
  • 网络Human and Environment;Humanity and Environment
  1. 试论人类与环境关系的演变

    On the Evolvement of the Relationship between Human and Environment

  2. 从生态人类学的角度来看,人类与环境之间的关系是一种互动的关系。

    From the view of the ecological anthropology , the relationships between human and environment are the relations of interaction .

  3. 人类与环境作斗争(卡尔A.门宁格)

    The human being struggles with his environment ( Karl A. Menninger )

  4. 武陵山区人类与环境的初步研究

    Preliminary study on man and environment in Wuling mountainous area

  5. 环境教育是以人类与环境的关系为核心而展开的。

    The core of environmental education is the relation of mankind and environment .

  6. 人类与环境的关系是当今世界关注的焦点。

    The relationship of human race and environment has become the focus of the world .

  7. 地理学、生态学、环境科学与人类与环境相互作用研究

    Geography , ecology , Environmental Sciences and their contribution to the study on interaction between man and environment

  8. 人类与环境之间的这种相互影响和作用,随着人类文明的发展也在不断的变化和发展。

    The such interaction between humans and the environment is changing and growing with the development of human civilization constantly .

  9. 绿色制造模式是实现人类与环境相容的先进制造模式,是制造业发展的必然趋势之一;

    Green Manufacturing in an advanced manufacturing model to achieve " consist with environment " and is inevitable trend of manufacturing .

  10. 联系的基础在于它们都致力于探讨人类与环境的关系。

    The connection can be found from the fact that both of them have tried to study the relationship between human being and environment .

  11. 陆桥文化的负熵功能表现在陆桥文化对全球化发展,对人类与环境协调发展,对陆桥经济的快速发展的重要作用。

    Its entropy function plays an important role in the development of globalization , the harmonious development of man and surroundings and continental economy .

  12. 它决定了人类与环境交互作用的过程中能否有效地适应高温环境,维持生存。

    It determined whether human being could adapt for hot environment and survive themselves effectively during the course of interaction of human being and environment .

  13. 人类与环境之间的能量传递、物质交换,是以地球表层为依托、以大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、生物圈和智能圈相互耦合。

    The coupling between people and environment form a huge system of dissipative structure consistz of atmosphere , hydrosphere , lithosphere , biosphere and intellisphere .

  14. 我的作品描述的是人们与风景间的互动,同时和风水有关,以人类与环境间的动态关系为主。

    My work depicts the interactions between people and landscapes and relates to Feng Shui , which focuses on the dynamic relationship between humans and their environment .

  15. 随着人类与环境关系的逐渐恶化,可持续发展理念应运而生,对社会产生了深刻的影响。

    As the relation between human beings and environment increasingly worsens , the idea of sustained development comes into being and has a profound influence on the society .

  16. 随着工业化城市的不断发展壮大,人类与环境的关系也日益密切,人类活动对环境造成的影响也是在不断的增加。

    Along with the development of industrialization and urbanization , the relationship between environment and humans are becoming close , and environmental impact from human being has been increasingly severe .

  17. 环境法是人类与环境妥协的结果.人类改造自然的能力即是人类掌握的科技力量,资源是经济发展的基础,环境、科技与经济都是动态发展变化的。

    Environmental law is the comprise by people and environment . People 's power reforming nature is the technology grasped by people . Resources are the bases of humankind econmy .

  18. 人类与环境,就像大自然中的生物链,是环环相扣,不可分割的对立统一。

    The human being and the environment , just as the " food chain " in the nature , are a pair of unity of opposites which is interconnected with each other .

  19. 问题解决是人类与环境的一种基本交流方式,人们在日常生活和学习中主要通过信息交流和问题解决获取知识,发展智慧。

    Problem-solving is a basic way in which human beings communicate with the environment . People acquire knowledge and develop intelligence mainly through information communicate and problem-solving in their daily lives and learning .

  20. 而理解人类与环境之间关系的关键&文化理念对人类的永续发展有着重要的影响是人类学家普遍认同的一个观念。

    Lots of anthropologists think that the key to the relation between human culture and environment is the culture concepts of human being , which influences the sustainable development of human being greatly .

  21. 文章分析了人类与环境、环境保护与可持续发展问题的现状,针对我国实施污染控制和生态保护战略提出四条建议。

    The paper analyses current situation of humanity and environment & environmental protection and sustained development , and it put forward relevant suggestions aiming to carry out the strategies of controlling pollution and protecting ecology .

  22. 在改造自然环境和创建社会环境的过程中,人类与环境不断相互影响,产生了环境问题。

    For thousands of years , in the process of influencing and altering nature as well as building their society , human beings keep interacting with environment and thus have caused series of environmental problems .

  23. 以此为基础确立的区域控制原则,更能符合生态规律和环境自身的属性,体现可持续发展的环境保护理念,并最终实现人类与环境和谐共存的目标。

    It refers to the nature area on the basis of the natural geographical feature . According to it , the regional control principle is established to comply with ecological law and the feature of environment .

  24. 环境移民的产生主要起因于经济、生态等物质性原因,它直接反映出人类与环境、人口与资源、劳动力与生产资料的对比关系和主体对客体的渴望水平。

    Environment emigration originated from economic and ecological reasons , reflects directly the contrastive relation of human being and environment , population and resource , labour forces and production material , and demanding level of the subject of the object .

  25. 佛教依正不二的思想对于人类与环境的认识极为深刻,是佛教生态自然观的主体,对于当前的环境保护实践具有根本性的指导意义。

    The Buddhist idea of " Yizhengbuer ", the main Buddhist ecological view of nature , is very profound in the understanding of the relationship between human and environment . It has a fundamental significance for the current practice of environmental protection .

  26. 本文在分析人类与环境问题的关系以及环境保护与可持续发展的关系的基础上,重点提出了在当前人口激增、科技进步、经济发展的背景下,如何促进环境保护与可持续发展的协调发展。

    On the basis of analysis on relation between mankind and environment , relation between environmental protection and sustained development , the paper focus on how to improve coordination development of environment protection and sustained development under the conditions of population increase sharply , technical progress and economic development .

  27. 该文研究了人类捕获与环境污染对Leslie资源-消费者模型中消费者种群的影响。

    This article is devoted to the study of the effects of pollution and catch on the consumer population in Leslie 's resources consumer systems .

  28. 心理生态学研究人类行为与环境的关系;

    Psychological ecology studies the relation between human behavior and environment .

  29. 青海湖地区的人类活动与环境

    The Human Activity in the Region of the Qinghai Lake and Environment

  30. 人类活动与环境演变的关系&1949年以前户县冲积平原区研究

    The relation between human activities and environment change in Huxian alluvial plain