
  • 网络forced substitution
  1. 西方外交和文书体制对中国外交文书体制的硬性干预和强制替代,从一个侧面反映了西方价值体系在中国的强力移植过程。

    Western interference in and replacement of the Chinese format for diplomatic documents to some extent reflected the process by which Western values were transplanted into China .

  2. 汽车咨询机构JDPower驻上海的迈克邓恩(MikeDunne)表示:潜在的市场足够大,政府可能会强制推行替代燃料汽车,但价格(问题)仍没有答案。

    The potential market is big enough and the government could mandate it but what is not answered is the [ question of ] price , said Mike Dunne of JD Power , the auto consultancy , in Shanghai .

  3. 三是取保候审、监视居住存在自身的弊端,没有发挥非羁押性强制措施的替代作用。

    Thirdly , released on bail and residential surveillance have their own shortcomings , and do not actually perform the role of non-custodial coercive measures .

  4. 与此同时,欧洲监管机构正在考虑“债权人纾困”的想法这是美国式强制清算方案的替代办法,涉及在银行陷入困境之际将债券转换为股份。

    Meanwhile , European regulators are mulling the idea of " bail-ins " an alternative to US-style forced liquidation that would involve converting bonds to equity when a bank gets into trouble .

  5. 实际上无论名称如何,含有监视居住内容的相关措施,均是各法治发达国家在犯罪侦查程序中较常用的剥夺人身自由的替代措施,监视居住有着其他强制措施不可替代的作用。

    In fact , no matter how the name , relevant measures to contain residential surveillance content , are all developed countries of rule of law in criminal investigation procedure is commonly used restriction of personal freedom of the alternative measures , residential surveillance has other compulsory measures irreplaceable role .