
cè xiàng
  • Lateral;side-on;side direction;crossrange
侧向 [cè xiàng]
  • [side direction] 在应力分析中,与物体对称平面垂直的方向

侧向[cè xiàng]
  1. 颗粒侧向大角度光散射信息获取研究

    Study on acquisition of light scattering information of particles in large-angle side direction

  2. 侧向聚能药卷在岩巷掘进中的应用

    The Application of Energy Collection Explosive of Side Direction in Rock Tunnel Excavation

  3. 她抬起头侧向一边看着我。

    She cocked her head to one side and looked at me .

  4. 她打着呵欠,舒适地转身侧向一边。

    She turned luxuriantly on her side , yawning .

  5. 麦金农估计大桥的侧向移动介于4至6英寸之间。

    McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches .

  6. 分别设计纵向、横侧向航迹跟踪控制律,运用增量式PID算法进行控制。

    Design respectively trajectory tracking control law for longitudinal channel and lateral channel .

  7. [目的]观察器械侧向压力(load)和根管锉的工作磨损(wear)对超声锉和声波锉切削效力的影响。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the influence of lateral load and file wear on cutting ability of sonic or ultrasonic endodontic instruments .

  8. 基于RBF网络的轮胎侧向力模型

    The tire side-force model based on RBF neural network

  9. 加权残数法用于侧向力作用下开有n排孔列的剪力墙的近似解

    The application of the method of weighted residuals to the Stress-Analysis of the shear walls with N-ROWS of openings subjected to lateral loads

  10. Survivin基因在侧向生长型大肠肿瘤的表达

    Expression of Survivin in the laterally spreading colorectal tumor

  11. SH波作用下各向异性介质中裂缝的侧向扩展&摄动方法

    Kinking crack under SH-wave in anisotropic media & perturbation method

  12. 对于非常Hall效应,应用Berger的侧向跳跃模型进行了比较。

    The extraordinary Hall effects were compared by using Berger side - jumping model .

  13. FAⅢ-400侧向伸入式搅拌器的磁力驱动改造新型空心搅拌器

    Retrofits of the Magnetic Drive of the FA ⅲ - 400 Literal Embedding Mixers Hollow Type Stirrer

  14. 飞机横侧向系统的INA设计和鲁棒性分析

    An ina design and robust analysis of the lateral flight control system

  15. 实验研究了碳掺杂GaAs激光器帽层的侧向扩展电流对阈值的影响。

    The effect of current spreading in the cap layer of carbon doped GaAs laser on its threshold current was studied .

  16. 对不同种类土样的试验表明,控制试样侧向不变形的灵敏度高,达到了K0固结三轴剪切试验的要求。

    The test results of different kind of soil indicate that it has high sensitivity to control lateral deformation and fulfils the requirement of K 0-consolidation triaxial apparatus .

  17. 基于ADRC的直接侧向力/气动力复合控制系统设计

    Design of Lateral Thrust and Aerodynamics Blended Control System Based on Auto Disturbance Rejection Controller

  18. Sr5s~(21)S0-5s4d~1D2单光子电四极矩E2跃迁及其缓冲气压对侧向荧光光谱影响的研究

    A study of 5s ~ ( 2 1 ) S_0-5s4d ~ 1D_2 electric quadrupole E2 transition and buffer gas effect on chemiluminescent spectroscopy

  19. 这样,一些较侧向的Sc星系就会被错分类到早型星系中。结果还直接表明:如果星系分类只是在图像上进行,则各类星系的光度函数就会出现偏差。

    Our result also implies that there might exist biases in the luminosity functions of individual Hubble types if spiral galaxies are only classified visually .

  20. 本文对在高阶振型影响下钢筋混凝土框架结构的Pushover分析中侧向力的选取提出了建议。

    Suggestions about load pattern selection in pushover analysis ( POA ) are made when higher mode influence is found important .

  21. 当接触面摩擦较小时,塑性等效应变图案为上下两个X形网络,侧向位移上下分布均匀;

    When friction is the minimum on the contact plane , the plot of plastic equivalent strain is two X-shaped localization bands from the upper to the lower end with a uniform distribution of lateral displacement .

  22. 侧向加固半径距荷载作用中心接近2D(D为夯锤直径),荷载作用中心下加固深度能达到2D甚至更大。

    The lateral reinforced radius from the center of loading is 2D ( D is a the diameter of tamping hammer ), the reinforced depth under the center of loading is also 2D or larger .

  23. 再利用MOCVD材料生长设备侧向外延生长了GaN基LED外延片(其主要结构包括:n-GaN、量子阱和p-GaN)。

    Then , GaN-based LED epitaxial was grown using MOCVD equipments through lateral epitaxial growth method . ( Including : n-GaN quantum wells and p-GaN ) .

  24. 对FAⅢ-400侧向伸入式搅拌器泄漏的原因进行了分析,采用磁力驱动技术对其进行了改造,有效解决了搅拌器的泄漏问题。

    An analysis was made for the leakage causes of FA ⅲ - 400 literal embedding mixers , the magnetic drive technique was used for their retrofits and the leakage problems were solved .

  25. 对横侧向而言,为了消除侧滑角对飞行控制带来的影响,提高转弯效率,采用倾斜转弯(BTT)控制方法设计了横侧向姿态飞行控制系统。

    In lateral subsystem , we use BTT control method to design attitude control system in order to eliminate the effect of slip angle and improve cornering efficiency .

  26. 利用纯化的细胞骨架组成蛋白进行体外重组试验,经十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)电泳结果表明,F-肌动蛋白能侧向与血小板细胞膜结合,但不能与完整血小板结合。

    The cytoskeletal component proteins were used in reassembly tests in vitro . Results of SDS electrophoresis showed that ( 1 ) F-actin can reattach to the human blood platelet membrane , but not to the intact platelet .

  27. 为达到更高的精度,用BP神经网络对超声波测量系统进行建模和仿真;应用双超声波组合测量的方案,采取传统的PID控制算法,进行自动导航车的侧向定位实验。

    In order to reach the higher accuracy , the modeling and simulation of ultrasonic measure system were carried out by BP neural network . The traditional PID control method was used to carry on the lateral location experiment of AGV by the project of dual-ultrasonic measurement .

  28. 基于切削力曲面模型,采用多项式拟合的方法构建刀具在许可切削力下的侧向切深和进给率的方程,根据建立的方程计算每个刀位点处的进给率并反写到初始的G代码文件中。

    Based on the cutting force surface model , a polynomial equation of side cutting depth and feedrate is created to calculate the feedrate of each CL data and the calculated feedrate value is written out with the G-code position data block to an updated version of the die-cavity .

  29. 试验研究了碳纤维布约束混凝土柱的破坏形态及轴压应力与轴向、横向应变之间的变化曲线,确定了碳纤维布的有效应变系数。探讨了FRP材料约束混凝土矩形柱的侧向约束机理;

    The relationships between the axial compressive stress , axial and lateral strains of the concrete columns were analyzed , an efficiency factor of CFRP strain is proposed and the lateral confinement mechanism of FRP materials for rectangular columns is explored .

  30. 中层岩溶带厚约70m,未充填洞穴发育,有效孔隙率1.5%,侧向水流通畅;

    The thickness of middle cave zone is about 70m , which is characterized by an effective porosity of 0.015 , and development of unfilled caves and karst conduits .