
jiàn zhì
  • organizational system;set-up
建制 [jiàn zhì]
  • [organizational system] 国家机构或团体内的编制和系统

建制[jiàn zhì]
  1. 建制及人员情况;

    The organizational system and the personnel ;

  2. 新时期中国乡村基层建制的变化及其特点

    The Change and Characteristic of China 's Grass Roots Organizational System in the New Period

  3. 政府投资工程实施方式de代建制改革研究

    The Owner 's Behalf System of the Implementation of Governmental Financed Projects

  4. 本文介绍了BT模式和代建制的特点和不足,对BT承包模式与代建制的结合方式进行了探讨。

    The characteristics and shortages of BT and substitute model were introduced and the combination of BT and substitute model was approached in this paper .

  5. 目前比较通用的有自建制、总承包制、代建制(PMC)以及PPP制、BOT制等承包模式。

    Now the popular patterns include self-construction , general contract , agent construction ( Project Management Contract ), and PPP , BOT etc.

  6. 本文对代建制中代建人责任风险加以分析,对提交履约保函这一应对措施的局限性进行了剖析,在此基础上提出代建人责任与所承担责任风险相一致的BT代建模式。

    This paper analyzes the duty of construction agent and the limit of the bonds , it also proposes the BT model of construction agent which relates the duty with the duty risk .

  7. 本文主要介绍了美国FDA食品安全及营养中心的机构建制、主要管理领域及管理措施,从而为我国的食品、化妆品监管提供可借鉴的信息。

    This article introduced the Center for Food Safety and Nutrition of FDA , including its organization , management domain and policies , for the reference of management of food and cosmetics in China .

  8. 在上世纪50年代担任记者的亨利•费尔利(HenryFairlie)发明了建制(TheEstablishment)这个词,来描述由传统、制度和处于英国社会顶点、权势显赫的人物们组成的关系网。

    Henry Fairlie , a journalist who plied his trade during the 1950s , coined the phrase The Establishment to describe the nexus of traditions , institutions and powerful individuals at the apex of British society .

  9. 科学建制,规范管理:新型农村合作医疗制度建设的关键

    Key of Construction of the New Rural Cooperative Health Service System

  10. 基于代建制项目管理的工程监理企业发展探讨

    Discussion about Development of construction supervision enterprises based on Agent-construction model

  11. 加快推行会计人员委派制建制及人员情况;

    Proceed Accountant Designation Fasten the organizational system and the personnel ;

  12. 代建制在项目管理中的应用与研究

    The application and research of construction agent system in project management

  13. 浅析代建制模式下政府投资项目的投资控制

    Control Over Government Investment Projects Under the Mode of Agent-Construction System

  14. 对政府投资工程实施代建制相关问题的探讨

    Research on Correlative Problems of Agent-construction System in Government Investment Projects

  15. 关于人防投资项目代建制存在问题的思考

    On consideration of agent construction system on civil air investment programs

  16. 静生生物调查所学术建制研究

    A Study on the Institution of Fan Memorial Institute of Biology

  17. 三级医院与社区卫生服务一体化建制与实施

    Tertiary hospital and community health center integration organizing and implementing

  18. 建立和完善水利工程建设项目代建制

    Hiring agent for project construction for improving water project construction

  19. 论政府投资工程项目的代建制

    On Acting Building System of Engineering Item of Government Investment

  20. 数学史研究的类型及其建制

    The Research Types of History of Mathematics and Its Institutions

  21. 水利建设项目代建制模式的设计

    Design of Hiring Agent for Construction of Water Conservancy Project

  22. 代建制与自建制在图书馆建设中的利弊

    The Advantage and Disadvantage of Construction Substitute and Self-construction in the Library

  23. 政府投资项目代建制监管体制研究

    Research on Supervision System of Agent-construction System in Public Projects

  24. 大力培育项目管理公司促进代建制的发展

    Cultivating the Project Management Corporation to Promote the Mode of Agent Management

  25. 高速公路投资项目代建制研究

    Research on Deputy Construction Mechanism of the Express Highway Invest Construction Project

  26. 基于制度经济学的代建制管理模式研究

    Study on Agent Construction System Based on New Institutional Economics

  27. 1983年,交河县撤销,并入泊头市,形成现在建制。

    In1983 , the cross-river county withdrawn into Botou form is formed .

  28. 乡村区划是指县以下的行政区域划分建制。

    The village administrative division is the administrative region division under county .

  29. 对政府投资项目实行代建制的思考

    Discussion on Representative Construction System of Government - Invested Projects

  30. 中国消防工程学科建制化问题的探讨

    The studies of institutionalization for the discipline of the fire protection engineering