
  • 网络Free information
  1. 分别对自由信息和经济信息进行了定义和论述;

    The definitions of free information and economic information are analyzed .

  2. 文章提出,自由信息是相对的,经济信息是绝对的;

    The paper points out that free information is relative while economic information is absolute .

  3. 审查CRU是否遵守了这所大学的政策以及跟《自由信息法案》要求相关的准则。

    Review CRU 's compliance or otherwise with the university 's policies and practices regarding requests under the Freedom of Information Act .

  4. 没有什么可以阻止自由信息的流动,或者永久隐瞒真相。

    There are no ways to stop the free flow of information , or permanently hide the truth .

  5. 专家组还肩负着一个任务:看看研究所是否完全遵守了《自由信息法案》中的要求。

    The panel are also tasked with considering whether the unit failed to observe Freedom of Information requests properly .

  6. 做了一个叫Alaveteli的自由信息平台。

    and he built a site called Alaveteli , and what it is , it 's a Freedom of Information platform .

  7. 司法部依据《自由信息法》的规定公布了这份9.7万名被告的数据,《自由信息法》在雪城大学追踪项目的要求下实施。

    The 97000 number comes from the Justice Department through a Freedom of Information Act request by the track project of Syracuse University .

  8. 今年4月,面向媒体从业人员和研究人员提供服务的MuckRock根据美国《自由信息法案》申请信息公开,这份手册也因此重见天日。

    The document became available as a result of an April Freedom of Information Act request by MuckRock , a service-provider for journalists and researchers .

  9. 研究小组利用美国的自由信息法案获取了四种药物的三十五份未公开发表的临床试验报告。

    The team used an American law , the Freedom of Information Act , to get unpublished reports on thirty-five clinical trials of four drugs .

  10. 我们的国家必须抛弃所有种族主义的恶习,因为我们不能在传递自由信息的同时还携带着偏见的包袱。

    And our country must abandon all the habits of racism , because we cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time .

  11. 《每日电讯报》根据《自由信息法》开展的调查显示,目前,布里斯托尔、伯克郡、彼得堡、西米德兰兹、诺森比亚、达勒姆郡的中学都在为少女避孕。

    Implants and jabs are now offered in schools in Bristol , Berkshire , Peterborough , West Midlands , Northumbria and Country Durham according to a survey by The Daily Telegraph , using Freedom of Information laws .

  12. 自由Fisher信息量与合并自由

    Free Fisher Information and Amalgamated Freeness freedom ; Freedom

  13. 根据从CAD模型中得到的信息和零、部件的自由度信息,制定了产品拆卸序列规划的推理规则和求解算法;

    Then , the reasoning rules for disassembly sequence planning and its corresponding algorithm were discussed on the basis of the information relevant to ASP and assembly feature matrix .

  14. 信息自由、信息权利与公共图书馆制度

    Information Freedom , Information Right and Public Library System

  15. 提出了自由振动信息综合的概念。

    A new concept of " synthesis " of free vibration information is presented .

  16. 自由文本信息抽取技术

    Techniques of Information Extraction from Free Text

  17. 面对自由的信息资源保障机制

    Information Resources Indemnity System Facing Freedom

  18. 确切地说,进出该行业自由而且信息也容易获得。

    By definition , there is easy entry into the industry and information is readily available .

  19. 我很清楚知道一个健康市场的运作是需要绝对自由的信息流通。

    I clearly understand the operation of a healthy market requires an absolutely free flow of information .

  20. 可重复使用的自由政府信息数量空前,目前正在全球各地发布的公共机构。

    An unprecedented amount of freely reusable government information is currently being released by public bodies around the globe .

  21. 这通常也可以说成这些流程之间需要一个自由的信息流。

    More often than not , this translates into a need for a free flow of information across those processes .

  22. 任何过滤信息的政策或手段,不管是国家还是地方政府,都违反了互联网自由传递信息的原则。

    Any policy of filtering , be it at a national or local level , conflicts with the principle of free flow of information .

  23. 该地震的地球自由振荡信息,可用于地震震源机制研究和地球内部结构研究。

    The data of the earth spherical free oscillation can be used to invert focal mechanism of this earthquake and to explore the inner structure of the earth .

  24. 提出了两种检验识别得的模态参数可靠性的方案:1.在实测自由振动信息中混入若干个人为的检验模态;

    Two ways for checking the reliability of the modal parameters identified are presented . 1 . Mixing one or several artificial " checking modes " into the free vibration measured ;

  25. 在资本自由,信息充分的资本市场中,股票市场与债券市场在理论上是可以相互参照定价的,因而收益率、波动率以及流动性等市场变量应该存在一定的相关性。

    In a highly efficient and information adequate capital market , stock and bond markets could cross-reference pricing in theory . Therefore , return , volatility , liquidity and other market variables should exist correlation .

  26. 总之,人们渐渐感到,版权制度甚至正演变成对表达自由与信息传递实施私人控制的工具,从而表明了权利的“平衡之难”。

    Many scholars even realize that , copyright have now been evolved into a tool of private censorship on the free flow of information , and recognize the " difficulty of balancing " in rights .

  27. 开放的网络、自由的信息流动,以及会引发现有社会和政治结构不安的科技创新能力,正是后工业化时代创新的内容。

    Open networks , free flows of information , and the ability for scientific and technological innovations to cause public discomfort to established social and political structures are the very stuff of innovation in the post-industrial age .

  28. 其次,信息法要体现基础的信息伦理价值,即维护信息传播自由、信息主体平等以及信息活动公正的信息伦理价值,并以实现这些价值为目标;

    Second , information law should protect and be targeted on these three kinds of its basic information ethical value , ie , the freedom of information propagation , the equality of information subject and the justice of information activity ;

  29. 通过分析物流配送业务流程,探讨了物流配送业务模式自由搭建信息系统构件库功能模块及关联关系,从构件库开发和构件智能搭建系统的开发论述了业务模式自由搭建信息系统的开发技术。

    The paper discusses the component libraries function models of unrestricted establishing information system and relations among the function models , studies exploration of the component libraries and unrestricted establishing system , and describes the relevant system exploration technique for logistics distribution process mode .

  30. 因此地球自由振荡信息可用于揭示地球的三维不均匀结构信息或各向异性信息,并可能对区分地幔对流模式(全地幔对流或上地幔对流)有所帮助。

    Thus the data of the earth toroidal free oscillation can be used to explore the 3-dimensional structure ( density structure , velocity structure ) or anisotropy of the earth and help to disclose the convection mode in the whole mantle or in the upper mantle .