行了测试,计算了该净化器对试验气体的洁净空气量、净化效率和去除率。

    In a controlled environmental chamber with a volume of 30 m3 , the performance test for a air cleaner were carried out to purify formaldehyde , TVOC and ammonia , calculated the clean air delivery rate ( CADR ) and purifying efficiency .

  7. 本研究建立了LTD-VAVFCU之性能检测操作流程,并于空调设备性能实验室在相关标准环境条件下进行性能实验。

    For the research , an operation procedure is set up for the verification to LTD-VAV FCU in an air conditioning function test laboratory , which equipped to accord with relevant regulation standards .

  8. 服务和应用程序在非标准环境下运行时允许错误报告。

    Allows error reporting for services and applictions running in non-standard environments .

  9. GB/T2918-1998塑料试样状态调节和试验的标准环境

    Plastics & Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing

  10. 工作于非标准环境下体吸收型激光能量计的研制

    Bulk absorption laser calorimeter operating in non-standard environment

  11. 这个标准环境的所有部分同时还支持地理和组织分散的团队。

    All parts of this unified environment also support geographically and organizationally distributed teams .

  12. 最后,股票期权方案只能在良好的管理标准环境下才能实施。

    Finally , share option schemes can only work in an environment where good governance is the norm .

  13. 高精度测量几何量,如角度、长度等的测量结果都是标准环境参数条件下的值,其中的水蒸气压(湿度)要求是1。

    Water vapor pressure which is also called humidity , one of the standard environment parameters , should equal to1 .

  14. 现在我要离开我自己的电脑,去标准环境。

    Mac I 'm gonna go away from my own Mac and I 'm gonna go to the standard environment .

  15. 近地面大气波导环境的存在,直接影响着电波射线传播的路径,形成不同于标准环境的电波能量覆盖。

    The existence of the duct environment affects the propagation path of the radio waves and forms a different EM energy coverage .

  16. 作为可移动式的便捷系统,设计时将标准环境的消音室,缩小简化为一个小型的声级测试箱。

    As a portable and convenient system , standard anechoic chamber is designed and reduced to a small sound level testing case .

  17. 在简化的浮动汇率标准环境中,由于汇率的波动会平衡进出口,各国不再需要储备货币。

    In a simplified textbook world of floating exchange rates , countries do not need reserves since fluctuations in the exchange rate would balance imports and exports .

  18. 环境税首先应该服从于贸易发展的需要,不切实际的高标准环境税会阻碍贸易的发展,最终也会使环境保护水平下降。

    Above all , environmental taxation should obey the requirement of trade development . Impractical high-norm taxation will hamper the development of trade and will lower the level of environmental protection finally .

  19. 用这种方法,在非标准环境下测试,不用修正,就能给出折射率,其精度可达±1×10~(-5)。

    With this method the refractive index under the standard conditions will be obtained by the measurement under the no - standard conditions , with accuracy 1 × 10 ~ ( - 5 ), without revision .

  20. 一般情况下,非标准环境下采集到的中草药植物花卉图像,花卉区域具有比背景更加突出的特征属性。

    Experiment results show that the proposed methods have excellent retrieval performance . ( 4 ) In general , for Chinese herbal medicine flower images , taken in the natural environments , the flower regions usually have prominent characteristic attributes .

  21. 在ISO9000:2000标准环境下,建筑企业建立企业的质量管理体系,从质量预防和质量保证的新层次上提高和持续改进工程的质量,能全面增强企业的市场竞争力。

    Under ISO9000:2000 standards , the article discusses a task to establish and operate the quality management system in building enterprises . In order to strengthen the enterprises ' market competitiveness , they should improve project quality continually in new levels of quality prevention and quality assurance .

  22. 判定红外光电设备作用距离是否合格是目前靶场试验中突出的问题,因为考核现场很难造就标准环境(规定环境)和使用真实目标。

    To decide whether the effective ranging of IR photodetection equipments is up to standard is now a striking problem in the test-range testing , because the standard conditions are hard to be established in a test range and any real target can be hardly used under test .

  23. 中国加入WTO环境保护的对策研究环境保护标准,环境标准

    Measures for Environmental Protection As China Joins the WTO ; environmental standard

  24. 通过此方法,可在运行于Broker和其他标准Java环境(如WebSphereApplicationServer)中的应用程序间共享公共数据访问层代码。

    This approach enables common data access layer code to be shared between applications running in the Broker and other standard Java environments , such as WebSphere Application Server .

  25. 为此CIE规定了标准测量环境来解决测量结果的一致性问题。

    Therefore , CIE stipulated standard measure environment to solve the coherence of color measurement results .

  26. 依据权利义务标准,环境NGO已具备有限的国际环境法主体资格。

    According to the standards of right and obligation , environmental NGO already has a limited subject qualification of international environmental law .

  27. 按ISO14000标准建立环境管理体系

    Establish environment management system according to ISO 14000 standard

  28. ISO14001标准中环境因素的识别与评价方法研究

    Study on Identification and Appraisal Method of Environmental Aspects Within ISO 14001 Standands

  29. 该小组还计划,市场,并促进AASHTO标准虚拟环境会议。

    The task force also plans , markets , and facilitates the AASHTO VE conference .

  30. 已按ISO14001标准建立环境管理体系,并至少运行三个月以上。

    According to ISO14001 standard , environmental management system has been established and it run at least more than three months .