
dàn xiá
  • magazine;box magazine
弹匣[dàn xiá]
  1. 这是小斗犬的布局,并利用最传统的气体操作,旋转螺栓锁行动与可拆卸弹匣喂养。

    It is of bullpup layout , and utilizes the most conventional gas operated , rotating bolt locked action , with detachable box magazine feeding .

  2. 有怀疑的时候,打空你的弹匣。

    When in doubt , empty your magazine .

  3. 枪支管制的支持者希望禁止突击步枪和大容量弹匣,但威斯康星州参议员罗恩约翰逊(ronjohnson)对福克斯新闻(foxnews)表示,他反对这一做法。

    Supporters of gun control want to ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines but Ron Johnson , a Republican senator from Wisconsin , told Fox News that he opposed such a move .

  4. 打光一个弹匣后,沃伊中尉跳进一条壕沟。给M-1安上另个弹匣,一次对射,撂倒两名手持斯米瑟冲锋枪德兵。

    When he had used up his clip , Wray jumped into a ditch , put another clip into his M-1 , and dropped the German soldiers with the Schmeissers with one shot each .

  5. 如你已完成射击,可退出弹匣及展示已退弹之空枪膛。

    If you finish , you may unload and show clear .

  6. 听我说,你还剩几个弹匣

    Listen to me . How many rounds do you have left ?

  7. 但事实是,30发子弹的弹匣也很常见。

    But the fact is there are 30-round magazines that are just common .

  8. 两个装有空炮弹的步枪弹匣;

    Two rifle magazines filled with blank ammunition ;

  9. 而现在却多给我一个弹匣

    Now you 're offering me extra ammo .

  10. 比赛开始后选手不慎掉落或丢弃的备用弹匣及填弹装置可在安全的前提下收回。

    Spare magazines or reloading devices inadvertently dropped or discarded by a competitor after the start signal may be safely retrieved .

  11. 康涅狄格州警方表示,在12月31日午夜这个最后期限一周前,超过1.7万名枪支持有者注册了攻击性武器以及大容量弹匣。

    Connecticut state police say a week before the midnight December 31st deadline more than 17000 gun owners had registered assault weapons and large capacity magazine clips .

  12. 今天,康涅狄格州一项新法律正式生效,法律规定,持有未注册的攻击性武器或容量超过10发子弹的弹匣违法。

    A new law that takes effect in Connecticut today , making it illegal to have an unregistered assault weapon or magazine clip holding more than 10 bullets .

  13. 这对减小弹匣的总体高度及武器减重方面有积极作用,并对新型弹簧的设计有一定的指导意义。

    This method has positive roles for reducing the total height of magazine and weapon weight , and it also has some guiding significance in the design process of new spring .

  14. 针对弹匣中的输弹簧,提出在满足供弹及时性的基础上,把设计重点放在减小输弹簧装配高度上的思想。

    Aimed at the feeding spring in magazine mechanism , the method that focuses on reducing assembly height of feeding spring was put forward on the basis of satisfying the ammunition feed betimes .

  15. 尽管奥巴马拒绝提供细节,但他重申,他相信更严格的背景调查、加紧控制大容量弹匣并禁止攻击性武器都是合理的提议。

    While he declined to provide specifics , Mr. Obama repeated his stance that he believes that stronger background checks , tighter control of high-capacity ammunition clips and an assault weapons ban are all proposals that make sense .

  16. 由于射手向弹匣内压装枪弹的方式、习惯、用力大小等因素不同,形成痕迹的位置、深浅、长短、宽窄、倾斜角度等也就有所不同,有的甚至不留下痕迹或很少留下痕迹。

    Because of shooter 's different methods , habits and strength of bullet installation , the position depth , length , width and inclination of the marks are different , sometimes there are few marks or even no marks .