
jiàn zhù ɡōnɡ
  • builder;construction worker
  1. 建筑工在现场干活时,让他额外做工的话工钱会便宜一些。

    It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site .

  2. 他是个独立经营的建筑工。

    He was a self-employed builder .

  3. 召来建筑工加固这栋大楼。

    Builders were called in to make the building safe .

  4. 除了一点,在伦敦北部做木匠的索尔森想在这个网站找份合同,而在这里像“builder”(建筑工,或网络工程师——译者注)的岗位名称更常用来描述创办网上社区的人,而不是建筑工人。

    Except that Mr Thorsen is a north London carpenter hoping to find contacts and employment on a site where job titles such as " builder " are more typically used to describe someone who creates online communities than a construction worker .

  5. 他已经在考虑去城市找一份建筑工的工作。

    He has considered taking a construction job in the city .

  6. 隔壁建筑工发出的噪音弄得我心烦意乱。

    The noise made by the builders next door is driving me scatty .

  7. 我的一个朋友是做建筑工的。

    A friend of mine was working construction .

  8. 现在他在一个叫匹兹堡的地方做建筑工。

    Right now , he 's in some place called pittsburgh , doing construction .

  9. 你是建筑工吗?

    Are you a body builder ?

  10. 京城里的农民建筑工

    Farmer-turned Architectural Workers in Beijing

  11. 反之,像矿工、机械工,建筑工之类的工人则通常穿蓝色工作服。

    In contrast , workers such as miners , mechanics and construction workers traditionally wore blue work clothes .

  12. 官方表示,两名建筑工也被逮捕,他们涉嫌贿赂警方和当地官员。

    Officials say two builders are among those arrested , allegedly for bribing the police and local officials .

  13. 更大些的第三组蚂蚁做建筑工,另负责把户外的鲜树叶拾进巢穴;

    A third group of still larger ants do the construction work and collect fresh leaves from outside the nest .

  14. 玩游戏时,玩家必须击中三个闪躲的新郎,分别是飞行员、建筑工和医生。

    To play the game , users have to try and hit three dodging grooms & a pilot , builder and doctor .

  15. 其他排名垫底的工作包括畜牧工人,出租车司机,海员,内科急救医生和屋顶建筑工。

    Other jobs at the bottom of the study : dairy farmer , taxi driver , seaman , emergency medical technician and roofer .

  16. 然而,诸如水果采集员、建筑工和服务生等部分本土劳工显然有所失,因为外来移民降低了他们的薪资。

    However , some native workers , such as fruit-pickers , builders and waiters , obviously lose because immigration holds down their wages .

  17. 可后来建筑工却把它砍了,因为那块地要建房子。

    But then one day , the tree is cut down by a group of landscapers so a house can be built there .

  18. 除了石油钻台工人外,2011年最差职业还有钢铁工、伐木工、屋顶建筑工、和出租车司机。

    The least desirable jobs along with roustabout for 2011 are iron worker , lumberjack , roofer and taxi driver , it said .

  19. 我的妻子的两个哥哥在主流大学读书,两人生活都丰富多彩,一位是销售员,另一位是建筑工。

    My wife 's two brothers struggled as students at mainstream colleges and both have made wonderful full lives , one as a salesman , the other as a builder .

  20. 你也知道,他们既受学生欢迎,也受各地建筑工、货运员等阶层的追捧。

    You know , they were appealing to all the students , they were appealing to all the guys that were working on building sites and in vans around the country .

  21. 换言之,具备基本数字技能已成为从事技工、护士、建筑工等职位的一个先决条件,而传统上,干这类工作的未取得大学学历的美国人中,有三分之二的人有升职机会。

    In other words , basic digital skills are now a prerequisite for positions - mechanic , nurse , builder - which traditionally open the door to advancement for the two-thirds of Americans who lack a college degree .

  22. 如果她不得不在客户家里等待建筑工,或者等待收取快递,大多数客户并不介意她把女儿也带上,一起安静地看点儿童电视节目。

    If she has to wait in a client 's house for a builder to arrive or a parcel to be delivered , she adds , most do not mind if her daughter comes too and settles down in front of some children 's television .

  23. 建筑油漆工手部皮炎的化学暴露和症状

    Chemical exposure and symptoms of hand dermatitis in construction painters

  24. 基础压实作业是土工建筑、水工建筑、道路工程、市政工程等建设中一项非常重要的基础性工程。

    Ground compaction job is a important foundational project of earthwork construction water power engineering civil engineering and city planning engineering etc.

  25. 整个建筑平面呈“工”字型布局。

    The plane of the building is of " I " arrangement .

  26. 本公司求购集装箱建筑木/铁工台,提供给北美的家具配件产品制造商。

    We are looking to source container loads of custom cut architectural panel material for north american use in a furniture accessory product .

  27. 降噪高分子材料可广泛应用于建筑、通、工和生活等各个领域。

    Polymeric noise reduction composites were widely applied to the fields such as architecture , traffic chemical industry , daily life and so on .

  28. 发达国家担心移民,他们通常考虑的是对收入要求较低的移民会和他们竞争就业岗位,例如建筑工人,洗碗工或是农场工人。

    WHEN people in rich countries worry about migration , they tend to think of low-paid incomers who compete for jobs as construction workers , dishwashers or farmhands .

  29. 定额库的可见性&可以直接在定额库中查看、修改和扩充建筑安西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文装工程定额库、材料数据库、施工机械台班费定额库和设备数据库;

    The visibility of the ration databases-The construction and the installation ration database , the materials database , the construction machineries ration database and the equipments database can be examined , modified and expanded directly in the databases ;

  30. 作为一种新型的建筑材料,土工格栅因其良好的力学性能、低廉的成本在我国土木工程界得到了迅速推广,被广泛应用于公路、港口、机场等基础设施的建设中。

    As a new type of geosynthetics introduced into China within recent years , geogrid has been widely used in various civil engineering projects such as highway , airport , dam , etc , because of its excellent mechanical property and low cost .