- magazine;box magazine

It is of bullpup layout , and utilizes the most conventional gas operated , rotating bolt locked action , with detachable box magazine feeding .
When in doubt , empty your magazine .
Supporters of gun control want to ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines but Ron Johnson , a Republican senator from Wisconsin , told Fox News that he opposed such a move .
When he had used up his clip , Wray jumped into a ditch , put another clip into his M-1 , and dropped the German soldiers with the Schmeissers with one shot each .
If you finish , you may unload and show clear .
Listen to me . How many rounds do you have left ?
But the fact is there are 30-round magazines that are just common .
Two rifle magazines filled with blank ammunition ;
Now you 're offering me extra ammo .
Spare magazines or reloading devices inadvertently dropped or discarded by a competitor after the start signal may be safely retrieved .
Connecticut state police say a week before the midnight December 31st deadline more than 17000 gun owners had registered assault weapons and large capacity magazine clips .
A new law that takes effect in Connecticut today , making it illegal to have an unregistered assault weapon or magazine clip holding more than 10 bullets .
This method has positive roles for reducing the total height of magazine and weapon weight , and it also has some guiding significance in the design process of new spring .
Aimed at the feeding spring in magazine mechanism , the method that focuses on reducing assembly height of feeding spring was put forward on the basis of satisfying the ammunition feed betimes .
While he declined to provide specifics , Mr. Obama repeated his stance that he believes that stronger background checks , tighter control of high-capacity ammunition clips and an assault weapons ban are all proposals that make sense .
Because of shooter 's different methods , habits and strength of bullet installation , the position depth , length , width and inclination of the marks are different , sometimes there are few marks or even no marks .