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  1. 进士文化与诗可以兴

    The Culture of Imperial Examinations and Xing in Poetry

  2. 诗可以兴,可以群,可以怨,便成为酒文化的最重要的载体。

    Poems May , you can group , you can complain , has become the most important wine culture carrier .

  3. 孔子强调诗可以兴,把兴与《诗》的功用相结合,备受历代研究者的推崇。

    Confucius emphasizes that poetry can Xing , and combines Xing with the function of poetry . It was admired by the researchers .

  4. 伯克级大型驱逐舰船型加装减阻节能球鼻艏消波减阻定性规律和定量效果,在特定的中高航速下通过减阻节能球鼻艏优化设计可以使兴波阻力最多减少33.7%。

    Based on this method , optimization analysis for bulbous bow of a concept large destroyer was investigated and it shows that about 33.7 % maximum decrease of wave making resistance can be achieved at a given speed by using the optimum bulbous bow .