
  1. 建筑与结构CAD和设计专家系统的发展及展望

    Calculate Residential Design and Development of High and Building Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering CAD and Expert System for Architecture and Civil Engineering : the State-of Art

  2. 本文简要介绍了CAD和设计专家系统的基本概念、发展概况及其在建筑与结构领域中的应用情况,并对建筑与结构CAD和设计专家系统存在的问题及发展方向进行了评述。

    This paper begins with a brief introduction of the concept of CAD and expert system , and goes on to review the development and application in architecture and civil engineering , and closes with an assessment of future .

  3. 浅谈小高层钢结构住宅建筑与结构设计

    Talking about the Architectural and Structural Design of Middle-height Steel Structure Residence

  4. 某屋面建筑与结构设计若干问题探讨

    Discussion on problems due to roofing building and structural design

  5. 奥运建筑与结构

    Sports Building The Olympics Architecture and Structure

  6. 论建筑与结构的关系

    Relation between architecture and configuration

  7. 通过一些实例分析了实现建筑与结构统一的内涵,阐述了张拉结构在空间结构中的应用。

    Through some examples the connotation of realizing the unification of architecture and structure is elaborated . At the same time the application of tension structure in space structure is elaborated too .

  8. 为满足使用功能及交通需要,将大跨度空间的法庭放在主楼低层部分,使其成为建筑与结构完美结合的典范。

    The court space of big span is situated on the lower part of main building , meeting function of use and traffic needs . It is really a perfect combination of building and structure .

  9. 首先分析了建筑与结构设计中利用图纸进行信息表达与传递的过程,指出当前建筑模型信息共享与交换的问题在于没有统一的数据标准。

    First , the information representation and exchange via paper drawings during the current building design process was discussed . The fact that there was no standard for data representation of existing building information models was highlighted .

  10. 鉴于建筑与结构的整体性、使用功能和建设工期的要求,对这类建筑的超大面积混凝土地面结构提出了无缝施工的要求。

    According to the integrity of the building and structure , function of use and demand of limited time for a project , we put forward the requirement of jointless construction to the ultra-large area concrete ground structure of the building .

  11. 经多方案比较,采取设缝等构造措施并调整抗侧力结构布置,较好地满足了结构设计要求,实现了建筑与结构的统一。

    With multi-plan comparison , this paper adopts supposed structure measures and so on , and adjusts the anti-lateral force structural arrangement , thus the building has satisfied the structural design request well , and realizes the unification of the construction and the structure .

  12. 基于Vega的建筑火场与结构火灾反应同步模拟

    A Synchronous Simulation of the Building Fire Development and Structural Response Due to Fire Based on Vega

  13. 光纤机敏建筑材料与结构的研究进展

    Research and Development of Optical Fiber Smart Building Material and Structures

  14. 从汶川地震看建筑设计与结构的结合

    On combination between architectural design and structure from Wenchuan earthquake

  15. 试论建筑形式与结构体系之间的关系。

    The article focuses on the relationship between architecture form and structure system .

  16. 浅谈建筑形式与结构体系的关系

    On the Relationship between Architecture Form and Structure System

  17. 进入新世纪的建筑创作与结构运用

    Architecture Creation and Structure Exertion in New Century

  18. 介绍了海鸥3号渡船在采用爆炸复合的铝-钢复合连接条条件下进行铝台金上层建筑与钢结构的焊接情况;

    The welding between aluminium alloy frame and steel structure for Hai-Ou-3 ship is introduced .

  19. 高层建筑与高耸结构抗风可靠性分析综述

    A Summary of Reliability Analysis of Tall Buildings and High rise Structures under Wind Loads

  20. 琅勃拉邦的古城反映了19至20世纪欧洲殖民者建造的传统建筑与城市结构相融合的风格。

    Luang Prabang is an outstanding example of the fusion of traditional architecture and Lao urban structures with those built by the European colonial authorities in the19th and20th centuries .

  21. 随着社会经济的发展,建筑风格与结构形式愈来愈趋于多样化,规模宏大、形式多样、造型新颖的建筑不断涌现。

    With the development of economy and society , architectural styles and structural types are tending to be more and more diversified . Magnificent and novel buildings come forth continuously .

  22. 在建筑形式与结构上,反映了古羌人高超的建筑水平,至今仍为山区城镇和村落民居建设所应用。

    A superb building level was reflected to an ancient Qiang person in constructing form and structure , which they provides a benefit by excellent intelligence to the mountain area town and village for lives building .

  23. 竖向斜交网格筒结构是超高层筒中筒的外筒创新结构型式,可实现建筑外观与结构体系较完美融合。

    The vertical crossing lattice tube structure is used for outer tubes in super tall tube-in-tube buildings as an innovational system , it can blend architectural design and structure together to achieve a more perfect system .

  24. 介绍一个建筑材料与结构耐久性实验系统的小型人工气候室设计概况,说明在特殊条件下空调设计的特点、技术途径和需要注意的问题。

    Briefly introduces the design of a small-size artificial climate room for building materials and construction durability testing , points out the specifications of AC design under different conditions , design procedures and the problems needed paying attention to .

  25. 桥梁建筑美学特征与结构设计

    Aesthetics Characteristics and Structural Design of Bridge Architectures

  26. 降温阶段建筑材料特性与结构性能的研究现状

    State-of-the-art of Properties of Building Materials and Structures during Cooling Phase of a Fire

  27. 建筑结构荷载与结构反应

    Architectural structure load and structural reaction

  28. 中华民族思维中的建筑意象与深层结构的思考

    Thinking of Building Imagery and Structure of the Deep Strata From Thinking of the Chinese Nation

  29. 建筑节能与围护结构

    Building energy-saving and enclosure structure

  30. 并对冷弯型钢结构的建筑与普通钢结构以及钢筋混凝土结构的建筑在建设周期、用钢量及造价等方面作了分析、比较。

    This paper analyses and contrasts the cold forming section construction with traditional steel structure and rebar construction in consumption of steel , cost and period of manufacture .