
  • 网络building product
  1. 研究的方向是尾矿建筑制品在蒸养过程的反应行为规律,可以为生产技术的改进提供理论依据。

    Direction is the reaction behavior law of process of tailings building product in steam raise . These may offer basic theory about the improvement of production technology .

  2. 基于SBI试验的建筑制品燃烧性能研究

    Study on fire behavior of building products base on SBI test

  3. 蒸压粉煤灰建筑制品生产技术研究

    The Study of Production Process of Autoclaved Fly Ash Products

  4. 浅谈利用江河淤砂研制硅酸盐建筑制品

    Brief talks on using river silt in autoclaved silicate products

  5. 双氰胺渣对建筑制品强度的影响

    Effect of Dicyandiamide Residue on the Strength of Building Products

  6. 电石渣硅酸盐建筑制品的研制

    Study on silicate building products from carbide sludge

  7. 评述有关聚氯乙烯建筑制品、电线电缆和使用邻苯二甲酸酯的毒性和对环保的影响,叙述有关这些方面的内容。

    Comments on the toxicity and influences of PVC architecture articles , wire and cable and of phthalic ester on environment protection , and narrates the related contents .

  8. 石膏主要用于建筑制品、水泥缓凝剂、土壤调节剂、肥料、工艺美术等行业,为国民经济的发展做出了很大的贡献。

    Gypsum is mainly used in building products , cement retarder , soil conditioner , fertilizer , arts , crafts and other industries , which has made great contribution to the development of the national economy .

  9. 文章探讨了以江河淤砂为原料研究试制硅酸盐建筑制品的内容。结果底泥Cd2+含量与水体中Cd2+浓度正相关;

    The article gives discussion about using river silt in silicate products . Results A strong correlation has been noted between the concentration of Cd 2 + in river silt and the concentration of Cd 2 + in water .

  10. 微孔砌块试验研究所提供的技术路线,很有可能使陈旧的粉煤灰砌块生产工艺发生较大的变革,使我国石灰&粉煤灰系列硅酸盐建筑制品的技术水平上升到一个新台阶。

    This technological mathod developed by Research Institute will most probably bring a great change to the traditional process of fly ash block and a new period to the silicate building products of " Lime-Fly Ash " system of our country .

  11. 采用无毒PVC树脂为主要原料和其它各种助剂相混合、经挤出成型的给水管不仅具有良好的机械性能,还具有良好的卫生性能,是一种新型建筑塑料制品。

    The water supply pipe made of non-toxic PVC resin as its main raw material and some auxiliary agents admixed was formed by extrusion . It is a new building plastic with good mechanical as well as good hygienic properties .

  12. 建筑石膏制品的防火性能及应用

    Fireproof Function and Application for the Plaster of Paris Products

  13. 建筑石膏制品用胶粘剂

    Adhesive Used for Building Gypsum Products

  14. 建筑金属制品行业九五计划与2010年远景目标

    The 9th Five Year Plan and the prospect goal in the year 2010 for building metal products industry

  15. 提出了在生产建筑粘土制品的原材料中要适当控制可引起湿膨胀物质的含量;

    Shows the necessity of controlling the component content caused moisture expansion in raw materials to produce structural clay products ;

  16. 介绍了一种建筑石膏制品用胶粘剂及该胶粘剂的原材料、基本配方、性能和使用方法。

    An adhesive used for Building gypsum products , its raw materials , basic formula , properties and application are presented .

  17. 建筑陶瓷制品竞争的一个重要方面是花色品种的竞争,竞争的焦点是产品设计和装饰材料的水平。

    An important aspect of the construction ceramic product competition is the color and pattern competition . The competition focal point is the level of the product design and decoration materials .

  18. 重点介绍了我国塑料门窗、塑料管材与管件、保温隔音材料、塑料装饰板,以及塑料地板、塑料壁纸等其它建筑塑料制品的市场规模和发展前景。

    It also introduces the market scope and developing prospect of domestic plastic door-window , plastic pipe , thermal and soud insulation building materials , plastic decorative plate , plastic wallpaper , etc.

  19. 作者通过对国际上的一些有关研究文献的综合分析后,提出了建筑粘土制品湿膨胀的危害性,特别是对上釉的墙地砖瓦上釉屋面瓦;

    According to the synthetical analysis based on international research documents , the article points out the harmfulness of moisture expansion to structural clay products , especially to glazed wall tile and roofing tile ;

  20. 本文首先分析了建筑石膏制品耐水性能的基础理论,总结和归纳了当前国内外改善建筑石膏耐水性能的手段和途径。

    In this paper , the author analyzed the basic theory on the water resistance performance of the building gypsum products at first , and from that the author concluded the methods which are now used in the world to improve the water resistance performance of the building gypsum .

  21. 建筑材料及制品燃烧性能试验规范概述

    Review on Experimental Regulations for Combustion Performance of Building Materials and Products

  22. 我国建筑材料及制品燃烧性能分级体系

    Classification system of fire behavior of building materials and products in China

  23. 历史保护建筑石膏花饰制品的修复技术

    Rehabilitation Technology of Gypsum Decoration Products for Historic Conservation Building

  24. 其他品目未列名的建筑用塑料制品。

    Builders'ware of plastics , not elsewhere specified or included .

  25. 推荐用磷石膏生产建筑石膏及其制品

    Recommendation to the Utilization of Phosphogypsum for Producing Architectural Gypsum and Its Products

  26. 建筑装饰木制品的装配式施工装修木制品的部品集成模式研究

    The Assemblage Construction for Wooden Finishing Material Component Integration of Woodwork in Interior Decoration

  27. 建筑用木工制品,包括蜂窝结构木镶板、已装拼的拼花地板、木瓦及盖屋板。

    Builders'joinery and carpentry of wood , including cellular wood panels , assembled flooring panels , shingles and shakes .

  28. 克利涂料是一个致力于保持和提高建筑用铝制品及其合金的涂层的质量的知名公司。

    QUALICOAT is a quality label organisation committed to maintaining and promoting the quality of coating on aluminium and its alloys for architectural applications .

  29. 采用废弃的硬石膏生产各种建筑材料和制品,是硬石膏资源化利用的重要途径,既可保护环境,又产生了经济效益。

    It is the important way of anhydrite-resourced use that to produce all kinds of construction materials and products by using wasted anhydrite , so it not only protect environment , but also make economical efficiency .

  30. 利用尾矿,包括低硅尾矿进行无废工艺生产并开发各种建筑材料和制品,不仅扩大了建筑材料的原料来源,也可以保护生态环境,提高矿山经济效益。

    So using tailings , including low-silicon iron tailings to process non-wasted technology to exploit all kinds of construction materials and products , which extends the resources of construction raw materials , protects biological environment and improves mine economical efficiency .