
  • 网络Lemegeton
  1. 这是我在1970年代由幼童军魔术书中自己学来的;

    I learned it myself from Cub Scout Magic in the1970s .

  2. 他从魔术书中得知有盏神灯埋在中国大地的一个洞里。

    He learned from his magic book a wonderful lamp was hidden in a hole in the ground in China .

  3. 这些话在这个问题上说的真是太好了。“‘我在写一本关于魔术的书,’我解释道,然后我又被问道,‘真正的魔术?’

    It speaks so eloquently to the problem . " 'I 'm writing a book on magic , ' I explain , and I 'm asked , ' Real magic ? '