
nián guān
  • the end of the year;end of the year(formerly time for settling accounts;Spring Festival was like a barrier for the poor to tide over in the old society)
年关 [nián guān]
  • [end of the year(formerly time for settling accounts;Spring Festival was like a barrier for the poor to tide over in the old society)] 指农历年底。旧时欠租、负债的人必须在这时清偿债务,过年像过关一样,所以称为年关

年关[nián guān]
  1. 年关是一个回顾和展望的好时机。

    The end of the year is an ideal time for strategic review and renewal . Stress is high .

  2. 年关玩具市场有点乱

    Toy market at the end of the year is slightly messy

  3. 在旧时,年关是穷人的鬼门关。

    In the old days , the end of the year was a terrible time for the poor .

  4. “年关焦虑症”指的是年关将至而产生的自责和恐慌心理,通常由年度收入不佳、工作压力过大引起。

    Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year 's end , often due to a poor financial year and being pressured at work .

  5. 1968年关厂,现为国家历史遗址。

    It closed in1968 and is now a national historic site .

  6. 干旱年关中西部灌区水资源优化调配研究

    Water resources optimization in the western Guanzhong irrigation area in arid year

  7. 年关将近之际,银行很少有心情四处散发钱财。

    As year-end approaches , bankers are rarely in a mood to spray cash around .

  8. 希望你们在年关即将到来各种考试接踵而来的这个时候能够一切顺利。

    Hope you 're all doing well as the year winds down and exam crop up .

  9. 而大雪埋没了铁样的年关

    Already snow submerges an iron year

  10. 这就是本期的大喊答题节目环节。这就是我们年关新闻测验的其中一个问题和答案。

    And that 's one of the questions and answers on our end of year news quiz .

  11. 自从有这条街以来,从没见过这样冷落凄凉的年关!

    Never in its history had this street witnessed so frigid and desolate a new year season .

  12. 年关前,最受宠,最热销,而企业盈利最快的是食品和日用品。

    Before New Year , the most favored and most selling are food and daily necessities with fastest-growing corporate profits .

  13. 这位大臣根据1667年关税法,对大多数外国制造品课以极高的关税。

    That minister by the tariff of 1667 , imposed very high duties upon a great number of foreign manufactures .

  14. 教师们,如果你喜欢我们在cnnstudentnews.com上的每周新闻测验,我们的年关测验会更棒。

    Teachers , if you loved our weekly news quizzes at cnnstudentnews.com , our year ender is that much more awesome .

  15. 父亲也是年关走的,便感到冬天真的很冷,好晦好涩,怎么那么多霉事?

    His father is the year go , feel very cold in winter , hey good astringent , how much mildew things ?

  16. 到一八一五年的十月里他被释放了。他是在一七九六年关进去的,为了打破一块玻璃,拿了一个面包。

    In October , 1815 , he was released ; he had entered there in1796 , for having broken a pane of glass and taken a loaf of bread .

  17. 年关马上就要到了,买套骨瓷餐具回去,不管是送人还是自己用,都是一个相当不错的选择。

    Of the year soon to buy sets of bone china tableware to go back , either give as gifts or own use , are a very good choice .

  18. 年关之际,人们往往会列出各种各样的表来总结并回顾刚过去的这一年里发生的所有事情。

    from A to Z As the year comes to an end , people tend to look back on the past 12 monhs and make all sorts of A to Z lists .

  19. 而且尤为重要的是因为截至年关,我们将面临很多最后期限。这就要求我们对于如何减少赤字做出重大决定,这些决定将对我们的经济和中产阶级的现在和未来产生深远影响。

    This is even more important because at the end of this year , we face a series of deadlines that require us to make major decisions about how to pay down our deficit - decisions that will have a huge impact on the economy and the middle class , not only now but in the future .