
  1. 首先MPA教学资源整合必须遵循一定的原则:以人为本、目标导向、质量控制和可行性原则。

    Firstly , MPA teaching resources integration must follow certain principles : people-oriented , goal-oriented , quality control , and feasibility principles .

  2. 诗型广告汉译的可行性原则:功能对等

    Functional Equivalence : The Principle Feasible in E-C Poetic Advertisement Translation

  3. 第二,可行性原则是语文综合性学习选题的价值所在;

    Feasibility Principle is the value of title selection of Chinese Integrated Learning .

  4. 制定地方立法计划应遵循合法性原则、可行性原则、科学性原则。

    Therefore , enacting such a plan should be lawful , feasible and scientific .

  5. 其中问题链设计原则包括:数学化原则、可行性原则、层次性原则、探索性原则、模块化原则。

    Problem-chain designing principles include : mathematics turns principle , feasibility principle , level principle , explorative principle , mold turns principle .

  6. 论文最后部分,本着迫切性和可行性原则,分别对政府和企业提出了相关政策建议。

    At last , with the principal of emergency and feasibility , this paper introduces policy suggestions to the authority and enterprise respectively .

  7. 课堂教学评估要贯彻目的性原则、针对性原则、有效性原则、常规性原则、客观性原则、可行性原则、变化性原则等。

    Classroom instruction evaluation should implement the following principles : purpose , learner-orientation , validity , normal reference , objectivity , practicality and variation .

  8. 构建高校网络思想政治教育评估指标的原则主要是坚持科学性和全面性原则、导向性和系统性原则、独立性和兼容性原则、客观性和可行性原则。

    The principles main to uphold the major scientific and comprehensive principles , guidance and systematic principles , and the principle of independence and compatibility .

  9. 教师教学质量评价应该贯彻客观性、一致性、全面性、目的性、可行性原则;

    The Evaluation of the teaching quality of teachers should adhere to the principle of objectivity , consistency , all-round way , motivation and feasibility .

  10. 在退化生态系统恢复的诸多方法中,西北干旱区生态系统恢复机制则应更强调的是适应性、可行性原则。

    Among various methods for the ecosystem restoration , those for the restoration mechanism of ecosystems in arid area should be emphasized on the adjustability and feasibility .

  11. 首先明确在制定标准时应当遵循的几个原则,如区别原则、可行性原则、有效性原则、协调性原则、服务原则。

    First several principles should be clear in mind . Such as Difference principle , Feasibility principle , Principles of effectiveness , Coordination principle , Service principle .

  12. 在制定地方性法规时,必须遵守坚持社会主义法制统一原则、围绕经济建设和服务改革开放原则、突出地方特色原则、协调原则和可行性原则。

    Principles such as adhering to the unity of legal system , laying stress on local characteristics and so on should be followed in the enacting of local legislation .

  13. 确定补偿范围要兼顾必要性与可行性原则,从最需要的区域不断扩大补偿范围;

    Governments should give attention to both necessity and feasibility when determining the scope of compensation , and expand this scope from areas with urgent need of ecological renovation .

  14. 在创新选题上,要遵循可行性原则,与本单位和本人的实际相适应;

    As for the optional subjects of innovational researches , the principle of operability should be abided by so as to adapt to the reality of the units and the creator ;

  15. 文中指出,税法与会计制度的差异具有可协调性,协调二者的差异应遵循系统性原则、相对稳定性和严肃性原则、成本效率原则、现实性和可行性原则。

    In my opinion , we can coordinate the divergence between them if we act on Systematic Principle , Relative Stability and Strict Principle , Cost Efficiency Principle , and Realistic and Feasible Principle .

  16. 在参考有关文献的基础上,本论文提出了进行冷热源选择时需要遵循的五项原则:可行性原则、经济性原则、调节性和可操作性原则、安全性原则、环保性原则。

    Practical methods on heating / cooling sources selection , which consist of the principles of feasibility , economy , adjustability / maneuverability , security and environmental friendliness , are introduced to avoid over-sizing HVAC equipments .

  17. 认为应受刑罚处罚性是指根据刑罚的本质,遵循刑罚的必要性、相当性和可行性原则,对具有一定社会危害性的行为是否需要动用刑罚所进行的实质判断。

    Deserved punishment is basing on the nature of the penalty , follows the principle of necessity 、 feasibility and equality , considering is it the acts of social harmfulness need to use the penalty to punish .

