
  1. 你应该尽情享受人生的乐趣。

    You should enjoy life to the full .

  2. 我父亲经常提醒我要享受人生的乐趣。

    My father always reminded me that I should enjoy life .

  3. 唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。

    Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life .

  4. 人生的乐趣也在严酷的冬天。

    Joy of life remains , even in severe winter .

  5. 你让我体会了人生的乐趣。

    You 've given me a taste for life .

  6. 正是人生的乐趣使我们能够帮助别人也能于别人处获得帮助。

    It is the joy of living to help others and to be helped by others .

  7. 若是死亡迫在眉睫,那我至少要说我已享受过人生的乐趣。

    If death frowns so near , I will say at least that I have lived .

  8. 除非创造力为人的智力所不及,且与人生的乐趣风马牛不相及;

    If creativity was beyond the human mind and had nothing to do with the joy of living ;

  9. 首先,健康是快乐的要决。只有身体强健的人才能享受人生的乐趣。

    First , health is the key to happiness . Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life .

  10. 人生的乐趣千般万种,比方谛听鸟儿的欢鸣,吸纳花朵的芳香。

    There are many kinds of joys of living , such as hearing birds singing and appreciating the smell of flowers .

  11. 你让我体会了人生的乐趣,我很快乐,也想安枕无忧,我有根了。

    You 've given me a taste for life , I wanna be happy , sleep in a bed , have roots .

  12. 丰富多彩的生活让我们体会到了人生的乐趣,通过舞蹈来表达,内心中无法用语言来形容的情感。

    Colorful life let we realized the pleasure of life , through the dance to express , the , heart can not language to describe emotion .

  13. 但是,如果你虽然只是简单地做了些家常菜,但却认真品味每一口,那么即便没花很多钱,你也享受到了人生的乐趣。

    But if you cook a simple but delicious meal , and really taste every bite , it can be tremendously enjoyable without costing a lot .

  14. 儿童钢琴教育,应使他们在教材学习中感受到音乐的魅力,体会音乐带给他们艺术人生的乐趣。

    Children education , should make their piano music in the teaching material study , feel the charm of music brings them experience the fun of artistic life .

  15. 人生的最大乐趣之一就是谈话。

    One of the greatest pleasure of life is conversation .

  16. 或许人生最大的乐趣莫过于明确、轻快、自觉地工作;

    Perhaps the very highest pleasure in life consisting in clear , brisk , conscious working ;

  17. 金圣叹认为雪夜闭户读禁书,是人生最大的乐趣。

    Jin Shengtan regards reading a banned book behind closed doors on a snowy night as one of the greatest pleasures of life .

  18. 交往是人生的一大乐趣。

    C-is one of the pleasures of life .

  19. 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。(美国发明家爱迪生.T.)

    Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life . ( Thomas Edison , American inventor )

  20. 教师唯有不断学习,不断创新,才能真正从教育教学活动中体验到人生的价值和乐趣。

    Teachers can experience the value of life and fun of teaching activities only by continuous learning and innovation .

  21. 每个人都遇到过极品前任,将那些他们如何极品的故事与他人分享,这也是人生的一大乐趣。

    We 've all got a crazy ex , and sharing stories about how insane they were is one of life 's great joys .

  22. 但演讲的最后他补充道:人生最美妙的乐趣就是在于承认自己并不特别。

    But near the end of the address he says , The sweetest joys of life , then , come only with the recognition that you 're not special .

  23. 拥有友谊是人生中的一大乐趣。

    Friendship is one of the greatest pleasure that people can enjoy .

  24. 亲爱的朋友,让我们伸开双臂去拥抱音乐,在人生中享受音乐的乐趣。

    So dear friends , let 's open our arms to embrace music and enjoy it throughout our lives .

  25. 我将把他定义为这样的人,他把以苏格拉底的方式去思考道德问题作为人生首要的责任和乐趣。

    I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic way about moral problem .

  26. 不过在致辞快结束的时候,他说:“人生中最美妙的乐趣,在于意识到你并不特别。因为每个人都是特别的。”

    But near the end of the address he says , " The sweetest joys of life , then , come only with the recognition that you 're not special . Because everyone is . "

  27. 在模拟人生2豪华版中,你可以享受模拟人生2中的所有乐趣和创造力!

    Enjoy all the fun and creativity of the sims ? 2 in the sims ? 2 Deluxe edition !

  28. 当你回首人生路时,你可能只看到一条逻辑清晰的轨迹,但当你经历其中时,你会发现生活充满了偶然性和意外发现,而这就是人生的乐趣。

    When you look back on your life it will seem linear and logical , but while you are going through it it 's all haphazard and serendipity . And that 's the fun of it .