
  • 网络economic quality
  1. 加入WTO,重庆旅游业面对巨大的挑战,重庆旅游业只有拿出世界级的经济素质,在重庆创造出世界级旅游产品,才能立于不败之地。

    With China 's entry into WTO , Chongqing tourism faces great challenge . Only if Chongqing is capable of displaying world-level economic quality and producing world-level tourist products , can its tourism stands undefeated .

  2. 实施农业标准化提高中国农业经济素质

    Improving Agricultural Economic Quality through Implementing Agricultural Standardization

  3. 工程专业人才中技术经济素质的培养

    Exploration of Developing Technical Economy Quality in Engineering Talents

  4. 产业政策导向则应该以技术溢出和结构升级为目标,促进中国经济素质和产业层级提升。

    Industrial policy should play the role of improving technology spillover and industry structure upgrading .

  5. 第三部分,运用德尔菲法确定旅游经济素质评价指标体系的指标,最终建立评价指标体系。

    Using the Delphi method to determine the quality of the tourism economy evaluation index system of indicators .

  6. 在项目施工中,强化造价工程师技术与经济素质,突出技术经济作用,是有效实现施工全程监控管理的保证。

    Emphasizing the technique and quality of engineers of cost of projects is effective guarantee of all-course supervision management during construction .

  7. 分析国有经济素质不高症结所在,便于找到解决问题的思路。

    By means of the analysis of the State-owned Economy 's crux , we can find the train of thought to solve the problems .

  8. 东部地区要继续发挥优势,不断提高经济素质和竞争力

    " The eastern region should continue to give full play to its economic strength , and constantly improve the performance of local economic and competitiveness "

  9. 知识产权是一种通过智力成果创造出来的无体财产权,它的发展可以推动整个国民经济素质和国际竞争力的提高。

    Intellectual property is a non-physical property rights which are created by intellectual production , it can promote the development of national-economy quality and international competitiveness .

  10. 因此,破除行政干预机制,尽快转变政府职能是其他各项改革成功推进的前提,也是提升整体经济素质的前提;

    Removing the government administrative interference , changing government function as soon as possible are the premise of other reforms successfully move forward , also the premise of promoting the whole economic quality .

  11. 就某一地区而言,产业层次的高低,决定着其经济素质和实力的强弱;而产业结构是否合理,则决定着这一地区经济能否实现稳定、健康、较快增长。

    For a specific region , industrial structure determines the economic qualities and strength . Whether economic structure is reasonable or not is vital to the stable , healthy and rapid economic growth .

  12. 信用侧重于对民事主体偿债能力的评价,商誉则泛指对商事主体综合经济素质的评价。

    Credit pays more attention to the evaluation on the ability of paying back the engagement of civil bodies , while goodwill prefers to the evaluation on the synthetic economy connotation of commercial bodies .

  13. 介绍旅游经济素质的基本内涵与理论基础,旅游经济素质提升(适调与优化)规律。

    Describes the basic connotation and the theoretical basis of the quality of the tourism economy , the discipline of promoting the quality of the tourism economy ( appropriate tone and optimize ) . The third part .

  14. 实施农业科技跨越发展方略,尽快缩小与发达国家农业科技贡献率的差距,是提升我国农业和农村经济素质与效益的必由之路。

    It is the only way to promote our agriculture and rural economy diathesis and benefit by actualizing the Span strategy of agricultural technique and reduce the gap of contribution rate between our agricultural technique and the developed countries .

  15. 发展服务业特别是现代服务业是提升国民经济素质和运行质量的战略举措,是实现经济社会的协调、可持续发展的必然选择。

    The development of service industry , especially the modern service industry , is the strategic act to promote quality and quantity of the national economy , is the inevitable choice to achieve the coordination and continual development of economy society .

  16. 重庆旅游业在经济素质方面存在诸多问题,笔者从提高重庆旅游经济素质的角度,对重庆旅游业应采取何种对策、如何实施这些对策进行了论述。

    However , there are many problems existing in the economic quality of Chongqing tourism . This paper carries out discussions as to what countermeasures to be taken and how to implement them from the perspective of improving the quality of Chongqing tourist economy .

  17. 人民警察民事经济法律素质的几点思考

    Some Thoughts for Civil and Economic Law Qualifications of the People 's Police

  18. 加快提高城镇化水平,带动全省国民经济整体素质的提高;

    To raise the urbanization level and improve the of the entire province ;

  19. 中国企业家经济伦理素质研究

    A Study on Quality of Chinese Entrepreneurial Business Ethics

  20. 发展高新技术产业提高天津经济整体素质

    Improving Economic Qualities in Tianjin by Developing New and High - tech Industries

  21. 对知识经济与素质教育的几点认识

    The Understanding Concening the Knowledge-economy and Quality-oriented Education

  22. 发展面向知识经济的素质教育

    To Develop Quality Education of Knowledge Economy

  23. 国民经济整体素质不高,国际竞争力不强;

    Low overall quality of the national economy and weak competitiveness in the international market ;

  24. 中国农民经济行为素质论

    Chinese Farmers ' Economic Behavior Quality

  25. 适应知识经济加强素质教育

    Adopting knowledge-economy Strengthening oriented-education

  26. 九五期间,河北省经济整体素质有了较大提高,但较全国先进省市相比仍有较大差距。

    The comprehensive qualities of Hebei Economy were enhanced greatly during the " Ninth Five - year Plan " .

  27. 因此,如何提高中国农民的经济行为素质必将成为一段时期内全国上下为之奋斗的目标。

    So , improving Chinese farmers ' economic behavior quality will certainly become the target that the whole china try their best to complete .

  28. 国民经济整体素质和效益不高,经济结构不合理的矛盾仍然比较突出。

    The quality and performance of the national economy as a whole remains poor , and unsound aspects of the economic structure are still conspicuous .

  29. 例如,一些国有企业生产经营困难,下岗和失业人员增多,经济整体素质和效益不高。

    For example , some state-owned enterprises are experiencing difficulties in production and business operation , which has led to increased unemployment and poor economic profits .

  30. 提示儿童心理卫生保健应与加强计划生育、围产期保健紧密联系,与提高全民族的社会经济文化素质紧密相关。

    It is indicated that children mental health care were closely related to birth control , perinatal health care and improving economical and culture quality of our country .