
  • 网络elastic sensitive element
  1. 通过对弹性敏感元件的研究,设计制造了带有充填物的波纹管,解决了薄壁波纹管不能承受高压的难题,又保持了较高的灵敏度。

    Through researching an elastic sensitive element , a bellows with filler has been designed and developed , which solved the difficult problem that a thin wall bellows can 't withstand high pressure .

  2. 在分析了钴基弹性合金材料的电化学特性的基础上,进行工艺参数优化,最终成功加工出满足要求的完整弹性敏感元件。

    Based on the electrochemical property of co-based elastic alloy analysis , the process parameters were optimized . Finally , the full elastic sensitive element which meets the processing requirements was successfully manufactured .

  3. 弹性敏感元件的真空焊接封接

    Welding Vacumm Package of Elastie Sensitive Elements

  4. 真空弹性敏感元件检漏技术

    Leakage Detection of Vacuum Elastic Sensing Elements

  5. 波纹管是一类子午线呈波纹状的旋转壳,作为弹性敏感元件和柔性连接件在航空仪表和管道工程中起着重要的作用。

    Bellows , a shell of wrinkled meridian of revolution , is commonly used as an elastic-sensitive element in aircraft meters , and a flexible joint in pipeline systems .

  6. 本文介绍了不同结构的真空弹性敏感元件检漏技术,列出了各种检漏法漏率的计算方法和公式。

    Leakage detection of vacuum elastic sensing elements of different structures is des - cribed in the article . Calculation methods and formulas of leakage rate of various leakage detection methods are listed .

  7. 对本文中提出采用的大挠度弹性敏感元件波纹管的基本特性、材料与应变模型和大挠度形变公式,进行了分析和讨论,给出了选择结果和相关有益的建议;

    The features , the strain model , the composed materials , and the large displacement formula of the bellows were thoroughly analyzed and discussed , and some useful suggestions for choosing the bellows were given .

  8. 通过对调速系统的使用分析,找出200MW机组采用高速弹性调速器为敏感元件的机械液压式调速系统滑负荷和负荷阶跃产生的原因。

    Through the usage analysis of a speed governing system identified were the causes leading to the sliding load and load jump phenomenon discovered in the mechanical / hydraulic speed governing system of a 200 MW steam turbine , which used a high-speed elastic governor as sensing elements .

  9. 本系统以安装于轧机内的弹性元件为第一敏感元件,把它的形变转换为光纤的应变,来调制光的相位。

    The first sensitive part is the elasticity element installed inside the rolling machine whose strain is transformed into that of the optical fiber .

  10. 弹道导弹的弹性振动信号通过敏感元件馈入姿态控制系统,影响控制系统的工作,通常借助于相位稳定或增益稳定技术保证弹性振动的稳定。

    The signals of elastic vibrations are fed into the control system of ballistic missile via the attitude measurements , and it will have an effect upon the proper function of control system .