
  • 网络Building waterproof materials;construction waterproof material
  1. 建筑防水材料综述与发展建议

    Summary of building waterproof materials and suggestion on their development

  2. 建筑防水材料的重要成员&化学灌浆材料

    One of building waterproof materials & chemical grouting materials

  3. 随着国家相关政策、标准的发布实施,以及我国加入WTO的要求,建筑防水材料市场的竞争方式逐渐由价格竞争转向质量、服务的非价格因素竞争。

    Along with the promulgation of related national policies and standards , as well as we joined the WTO , the competition mode changed from price to quality and service in building waterproofing materials market .

  4. 我国建筑防水材料企业质量管理还处于较低水平,建立并实施ISO9001∶2000质量管理体系对提高建筑防水材料企业质量管理水平具有重要作用。

    The quality management of our building waterproofing materials enterprises is on lower level . It will have important effects for building waterproofing materials enterprises to set up ISO9001 ∶ 2000 QMS .

  5. 本文研究目的是在分析建筑防水材料行业质量管理现状的基础上,为建筑防水材料企业总结出一套基于ISO9001∶2000标准的质量管理体系建立方法。

    The aim of this thesis is to provide a kind of method of establishing ISO9001 ∶ 2000 QMS on the basis of analyzing quality management status in building waterproofing materials industry .

  6. 关于加强建筑防水材料生产与应用管理工作的意见

    Advice About Strengthening Construction Waterproof Material Production and Application Management Work

  7. 建筑防水材料发展趋势及天津市应采取的对策

    Developing Tendency of Structural Waterproof Materials and Countermeasures Adopted by Tianjin

  8. 高分子建筑防水材料的现状及发展前景

    The status and Prospect of polymeric waterproof materials for building applications

  9. 浙江省建筑防水材料工业的现状和发展对策

    Actualities and development strategy of building waterproofing material industry in Zhejiang province

  10. 介绍了欧、美、日近年建筑防水材料和密封材料的发展概况。

    The control of occupational hazards in polymeric building waterproof material aspects ;

  11. 我国建筑防水材料及防水施工技术羊湖电站施工技术管理

    Waterproof building material and waterproof construction technology in our country

  12. 建筑防水材料用作桥面防水的可行性分析

    Application of waterproofing materials for building to concrete bridge decks

  13. 有机硅建筑防水材料的性能与研究进展

    Properties of Waterproof Silicone Building Materials and Its Research Development

  14. 国外建筑防水材料发展概况

    A survey of development of building waterproofing materials abroad

  15. 聚氨酯防水涂料是建筑防水材料中的一大类。

    Polyurethane waterproofing coating is a main type of material for construction waterproofing .

  16. 我国建筑防水材料发展规划的研究

    Study of development programme of Chinese building waterproof materials

  17. 中国建筑防水材料市场发展趋势

    Development Trend of China 's Construction Waterproof Material Market

  18. 非织造布在建筑防水材料中的应用

    Application of the Nonwovens in Building Waterproof Materials

  19. 建筑防水材料检验若干问题的探讨

    Several questions about testing of construction waterproof material

  20. 乙丙橡胶在建筑防水材料工业中的应用

    Applications of EPDM in construction waterproof material aspects

  21. 改性沥青建筑防水材料概述

    Summary of Waterproof Materials Based on Modified Asphalt

  22. 我国建筑防水材料的发展方向

    Development prospects of building materials in our country

  23. 国外建筑防水材料新进展

    New Advance of Waterproof Building Materials Overseas

  24. 建筑防水材料的质量检验

    Quality inspection of construction waterproof material

  25. 建筑防水材料的新发展

    New Developments of Construction Waterproof Materials

  26. 建筑防水材料分类

    Classification of building waterproofing materials

  27. 针对我国目前厨卫间大量使用的新型建筑防水材料&聚合物水泥防水涂料,研究了矿物材料在聚合物水泥防水涂料体系中的微观组构及性能。

    The microscopic fabric and performance of polymer cement waterproof coating system , widely used in kitchen and toilet in our country currently , added mineral materials , is researched in this paper .

  28. 介绍了发达国家建筑防水材料,特别是改性沥青防水卷材、高分子防水片材、防水涂料和密封材料的现状及发展趋势。

    The paper reports the current status and development trend of waterproof building materials , in particular modified waterproof asphalt rolled sheet , high-molecular waterproof sheeting , waterproof coatings and sealers available in developed countries .

  29. 建筑工地防水材料监理要点

    The Supervision Point of the Waterproof Material in Construction Site

  30. 建筑防水密封材料及其施工技术(1)&建筑防水密封材料的基本要求、种类及合理使用

    Construction technique of building sealing compound ( 1 ) & basic requirements , kinds and reasonable application of the architectural waterproof sealing materials