
  • 网络elastin;Elastine
  1. 基质金属蛋白酶(matrixmetalloproteinase)是一蛋白家族,包括分泌型及膜结合型蛋白,可以水解胶原蛋白、层粘连蛋白、纤连蛋白及弹力蛋白等细胞外基质,有利于肿瘤细胞局部浸润、侵袭迁移。

    The matrix metalloproteinases ( Matrix metalloproteinase ) is a family of proteins , including secreted and membrane-bound protein can hydrolyze extracellular matrix such as , collagen laminin , fibronectin , and elastin , which makes local invasion of tumor cells , invasion and migration easier .

  2. 主要成份:精纯珍珠精华、弹力蛋白、左旋维C、鳄梨油等。

    Ingredients : Pearl essence , elastin , levo-vitamin C , avocado oil , etc.

  3. OFM的胶原微结构保留许多天然ECM成分,包括纤维结合蛋白、葡萄糖胺聚糖、弹力蛋白和基本成纤维细胞生长因子。

    The collagenous microarchitecture of OFM retained many components of native ECM including fibronectin , glycosaminoglycans , elastin and fibroblast growth factor basic .

  4. 目的探讨硫化氢(H2S)抑制低氧性肺动脉高压(HPH)大鼠肺动脉弹力蛋白表达的变化。

    Aim To investigate the inhibitory effect of hydrogen sulfide on expression of elastin in hypoxic pulmonary hypertensive ( HPH ) rats .

  5. Martyn认为,可能的机制是,在宫内发育阶段,营养不良等因素影响了动脉壁弹力蛋白的发育异常,降低了动脉顺应性降低,从而导致了低出生体重儿童进入成年期后容易发生高血压。

    Arterial compliance may be affected by the retarded uterus growth through lowering the accumulation of elastin scleroprotein in the aorta wall , and the reduced arterial compliance perhaps causes adult 's hypertension in the babies with low birth weight .

  6. 硫化氢抑制低氧性肺动脉高压大鼠肺动脉弹力蛋白的表达

    Hydrogen sulfide inhibited expression of elastin in pulmonary arteries of hypoxic pulmonary hypertensive rats

  7. 芦荟保湿成份及弹力蛋白精华,长效保湿的同时,有效抚平细纹。

    Aloe hydrate factor and elastin extract , persistently hydrate skin and effectively smoothen fine lines .

  8. MMP-2和MMP-9主要降解基质胶原蛋白;MMP-12主要降解基质弹力纤维蛋白。

    MMP-2 and MMP-9 mainly depredate collagen , MMP-12 mainly depredate elastin .