
  • 网络sino-british relations;Sino-British relationship;anglo-chinese relations
  1. 权力与体制:义律与1834&1839年的中英关系

    Power and System : Charles Elliot and the Sino-British Relations in 1834-39

  2. 二战时期中英关系再探讨:以南亚问题为中心

    Reconsidering Sino-British Relations during World War II : Centered on the South Asia Problem

  3. 青年是国家的未来和希望,中英关系的未来需要你们共同开创。

    Our common future lies in the hands of the young generation .

  4. 中英关系正常化过程中的台湾因素

    Taiwan Factors in the Process of the Normalization of Sino-British Diplomatic Relations

  5. 二是由于中英关系的发展。

    Second , development of the China-UK relations .

  6. 中英关系的持续发展需要社会各界的大力支持。

    An ever growing China-UK relationship counts on the support of people from all sectors .

  7. 我对中英关系的明天充满信心,更充满期待!

    I have every confidence in and great expectation for the future of China-UK relations .

  8. 中英关系的美好前景要靠青年去开拓。

    It is incumbent upon you to build an even more splendid future of China-Britain relations .

  9. 中英关系发展的变化,使我特别感到鼓舞。

    One change which gives me particular encouragement is the way in which sine-British relation have developed .

  10. 18世纪末英国马戛尔尼使团访华,是中英关系史上重大的历史事件。

    The late-18th century visit of the Macartney mission to China was a signal event in Sino-British relations .

  11. 中英关系已日益超出双边范畴,具有战略性和全球意义。

    Our relations have gone way beyond the bilateral level , and are taking on strategic and global significance .

  12. 那么我们对这一年,特别是对中英关系来说,会有什么样的展望?

    And what a year it is set to be - particularly for the relationship between Britain and China .

  13. 所以,我对“女性破冰者”寄予厚望,期望你们成为推动中英关系发展的一支重要力量。

    I have every confidence that you , Women'Icebreakers ' , will become another important force for China-UK relations .

  14. 外交事务特别委员会正计划审查中英关系,尽管调查工作多半会拖到明年才会启动。

    Mr Blunt 's committee is planning to examine Sino-British relations , although an inquiry is not likely until next year .

  15. 所以,预计未来中英关系总体发展方向是向好的。

    Therefore , the author believes that the future UK-China relations as a whole can be expected to move towards better .

  16. 这就导致了在此时的中英关系中中国处于主动,旧中国时期那种任人宰割的时代一去不复返了。

    This caused that China was initiative , the old Chinese time that kind of pitiful in Sino-UK relations never to returns .

  17. 马葛尔尼使团访华是中英关系史上的一件大事。

    George Macartney Diplomatic Corps'visit to China was one of the important events in the relationship between China and Britain in history .

  18. 它不仅深刻影响着中英关系的进程,而且对台湾问题的解决起到了消极作用。

    It not only deeply affect the process of Sino-British relations , but also to the resolution of the Taiwan has negative effects .

  19. 本文分三个时期,将美国对中英关系的影响作一客观的分析和评价。

    This paper tries to make an objective analysis of how America affected diplomatic relations between China and England in three different periods .

  20. 我也衷心期待汇丰在促进中英关系和中英经贸合作方面发挥更大的作用、做出更大的贡献。

    I look forward to even greater contributions by the HSBC to our business cooperation and to China-UK relations in the new year .

  21. 当前,中英关系进入了持续发展的新阶段,特别是两国经贸合作成果喜人。

    Sino-British relationship has now entered a new phase of sustained development , and achieved gratifying results , particularly in economic cooperation and trade .

  22. 因此,我要借此机会深切感谢和高度赞赏48家集团俱乐部长期以来为中英关系发展做出的突出贡献。

    I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to the48 Group Club for its outstanding contribution to this relationship .

  23. 安妮公主对中英关系现状也表示同感,并对2008年北京奥运会的成功举办充满信心。

    Princess Anne agreed with this view on the state of UK-China relations and expressed confidence in the success of the Beijing Olympic Games in2008 .

  24. 这在很大程度上决定了早期中英关系的条约化必然失败。

    This has to a great extent determined that the attempting to put the early Sino-British relations on the basis of a treaty must fail .

  25. 庚子赔款与香港大学的中文教育&二三十年代香港与中英关系的一个侧面

    The Boxer Indemnity and the Education of Chinese Culture in Hong Kong University : An Aspect of the Sino British Hong Kong Relationship , 1920s ~ 1930s

  26. 中方高度重视发展同英国的关系,将中英关系视为大国关系中最重要的双边关系之一。

    China attaches great importance to developing relations with Britain , regarding China-Britain ties as one of the most important bilateral relations between large countries , he said .

  27. 九七后中英关系走向中英经贸关系的回顾与展望

    Trend of Sino-UK Relations after Hong Kong 's Return in 1997 The Economic and Trade Relations Between China and the United Kingdom : Their Past , Present and Future

  28. 英国人东来后,澳门成为中英关系、中葡关系、英葡关系聚集的焦点。

    And then , it became the focus of the relationships between China and England , China and Portugal , and also between England and Portugal after the Englishmen came .

  29. 我们会全力支持你们,并与你们一道,为中英关系长期稳定健康发展共同做出不懈努力。

    We at the Chinese Embassy will do what we can to support you , and together , let us work for a stable and sound relationship between our countries .

  30. 我相信,中英关系进入了一个新时代,这不仅对我们两国有利,对世界也有利。

    I believe there is a new era in relations between Britain and China , which will be a benefit not just for our two countries , but also to the world .