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  1. 侧部导入超声处理对共晶Al-Si合金凝固特性的影响

    Influence of side ultrasonic treatment on solidification characterization of Al-Si eutectic alloy

  2. 通过对300L液氮杜瓦的结构的热力学分析,提出了对其颈管尺寸、底侧部支撑及绝热方式等方面的重大技术改进,解决了将300L液氮杜瓦用于贮存和长途汽车运输的技术问题。

    In his paper we analyzed the structure of the 300L liquid nitrogen vessel with thermal dynamics , and solved the problem of storing and long distance transport of 300L liquid nitrogen vessel by technical improvement of the neck tube size , side bottom support and the adiabatic method .

  3. 猴垂体前叶远侧部的P物质免疫反应神经纤维

    Substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the pars distalis of the anterior pituitary of macaques

  4. 犬腺垂体远侧部P物质样免疫反应神经纤维的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural study of substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers in the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis in the dog

  5. 核团吻侧部及中间部P物质相对含量明显多于尾侧部。

    The relative value of SP in the rostral and middle parts was significantly higher than that in the caudal part .

  6. 猴垂体前叶远侧部P物质免疫反应神经纤维与促甲状腺素、促皮质素免疫反应细胞之间的关系

    The relationship of substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibers to thyrotropes and corticotropes in the pars distalis of the anterior pituitary in the monkey

  7. 本实验结果表明,犬腺垂体远侧部P物质样免疫反应神经纤维对腺细胞活动有直接调节作用。

    It is considered morphologically proved that the substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers have effector role in the pars distalis of the dog .

  8. 辐照后垂体远侧部内分泌细胞GR表达增强。

    The expression of GR in anterior pituitary was increased after HPM exposure .

  9. 损伤ACC特别是它的吻侧部,可以破坏痛相关厌恶情绪的形成。

    Lesion of the ACC , especially the rostral part of ACC abolished the pain-like aversion .

  10. 大鼠垂体远侧部ACTH细胞与GH细胞形态学关系的免疫细胞化学研究

    Immunocytochemical studies on the morphological relationship between ACTH cells and GH cells in the pars distalis of rat pituitary

  11. 生后第1天,在脑垂体远侧部前下端出现极少数的GH细胞,分泌颗粒细小,被染成棕褐色或黄褐色。

    On the first day after birth , several GH cells were seen in the anterior end of the pars distalis .

  12. 大鼠实验性腹膜炎自愈过程中垂体远侧部ACTH细胞和TSH细胞变化的定量研究

    Quantitative study of ACTH cells and TSH cells in the pars distalis of hypophysis during experimental peritonitis in rat

  13. 大鼠实验性腺胃癌过程中脑垂体远侧部FSH细胞的免疫组织化学观察

    Immunohistochemical observation of FSH positive cells in pars distalis of the pituitary gland in the course of experimental rat gastric carcinoma

  14. 吗啡依赖及乌拉地尔戒断大鼠垂体远侧部TSH细胞免疫组织化学研究

    Immunohistochemical Study of TSH Cells in Pars Distalis of Pituitary Gland of Morphine Dependent Rats and Restoration after Withdrawal in Urapidil

  15. 含P物质样免疫反应神经元胞体仅见于中缝背核最尾侧部,含P物质阳性胞体数平均167个/只;

    The results showed four main points : 1 . SP-containing immunoreactive cell bodies were only seen in the most caudal part of the dorsal raphe nucleus , the average number of SP-positive cell bodies was about 167 in each animal .

  16. 结果发现,接受细菌刺激的动物与仅给予生理盐水的动物相比,回肠和肠系膜淋巴结有明显炎症存在,室旁核外侧部和视上核背侧部的Fos阳性细胞数增加;

    Results showed that in bacteria-stimulated rats , inflammation existed in intestinum and mesenteric lymphonodi , Fos-LI cells increased in lateral part of PVN and dorsal part of SON .

  17. AP区的吻侧部向尾段PAG的腹外侧区投射最多,向其他部位投射较少;

    Rostral part of the AP had most projection fibers to the ventrolateral region of the PAG , only a few projection fibers were observed in other regions of the PAG .

