
  • 网络Wonderbra;push-up bra;NU BRA
  1. 谁介绍你用魔术胸罩的?

    Who introduced you to the wonderbra ?

  2. 不过,真正改变男男女女对胸罩看法的,则是魔术胸罩。

    But it 's Wonderbra that really changed the way women and men think about bras .

  3. 魔术胸罩和V领衬衫

    The pushup bra and Vneck T.

  4. 所有女生都穿着魔术胸罩。

    All the girls wore push-up bras .

  5. 这款魔术胸罩采用前扣设计,搭配最简单的蝴蝶结加以美化。

    The clasps at the front of the bra are designed to pop open with the simplest of manoeuvres .