
  • 网络Cute angel;Cure Lovely;Lovely angel
  1. 可爱的天使遭遇企鹅,它们之间展开了一场大战。

    Lovely angel encounter penguins , and they started a war .

  2. 我们可爱的天使,她的名字叫希尔薇。布鲁。

    Our lovely angel and a name of Silvie Blue .

  3. 这神圣空地和那些迷人的胖嘟嘟可爱小天使让你开阔你的觉知,以便让你理解你真的一直被神圣地指引着。

    This sacred clearing and those wonderful pink Cherubs allowed you an opening awareness so that you understand that you are indeed divinely guided at all times .

  4. 愿可爱的小天使带给你平安,幸福,快乐和如意。

    May the angel bring you peace , happiness , joys and fortunes .

  5. 我们可爱的小天使在哪里

    Where is our sweet little angel ? Huh ?

  6. 曾是那么可爱的小天使。

    Ofwhat 's become of his little angel .

  7. 这就是你可爱的小天使

    There 's your sweet little angel .

  8. 多么可爱的小天使!

    What a little angel !

  9. 我希望,在网络的那一端有个聪明可爱的小天使能看到这条来自巴黎的爱的讯息。

    I hope that the lovely little angel on the other site of the network can see this message of love from Paris .

  10. 但是她看起来像个可爱善良的小天使。

    But she looks like a sweet little angel .

  11. 让保罗:好的,让我看看这个可爱的有着天使脸庞的小宝贝儿。

    Jean-Paul : All right , let 's take a look at this precious darling of an angel with an expressive face .

  12. 如果,我的父母是那个雕刻家,那我就是他们手中可爱、快乐的天使,父母正用那雕刻刀塑造我的躯体,渐渐地,脑袋出来,这是父母赐给我丰富知识的宝库;

    If , my parents are the sculptor , I am their lovely , happy angel , parents is the carving knife shaped my body , gradually , his head , this is my parents give me a wealth of knowledge of the Treasury ;