
  1. 弯头机动弹头再入螺旋弹道分析

    The analysis of gyroidal reentry trajectory for maneuver missile with bend-nose

  2. 基于遗传算法的机动弹头再入段弹道优化设计

    Optimization Design of Reentry Trajectory for Maneuverable Warhead Based on Genetic Algorithms

  3. 基于样条曲线的机动弹头再入轨迹优化研究

    Study of Reentry Trajectory Optimization of Maneuverable Warhead Based on Spline Curve

  4. 复合制导再入机动弹头再入误差分析

    Analysis and Prediction of Reentry Error for Reentry Maneuvering Warhead With Integrated Navigation System

  5. 对大机动弹头再入飞行段姿态稳定控制系统的设计问题进行了分析与研究。

    The design of control system on attitude stability of maneuver re entry missile head is studied .

  6. 无控弹头再入段最大横向过载情况安全系数的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Safety Factor for Non-Controled Warhead in the Maximum Transverse Load Case of Reentry Flight Phase

  7. 针对机动弹头再入弹道和制导方式的特殊性,分析了激光末制导机动弹头姿控系统设计的关键技术。

    In view of the particularity for maneuver warhead reentry trajectory and the guidance method , key techniques in attitude control system design are analyzed .

  8. 因此对于弹头再入过程中驻点热流密度的优化研究显得尤其重要。

    So during missile head re-entry process , the optimization and research of the heat flux density on the stagnation point seems to be particularly important .

  9. 中国也发展一种改进型DF-31A,增程到10000公里,改良精度和多弹头分导再入载体(MIRV)能力。

    China also developed an improved model DF-31A with extended range of10,000km , improved accuracy and multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicle ( MIRV ) capability .

  10. 弹头初始再入点空间约束范围的研究

    Research on Restriction of Initial Space Maneuver of Reentry Missile

  11. 多弹头分导再入飞行器(多弹头导弹)飞弹(飞机的导弹)

    MIRV ( multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle ) flying bomb ( missiles resembling aircraft )

  12. 滚转弹头的再入过程中,滚速过零对落点精度影响最大。

    One of the greatest impact dispersion is caused by zero roll-rate for spinning missiles during their re-entry flights .

  13. 双弹头牵连体再入动稳定性分析

    Dynamic stability analysis of the connected double-warhead reentry

  14. 双弹头牵连体再入过程的动稳定性分析是有关工程设计中的重要环节。

    Based on the ballistic equation of six freedom of degrees , the dynamic model of the connected double warhead reentry is built .

  15. 本文将计算高超声速稀薄气流过渡领域中气动特性的局部方法,推广应用到连续介质中弹头型高超声速再入飞行器气动力特性的快速估算。

    The paper widens the application of local method which used to be utilized in rarefied flow to the quick prediction of aerodynamic characteristics of missile-like reentry vehicle in hypersonic flow .