  18. 笔者以为目标的确立首先应遵循现实可行性原则、时空性原则、以质取胜原则,在此基础之上,本研究从目标多重性角度,分析了全面性目标、结构性目标和层次性目标。

    The writer believes that it should follow the principles of practical feasibility , quality first and space-time at first , and then this study will be carried on from the view of multi-level to analyze the general , constructive and level targets .

  19. 文章第三、四章分析了控制消耗臭氧层物质的立法指导思想和原则以及主要法律制度,立法原则包括目标明确原则、协调统一原则、公平原则、可行性原则和综合战略原则。

    The third and fourth chapters analyze the legislation principles and main legal systems of ODS control . The legislation principles include visionary and aspirational , consistent and synergistic , fair , equitable and balanced , enforceable and measurable , and comprehensive and flexible .

  20. 第二节提出民事检察监督应遵循全面监督与有限监督原则、尊重当事人处分权与公益监督原则、必要性与可行性原则,以及遵循民事诉讼基本原理原则。

    Part two states the principles that the civil supervision should follow , including overall and limited principles , the principles of respecting the rights of involved parties and of considering the public interests , principles of necessity and possibility and the basic principles of civil procedure .

  21. 高职院校德育方法的创新要遵循一些基本的原则,如教育性原则、系统性原则、先进性原则和可行性原则等。这些原则能够保证德育方法的创新沿着一条合理的路径来展开。

    The innovation of moral education methods in higher vocational colleges should follow some basic principles , such as educational principle , systematic principle , advanced principle and feasible principle , etc. These principles can guarantee that the innovation of moral education methods to expand along a reasonable path .

  22. 并根据科学性、层次性、时空性、可行性等原则,构建了武汉城市圈PREES指标体系。

    According to the scientific , level-oriented , space-time , feasibility principle , we constructing the wuhan city circle PREES index system .

  23. 第二部分论述古典诗词教学中,心理健康教育实施的可行性、原则及意义。

    Part II Discussing the implementation feasibility of psychological healthy , its principle and significance .

  24. 本文较为深入地探讨了在中学化学教学中开展综合性实验的必要性、可行性的原则下,并着重在兼顾科学性和可行性的原则下,具体设计了7个中学化学综合实验。

    The following paper discuses the necessity , feasibility and designing principle of carrying out comprehensive chemical experiments in middle school .

  25. 本论文的研究站在企业的角度、本着研究结果在实践中必须具有可行性的原则而开展。

    The research of this thesis is carried out from the angle of enterprises ', and adhering to the principle that the research result must be feasible in practice .

  26. 接下来又通过该方法对高中地理教学中渗透心理健康教育的必要性与可行性、原则以及途径方法展开了重点研究。

    Then , through this method the author mainly studies on the necessity and feasibility , principles and approaches of mental health education penetrated in the high school geography teaching .

  27. 首先阐述了构建长效机制的必要性,其次说明了应该把握创新、系统性、可行性的原则。最后,提出了构建长效机制的途径和方法。

    First of all , on the need to build a long-term mechanism , followed by a description should make use of innovation , and systematic , the principle of feasibility .

  28. 较为深入地探讨了在中学化学教学中进行实验教学设计的必要性,在科学性和可行性的原则下,具体进行了初中化学实验教学设计。

    More in-depth review of a high school chemistry experiment in teaching the necessity designation in science and feasibility of principle , the specific conducted a junior high school chemistry experiment teaching design .

  29. 并将其导入现代设计,为中国当代的生态可持续设计提供一种可行性的原则及方法,以满足中国作为发展中国家在生态设计上的低技术要求。

    And channel it into modern design , offer principle and method of a kind of feasibility for the China 's contemporary ecology sustainable design to meet China regard the low specification requirement in the ecological design of developing country as .

  30. 探讨土地整理项目区内土地质量评价指标体系与方法的具体内容,并遵循方案科学性、经济合理性、实践可行性等原则,研究质量评价方法的各个技术环节,制定评价的适用程序。

    Explore the land consolidation project area land quality evaluation index system and method , and follow the program the scientific , economic rationality , the practical feasibility of the principle of the various technical aspects of research quality evaluation methods , develop procedures for the application of the evaluation .