
  1. 哲学根本上是一种人的精神追求,哲学思维能力是人之为人的基本素质,哲学修养体现出人生的境界。

    Philosophy is a human 's pursuit in essence , philosophy thought ability is basic quality as mankind , philosophy training reflects one 's life state .

  2. 人生的最高境界是是么?

    The lofty realm of life ?

  3. 天人合一被中国古代哲学家视为人生的理想境界。

    The harmony of heaven and men was regarded as ideal state in life by ancient Chinese philosophers .

  4. 成绩只是过去,要一切从零开始,那样才能跨越人生新的境界。

    The result was only the past , wanted to start from zero , such could surmount the life new boundary .

  5. 在孩子的眼睛里,你被提升到了一个施予关爱和传递人生的特别境界,成为欢乐的源泉。

    In the eyes of a child you become the source of joy , which lifts you into the special category of caregiver and life-provider .

  6. 这样你就认为到了人生痛苦的至高境界了吗?

    You think you got the market cornered on human suffering ?

  7. 和合,和谐,是中国哲学的基本范畴,也是中国哲学及人生追求的理想境界。

    Harmony is the basic category of Chinese philosophy and the ideal state of life goal and the Chinese philosophy .

  8. 不断自我提高,去追求人生的更高境界,去追求更高级别的怜悯和自我提高。

    To grow into more of ourselves , always moving to the next level of understanding , the next level of compassion and growth .

  9. 不断提升自我,去追求人生的更高境界,去追求更高级别的怜悯的成长。

    So , to grow into being more of ourselves , always moving to the next level of understanding , the next level of compassion and growth .

  10. 网络学习使我们看到了现代教育与人生发展的理想境界:教育机会平等、终身学习、学习的个性化和自主性。

    Web-based learning makes us see the ideal realm of modern education and self-development : the educational chance being equal , learning all the life , studying of individualization and independence .

  11. 禅宗则是以宗教形式表现出来的人生艺术化的最高境界。

    While Buddhism pursuit the highest level that literary life is expressed by religious forms .

  12. 他的人生境界说的不同境界相当于儒家或者道家的不同人格。

    He says the realm of life different realm of Confucian or Taoist equivalent of various personalities .

  13. 选择幸福,没有任何附加条件的幸福,那么,你将会为自己的人生创造最理想的境界。

    Choose to be happy , with no conditions imposed upon that happiness , and you 'll create the ideal conditions for your life .

  14. 所以,如果你为自己做了灵气,那么你就会允许自己自然自发地去觉察何为人生道路上的至善境界。

    So when you have Reiki done for you or to yourself , then you allow yourself to innately become aware of these understandings of what is for your highest good on your life path .

  15. 魏晋玄学“气”范畴具有特殊的本体论蕴涵,这种蕴涵在王弼、郭象及东晋后期张湛等的阐释中,愈来愈与人生的存在境遇和境界抉择相联结。

    As one of the metaphysical categories of Wei Jin , it possesses special ontological significance and is combined with the existential circumstances and choices of life in the explanations of WANG Bi , GUO Xiang and ZHANG Zhan .

  16. 可以把禅境看成人生的一种审美境界,它集中体现了人所珍视的自由感的四个方面:无言、无理、无碍、无我;

    We can regard the Zen Buddhism border as a kind of aesthetic realm of life , it embodies a concentrated reflection of four respects of the freedom sense that people care of These are no speeches , unreasonable , hindering and having no me ;

  17. 具体地说,就是文化与自然的和谐、幽默与近情的人生态度、真我人格的自觉追求,最终实现人生与艺术合二为一的境界。

    Specifically , it involves the harmony between culture and nature , an outlook on life featuring humour and affection , and conscious pursuit for an authentic personality , which facilitate the mergence life and art .

  18. 本文认为,仁既是人生的源域,又展开为人的生存实践,同时还代表了人生的理想境界。

    This dissertation regards that benevolence is not only an original region of life , but also an outspread of the existing-practice of people . At the same time , it represents an ideal boundary of life .

  19. 人生四境,表明了一种发展,而天地境界更是人生价值和意义的最完美展现,是人生追求的理想境界。

    Four states of life show a kind of development , universe state is the most perfect exhibition of life value and meaning , is the ideal state of life pursuit .