
  • 网络Economic and Information Commission
  1. 此消息来自于上海市经济和信息化委员会网站上的公告。

    This is according to an announcement on the website of the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Information Technology .

  2. 北京市经济和信息化委员会的一位官员周三说,比亚迪符合在北京销售电动车的必要条件,销售许可即刻生效。

    ' BYD has fulfilled the necessary requirements to sell its electric cars in Beijing , ' said an official at the Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology on Wednesday , noting that the approval takes immediate effect .

  3. 天津市经济和信息化委员会管理的计划项目种类多,管理工作复杂度高,并且需要逐步积累计划项目过程信息,以便在决策分析的基础上逐步提高管理水平和效率。

    Tianjin Economic and Informatization Technology Commission supervises many kinds of scheming projects , which has the management with high complexity , and need to accumulate information of projects process gradually , so as to improve management level and efficiency based on decision-making analysis progressively .