  18. GABA阳性纤维主要集中于前外区、前背区背侧部、前腹区梭形核和纹旁核及后部背侧区域。

    GABA-ir fibers were concentrated mainly in the dorsal regions of the AL and AD , the parastrial and fusiform nuclei of the AV , and the dorsal regions of the posterior part .

  19. 迷走神经背核簇尾侧部内NT-LI物的核内联系

    Intranuclear Relationships about Neurotensin-like Immunoreactive Structures in the Caudal Portion of the Dorsal Vagal Complex

  20. 结果表明TWEE能促进大鼠垂体远侧部ACTH细胞合成和分泌ACTH。

    The results indicated that TWEE had the effects of promoting synthesis and secretion of ACTH of the ACTH cells in the distal part of rat pituitary .

  21. 目的观察硒对致癌剂氧化偶氮甲烷(AOM)所致大鼠结肠癌形成过程中,垂体远侧部ACTH阳性细胞的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of selenium on the ACTH positive cells in the pars distalis of pituitary of rat with colon mucosa cancer induced by azoxymethane ( AOM ) .

  22. Orexin-A是一种由下丘脑侧部特异神经元分泌的、能够促进摄食并减少能量消耗的因子。

    While orexin-A is another bio-active protein secreted by specific neurons in lateral hypothalamus , mainly promote food intake and suppress energy expenditure .

  23. 应用免疫组化ABC法发现羊垂体前叶有降钙素基因相关肽免疫反应神经纤维存在,这些纤维呈串球状分布于结节部及远侧部前2/3区域。

    Calcitonin gene related peptide immunoreactive nerve fibers in the anterior pituitary of the goat were found with ABC method of immunohistochemistry . These fibers occurred in the 2 / 3 front area of pars distalis and pars tuberalis , showed clear moniliform .

  24. AVM、ADO等两个位于带状区腹侧部的新发现的小核团亦可观察到阳性细胞和突起。

    A few cell bodies and processes in the two newly found nuclei , the area ventral to the motor trigeminal nucleus ( AVM ) and the area dorsal to the superior olivary nucleus ( ADO ), were also labeled .

  25. 观察安定或氟安定对刺激中脑导水管周围灰质背侧部(dPAG)所引起升压反应的影响。

    The pressor response was elicit-ed by stimulation of dorsal part of midbrain periaqueductal gray ( dPAG ) .

  26. HRP注入延髓网状巨细胞核及其腹侧部后,大量标记细胞出现在大脑皮层运动感觉区、上丘、小脑顶核及脊髓颈、胸、腰段灰质。

    After introducing HRP into the GC and its ventral part with microinjection , numerous labeled cells were observed in the sensorimotor cortex , superior colliculus , fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum , the gray matter of cervical , thoracic , and lumbar cord .

  27. 此外,VDB背侧部还接受杏仁外侧核后部、被盖背核的腹侧部及外侧部、嗅前核、未定带及连接核的投射。

    In addition , the dorsal part of VDB received also afferent fibers from anterior olfactory nucleus , ventral and lateral parts of dorsal tegmental nucleus and zona incerta etc ;

  28. 用免疫组织化学方法对出生后1天,1、2、3周,1及3月的Wistar种大白鼠脑垂体远侧部的促生长激素(GH)细胞的发育分化进行了观察。

    The hypophyses of postnatal male Wistar rats , first day , 1 , 2 , 3 weeks , 1 and 3 months after birth , were studied by immunohistochemical staining to ascertain the time of origin , development and differentiation of the growth hormone ( GH ) cells .

  29. 基于上述结果,本研究首先系统考察了大鼠前扣带皮层,特别是其吻侧部(rACC)NMDA受体Gly位点及其内源性激动剂D-Ser在痛相关厌恶情绪形成中的作用。

    Based on the above-mentioned evidence , we first systematically investigated the role of gly site in NMDA receptor of the ACC especially rostral part ( rACC ) and D-ser in pain related negative affect .

  30. 研究结果表明,从妊娠60天一直到出生,绵羊胎儿腺垂体中Islet-1的分布主要集中在腺垂体结节部和腺垂体远侧部腹侧区域细胞的细胞核内。

    The results showed that Islet-1 was detected in the cellular nuclei , most of which located in the pars tuberalis and the ventral region of the pars distalis during gestation .