
  • 网络Natural realm;natural boundary
  1. 自然境界体验人文山水、地域风光的纯真,大美无言;

    The natural boundary experiences humanities scenery and the region landscape with purity and untold great beauty .

  2. 而近30处景点直接体现了道家的自然境界或神仙境界的追求;

    But the nearly 30 scenic spots have directly manifested Taoism 's natural boundary or the deity boundary pursue ;

  3. 论嵇康的自然境界

    The Discussion about Spontaneity On Ji Kang 's State of Spontaneity

  4. 歌唱艺术的自然境界

    Keeping Natural State in Singing

  5. 从自然境界到天地境界,表现了因觉解程度的不同而逐渐递进的关系。

    From natural state to world state , expressed in multiple layers relationship because of different degree about " understanding consciously " .

  6. 以此考察我国当代社会人生境界之整体状况,表现为:自然境界本然存在、功利境界居于主导、道德境界严重缺失和天地境界远而高玄。

    According to persons different feeling , he puts forwards creatively life to the four realms : natural realm , utilitarian realm , moral realm , the realm of heaven and earth .

  7. 该说以人们对宇宙人生的觉解程度将人生境界从低到高划分为四种:自然境界、功利境界、道德境界和天地境界。

    The theory classifies the state of life into four kinds , from the lower level to the higher level according to the degrees how people understand the universe : " natural state "," material state "," moral state " and " universal state " .

  8. 冯友兰将人生分为四种境界,从最低的自然境界到功利境界,再到道德境界,最后到最高的天地境界,所对应的人的境界是不同的。

    Feng You-Lan will be divided into four realms of life , from the lowest realm of the natural realm to the utilitarian , to the moral realm , and finally to the highest realm of heaven and earth , the corresponding realm is a different person .

  9. 太极拳的学习与演练,达到返朴归真和回归自然的境界,缓解控制和治疗心理疾病。

    The study of shadowboxing may help relieve , control and cure mental illnesses .

  10. 老子崇尚自然的境界,庄子提出了真人、神人、圣人、至人等人格,倡导天人合一。

    Lao tze advocated natural state , zhuang zi proposed reality , the man of god , sage , to people , advocating the oneness personality .

  11. 来自道的无声之声、自然全美的境界。

    Voices from the silent Taoism , across the natural realm . 3 .

  12. 东方的诗性意境是通过中国古典诗词、绘画等多种艺术语言来体现崇高的自然、人格境界。

    Oriental poetic imagery is by Chinese classical poetry and painting etc. Various artistic language to embody the natural personality and lofty realm .

  13. 包括天道圆思想、象数文化以及贵自然的美学境界。

    Including " the heaven is round " thinking , " shape and number " culture and the aesthetic realm of " pursue nature " .

  14. 陶渊明是魏晋独具风流的人物,不仅是诗,在他的文章中也处处体现出以自然为最高境界的处世哲学。

    Tao Yuanming is a unique romantic figure , not only poetry , in his article also reflected everywhere the highest realm of natural philosophy .

  15. 论陈白沙自然之乐的境界论

    On the State Theory of CHEN Bai-sha 's Enjoyment of Nature

  16. 自然悟性的最高境界&读徐志摩《天目山中笔记》

    The Highest Realm of Natural Comprehension & While reading " The Note in the Tianmu Mountains " by Xu Zhimo ;

  17. 归家途中的林荫道,驾驭名车驶向运河岸上的院子,静谧的自然感受与唯美境界尽在人生的旅途中。

    On the way home , in the boulevard , driving brand name car to courtyard on canal bank , quiet natural feelings and aesthetic realm filled in life 's journey .

  18. 境界说是中国传统哲学的显著特质和特点,陈白沙在建构其心学基本体系的过程中,提出了自然之乐的境界之学。

    The idea of ' realm ' is the significant character of Chinese traditional philosophy , during the establishment of the basic system of which Chen Baisha proposed the study of the realm of ' natural happiness ' .

  19. 本论文认为:装饰艺术乃中国造型传统之本源和精髓,其自然和谐的思想境界与审美理想,在文明发展历程中具有积极的推动作用;

    The major argument of the dissertation is that decorative art is the source and essence of the Chinese plastic arts tradition and its natural and harmonic philosophy and aesthetical pursuit plays a positive role in Chinese civilization development .

  20. 水文化的实质是一个国家或区域人民的优良传统和品德在水事活动中的体现,其根本理念是创造以人为本和人与自然和谐相处的境界。

    The culture of water is a projection of fine tradition and ethics of people of a particular area or country on water-related activities , and its fundamental concept is to foster an atmosphere of people-orientation and harmonious human-nature relationships .

  21. 无论是传统工艺玻璃和新工艺玻璃,佳富豪从色彩、质感、神韵等方面都达到了“梦想自然,呼吸自然,展现自然”的境界。

    Regardless of traditional process glass and new craft glass , from color , texture to verve , every aspect has achieved the boundary of " dream nature , breath nature , development nature " .

  22. 在他的湘西世界中,着力表现的是乡下人自然强健的生命活力和自由自在的生命精神,是人与自然契合的生命境界。

    Shen was intended to describe the provincialists ' strong but natural vitality in his West Human literary world , and the free spirit of life , which was " harmony of man and nature " .

  23. 说明人类社会的本质是自然的,自然是世界的中心,万事万物包括人类社会的最高生态理想是完全态的自然境界。

    This ideology expounds respectively that the essence of human society is nature , nature is the center of the world , and that the ultimate perfect ecological ideal of everything , including human society , is the natural environment in entirety .

  24. 她以观察自然,研究自然,理解自然,然后努力表现自然作为创造舞蹈的思想法则,最终引领着现代舞达到从自然走向自由的境界。

    She based the thoughtful rule of creating dance from the following aspects : observing nature , studying nature , understanding nature and trying to express nature , leading modern dance from nature to freedom .