
jiàn zhù tǒng jì
  • construction statistics
  1. 住房及建筑统计特设专家小组

    Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Housing and Building Statistics

  2. 欧洲住房和建筑统计年报

    Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe

  3. 空调建筑的统计能耗模型的探讨

    Approach of Statistical Modeling of Energy Comsumption of Air & Conditioning Buildings

  4. 大连市首批典型公共建筑能耗统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis of the Typical Public Building Energy Consumption in Dalian

  5. 对公共建筑能耗统计体系的建立进行了研究。

    The establishing statistical system for energy consumption of public buildings is studied .

  6. 建筑能耗统计方法探讨

    Study on Statistical Method of Building Energy Consumption

  7. 住宅建筑能耗统计方法的研究

    Statistical methods of energy consumption for residential buildings

  8. 大型公共建筑能耗统计实际费耗比能耗评价方法

    Evaluation with ratio of actual energy consumption fee to energy consumption based on energy consumption statistics and energy audit for large scale public buildings

  9. 建筑业统计单位:指从事房屋、筑物建造和设备安装活动的生产单位。

    Statistical Unit in Construction : refers to the establishment engaged in the construction of buildings and structures and in the installation of equipment .

  10. 通过对深圳市公共建筑能耗统计数据的整理、分析,得出了影响各类型公共建筑能耗需求总量的显著性因素。

    By the arrange and analysis with the statistic data in Shenzhen , concluding the prominent factors of kinds of the public buildings that affect the distributive total of energy consumption .

  11. 高校公共建筑耗电量统计及节能分析

    Electric Power Consumption Statistics and Energy-saving Analysis for Public Buildings in University

  12. 商业类建筑人员密度统计分析与建模

    Statistical analysis and modeling for occupant density in commercial buildings

  13. 我国超高层建筑基础的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of SUPPER-TALL building foundations in China

  14. 民用建筑能耗的统计方案及数据库软件在建筑节能中的应用研究

    Application Study of Statistics Scheme and Database of Civil Buildings Energy Consumption on Building Energy Efficiency

  15. 根据1996年《新疆生产建设兵团统计年鉴》有关建筑业的统计资料,利用线性回归方法,对影响兵团建筑业总产值的因素进行了分析。

    Using the linear regression method , the statistical data of construction industry of statistical yearbook of production and construction corps Xinjiang , 1996 , were analysed .

  16. 提出建立火蔓延模型,确定建筑物火灾损失率的数学期望和方差,建立典型可燃物火蔓延模型与典型建筑火灾荷载统计方法;

    The establishment of fire spread model , determination of mathematic expectation and square deviation of building fire loss rate , and establishment of fire spread model for typical combustible material and statistical method for the load of typical building fire are put forward .

  17. 基于图形识别的建筑图钢筋自动统计系统CSC

    CSC -- An Steel Reinforcement Calculation System of Construction Drawings Based on Graphics Recognition

  18. 《时代建筑》2000-2003年统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Time + Architecture from 2000 to 2003

  19. 建筑结构基本风压统计方法的改进

    Improvement of statistic method for basic wind pressure on structure of building

  20. 建筑能耗的调查统计长期被分割汇集在能源消耗的各个领域,比如住宅的能耗被归入城乡人民生活能源消费,而其他各类建筑能耗被归入非物质生产部门的能源消费。

    Building energy consumption survey has long been mixed in various areas of energy consumption , such as residential energy consumption was classified as urban and rural living energy consumption , while other types of building energy consumption is classified into the non-material production sector energy consumption .

  21. 中庭建筑能耗简析住宅建筑能耗统计方法的研究

    Study on the Energy Consumption of Atrium Buildings

  22. 基于公开资料,研究提出适合我国国情的建筑分类方法和建筑终端能源消耗统计方法,并给出较为准确的我国当前建筑能耗数据。

    Based on published materials and China 's situation , the method of building classification and a statistical method of building terminal energy consumption are presented , and accurate comparatively data of China 's building energy consumption is raised .

  23. 根据我国建筑热工气候区划下的气候、社会等条件以及供暖空调方式等特点,提出了住宅建筑能耗统计体系的框架。

    Presents the frame of an energy consumption statistical system , according to the characteristics of the climate and social conditions , and heating and air conditioning modes in the building climate divisions in China .

  24. 从公共建筑基本信息、能耗设备的拥有和使用情况及公共建筑日、月、年能耗3个方面建立起公共建筑能耗统计指标体系。

    The statistical index system for energy consumption of public buildings is established in three aspects , including basic information concerning public buildings , possession and utilization of energy consumption equipment , and daily , monthly and annual energy consumption of public buildings .