
yóu jiā
  • particularly good
  1. 布达佩斯拥有全欧洲最棒的气候,春天和秋天尤佳。

    The weather in Budapest is among the best in europe , with marvelous spring and fall seasons .

  2. 环球的《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)位居票房首位,国内票房近6.47亿美元,全球票房16.5亿美元,Imax影院票房表现尤佳。

    Universal 's " Jurassic World " was the No. 1 draw , taking in nearly $ 647 million , for a global total of $ 1.65 billion , and Imax theaters did particularly well .

  3. 双氯芬酸钾片(diclofenacpotassium)是一种非甾体镇痛抗炎药,对创伤性和扭伤性损伤及相关的中重度疼痛和炎症有很好的疗效,特别对急性状态的疼痛治疗效果尤佳。

    Diclofenac potassium is a kind of anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents . It is very effective for the inflammation and moderate and severe pain caused by trauma and sprain , especially for acute pain .

  4. SDS裂解法作用较为温和,适合分子量大于10kbp的质粒,大量提取时,煮沸法尤佳。

    Lysis by SDS was suitable for extration of plasmids with size of more than 10kbp ; ④ Lysis by boiling is favorable for large scale extraction of plasmid DNA .

  5. 培训授课能力强,有英语交流能力尤佳。

    Good command of training skill , English skill is preferable .

  6. 对那些需要一点神圣灵感的商铺尤佳。

    They are perfect for businesses that need a little divine inspiration .

  7. 具会计实务操作背景者尤佳。

    The practical operation with the accounting background a plus .

  8. 语言要求:优秀的中英文语言能力。掌握一门第二外语尤佳。

    Language Requirements : Excellent command of English and Chinese .

  9. 思惟活泼、有始创和刷新精神尤佳。

    Being active , creative and innovative is a plus .

  10. 良好的沟通能力,掌握英语口语能力尤佳。

    Good communication skills , oral English language skill preferred .

  11. 会电焊及气割尤佳。

    Capable of welding and torch using is preferred .

  12. 3年以上相关经验,能翻班者尤佳。

    3 years experience and work with shifts .

  13. 该算法在处理密度可区分的聚类问题时效果尤佳。

    The algorithm is especially effective in handling the clustering problem with distinguished density .

  14. 英语教师、英文编辑或教育软件设计者尤佳。

    Preferable background as an English teacher , an English editor or educational software designer .

  15. 应用效果令人满意,弹性和耐洗性尤佳。

    The agent is satisfactory in finishing result , especially in elasticity and washing resistance .

  16. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。

    Being active , creative and innonative .

  17. 餐饮销售经验尤佳。

    Food service experience is a plus .

  18. 全株肉质,生长迅速,耐不良环境能力强,对干旱抗性尤佳。

    Whole plant fleshy , rapid growth and resistance to adverse environment , drought resistance preferred .

  19. 归芍比为3∶1时,抗氧化作用尤佳。

    When angelica and peony was 3 ∶ 1 ∶ the antioxidation was effect most obvious .

  20. 有成熟客户资源者尤佳。

    Mature customer resources are preferred .

  21. 饮用方法:搭配烤肉类和野生禽类尤佳,适饮温度在16-18℃。

    It is excellent with roast white meat , feathered game and casseroles ; serve at16-18 ℃ .

  22. 该涂料具有良好的铸造工艺性能,而高温性能尤佳。

    It has high transverse strength , good thermal ability and is strong against cracking in elevated temperature .

  23. 用法:沐浴后或需要时,取适量轻柔按摩身体肌肤即可。祛角质后使用效果尤佳。

    USAGE : Apply proper amount to massage the body after bath . It will get better result after removing the cutin .

  24. 有重工业生产线监督和制程控制社会实践经验特别是钢铁行业彩涂线或金属镀层线工作经验尤佳。

    Though without social practical experience of foreign trade , I believe that so long as have hearts , anything can be studied .

  25. 有设计院工作经验者优先.有冶金机械行业,机械设计行业或钢铁、金行业相关经验者尤佳。

    Experience in design institute is an advantage . Experience in MNC of steel making , metallurgical or mechanical industries is a plus .

  26. 我们需要一位工作态度认真积极,能说流利的英文,普通话(会说广东话尤佳)并且常驻中国内地的人士。

    We are looking for a highly motivated , Fluent English , Mandarin and Cantonese speaker , who can be based in China .

  27. 8年以上的机械行业生产工作经验,熟悉设备制造流程技术,冶金设备尤佳。

    Years or above experience in mechanical manufacture field , familiar with equipment and production process , prefer steel / metal making equipment .

  28. 任职要求:1.食品、化学或药学大专以上学历(包含大专),分析化学及药学专业尤佳。

    Junior college degree and major in chemistry , food or pharmaceutics , university degree in analysis chemistry or food is prior to others .

  29. 对牙轴唇倾并伴有深覆的安氏Ⅱ类错打开咬合、内收前牙的效果尤佳。

    In cases with class ⅱ malocclusion with deep overbite , the Begg technique has an outstanding advantage in bite opening and retracting incisors .

  30. 岗位要求:-本科以上学历,人力资源管理或工商管理专业尤佳,3年以上人力资源管理工作经验;

    Other duties assigned by superiors . Requirements : - Bachelor degree or above , preferably in Human Resources , Business or other related majors .