
  • 网络reinforcement
  1. 阳性强化法对慢性精神分裂症患者生活质量的影响

    Influence of Positive Reinforcement on Life Quality of Chronic Schizophrenia

  2. 行为疗法中的有效技巧主要有行为契约法、强化法、厌恶疗法。

    There are some effective techniques in behavioral therapy , such as behavior obligation , reinforcement , and detestation therapy .

  3. 本文比较了以~(32)P-后标记方法中的一般强化法和正丁醇强化法,检测低温收集的菜油油烟凝聚物与DNA反应所形成的加成物。

    DNA adducts of cold trapped condensate from rapeseed oil were studied with ~( 32 ) P-post labeling technique under adduct intensification conditions and butanol enrich-ment procedure .

  4. 超声强化法提取海藻油的研究

    Study on extraction of marine algae oil by ultrasonically aided method

  5. 持有型犯罪的立法宗旨在于强化法益保护。

    The legislative objective of crime of illegal holding is to stress legal rights protecting .

  6. 作为语言输入的背景知识强化法对高中学生英语听力能力影响之研究

    A Study of the Effect of Reinforcing Background Knowledge as Input on Senior School Students ' Listening Competence

  7. 随机抽取4个实验组仔鼠共79只于7周龄时进行Y型迷宫负性强化法测试;

    The offspring of the 4 groups were randomly selected for Y maze or operant behavior test at the age of 7 or 10 weeks , respectively .

  8. 粉末活性炭强化SBR法处理有机化工废水应用研究

    Application study of PAC strengthened SBR technic treating organic-chemical wastewater

  9. 污泥活性炭强化SBR法处理垃圾渗滤液的实验研究

    Experimental study on treatment of landfill leachate by sludge activated carbon strengthened SBR

  10. 采用索氏提取法、超声波强化提取法和超临界CO2萃取法分别提取大豆胚芽油。

    Soybean germ oil was extracted by Soxhlet extraction , ultrasonic-assisted extraction and supercritical CO2 extraction , respectively .

  11. 强化絮凝法去除水中DBP先质研究

    DBP 's precursor removal by enhanced coagulation in water purification process

  12. 由此可见固定化优势脱色菌强化SBR法处理模拟染料废水试验有良好的应用前景。

    Thus it can be seen immobilized advantage decoloring bacteria to enhance the SBR process has a bright prospect in application of textile and dyeing wastewater treatment .

  13. 以造纸废水为例,工业上对高浓度有机废水多采用H2O2及相关组合强化氧化法处理,成本高;尝试利用亚甲基蓝光敏氧化法处理高浓度造纸黄液,探讨其相关条件及处理潜力。

    As the strengthened oxidation method to treat high concentration H 2O 2 costs higher , the methylene blue 's photosensitized oxidation method is used on trial in pulp and paper industry so as to approach the relevant conditions and treatment potentiality .

  14. 强化定向法在粘土微观结构分析中的应用

    Application of Enhancing Orientation Method in Microstructural Analysis of Clay

  15. 新型高效强化絮凝法的原理与应用

    Principle and application for a new method of high effective strengthen flocculation

  16. 增强警察人际交往心理培养的方法有:角色互换训练法、强化意识法。

    The ways strengthening the cultivation of police intercourse psychology are role-interchanging ?

  17. 胶团强化超滤法处理1,2-二氯乙烷废水的研究

    Research on Treatment of 1 , 2-Dichloroethane Wastewater by Method of Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration

  18. 强化烧结法生产氧化铝新工艺的研究与实践

    Study and application of intensified sintering processfor alumina production

  19. 强化渔业法和水产资源繁殖保护条例的宣传教育力度;

    Executed resolutely fishery law and publicized eneryetically fishery resources aquaculture protecting clause .

  20. 强化烧结法氧化铝生产能耗及氧化铝制造成本

    Lower energy consumption and alumina cost in sinter process

  21. 一水硬铝石强化拜尔法溶出工艺研究

    Study on intensifying Bayer-process digestion of diasporic bauxite

  22. 协调行为层应用强化学习法增强了机器人群体的智能性;

    The coordination behavior level used reinforcement learning to strengthen the robots ' intelligence .

  23. 强化絮凝法处理含油浮渣的实验研究

    Research on strengthened flocculation for treating oil scum

  24. 后加矿增浓溶出技术是强化拜耳法溶出的一条有效途径。

    Sweetening digestion technology is an efficient way to strengthen digestion in Bayer process .

  25. 腐植酸强化电动法修复铜污染土壤的模拟研究

    Simulation Study on Remedying Copper-contaminated Soil through the Electrokinetic Method Enhanced by Humic Acid

  26. 腹股沟肌肉强化护理法对预防术后疝复发的临床研究

    Clinical study on influence of inguinal muscle intensified nursing care on prevention relapse of postoperative hernia

  27. 添加剂强化拜耳法种分工艺与理论研究

    Study on Technologies and Theories of Bayer Seeds Precipitation from Caustic Aluminate Solutions Added with Additives

  28. 太空飞行期间,宇航员接受一种强化养生法锻炼,以期防止骨损和肌损。

    During Space Flights , astronauts follow vigorous exercise regimes to try and prevent bone and muscle loss .

  29. [结论]腹股沟肌肉强化护理法的实施能有效预防术后疝复发。

    Conclusion : it is effective to provide inguinal muscle intensified nursing care to prevent postoperative hernia relapse .

  30. 它是原理的具体运用。主要有直接的德育教学法、间接的德育教学法和德育强化教育法。

    It is the concrete application of principles . They includes direct , indirect and strengthening teaching methods .