
nián bào biǎo
  • annual report
  1. 方法采用国家卫生部制定的《卫生监督、监测人员构成情况年报表》对卫生监督队伍基本情况进行统计分析。

    [ Methods ] Statistical analysis was made on the basic situation of sanitation supervision work according to the Annual Report of Sanitation Supervisors , which was established by the national Sanitation Department .

  2. 宿州市1999-2002年环境卫生年报表填报质量分析

    Analysis of Environment Sanitation Annual Report ( 1999 ~ 2002 ) Quality in SuZhou Prefecture

  3. 妇幼卫生年报表是妇幼卫生信息重要组成部分。

    MCH yearly report is an important part of MCH information .

  4. 加强妇幼卫生年报表的质量管理提高信息的决策价值

    Strengthen Quality Management of MCH Yearly Report and Raise the Decision Worth of Information

  5. 实现日报表、月报表、年报表自动生成。

    Second , it can realize automatic generation of the daily , monthly and annual statements .

  6. 方法收集广州市结核病月报表、年报表及三种登记本等资料,采用队列分析方法对新发涂阳肺结核病人进行分析。

    , analyze the patient with newly-break-out PH pulmonary tuberculosis , adopting the method of queue-analyzing .

  7. 回顾价格表,洞察市场动态,根据年报表评估采购价的浮动。

    Reviews price list and estimates purchase price changes on a yearly basis by studying market trends .

  8. 目的通过对宿州市县级环境卫生年报表填报质量的分析评价,发现卫生监督统计工作中的问题,提出改进建议,以提供高质量的卫生监督信息。

    Objective This paper analyzed and evaluated environment sanitation annual reports from county level , brought up statistics issues in the sanitation surveillance and proposed suggestions to improve quality of sanitation surveillance information system .

  9. 方法回顾性调查研究,基本信息来源于辽宁省卫生统计年鉴1998及各市居民病伤死亡原因年报表。

    Methods Retrospective analysis was performed for the data of all deaths and the injury-related deaths from the annual report of Liaoning province health statistic and the annual report of urban resident disease and death from six cities .

  10. 方法:采用学校卫生情况年报表(卫统36)技术规范规定的检查方法和诊断标准对学生进行体格检查。

    Methods : A physical examination was made by using the examination methods and diagnosis standards that were prescribed by THE TECHNICAL CRITERION FOR THE YEARLY REPORT FORMS ABOUT THE SCHOOL HYGIENIC STATE ( HYGIENIC STATISTICAL TABLE 36 ) .

  11. 结果宿州市县级环境卫生年报表4年平均不合格率为52.50%,错项率为1.59%,漏项率为17.44%,化妆品卫生监督监测年报表合格率高于公共场所、化妆品类年报表。

    Results Unqualified rate was 52.5 % , wrong item rate was 1.59 % , missing item rate was 17.44 % . It also disclosed that the cosmetic product sanitation annual reports had higher qualified rate than other annual reports , e.g. public environment sanitation annual reports .

  12. 实证研究在结合中国国情的基础上,以中国证券市场2003-2006年报表数据为研究样本,运用多元回归法实证检验了股权结构对上市公司控股股东利益侵占的影响。

    The empirical study is based on the Chinese context and uses 2003-2006 report data of the stock market of China as the sample . Then , it tests the influence of ownership structure on the controlling shareholder profit expropriation of the listed company by the multiple regression method .

  13. 本文运用SAS软件,对沪市604家上市公司2001年财务报表中的十个主要财务指标进行了因子分析,并将这十个指标归结为三个因子,每个因子都有特定的含义。

    Using 10 financial indexes in the financial statements of 2001 of 611 listed companies , the paper carries out the factor analysis by SAS software .

  14. 而中国理论上可以买下美国的整个国防部,根据国防部的2010年资产报表,它的财产总值是1.9万亿美元。

    And China could theoretically buy America 's entire Department of Defence , which has assets worth only $ 1.9 trillion , according to its2010 balance-sheet .

  15. 以西北地区5家上市的毛纺织企业2002~2004年的报表数据为依据,尝试以加权平方和的评级方法对他们进行定量分析。

    Based on the report forms of five industrial enterprises from 2002 to 2004 , this paper attempts to evaluate quantity analysis in weighted square sum method .

  16. 收集两县1997&2002年结核病报表资料、会议资料及实施细则等,利用率、比等描述指标进行比较分析。

    Annual reports , meeting and policy documents during 1997 - 2002 collected from the county dispensary were reviewed . Descriptive analysis was used through rates , ratio and proportions .

  17. 方法运用折扣最小二乘法,以某医院1994&2003年统计报表中的出院人数为资料来源,以作图法和计算拟合误差平方和来确定折扣系数(α系数),预测2004年的出院人数。

    Methods By the discounted least square method and based on the number of patient from 1994 to 2003 the sum of squares to error of fitting is charted and counted , the number of patient in 2004 is predicted .

  18. 虽然这些在美国发行了存托凭证(类似于股票)的中国公司可转向较小的审计机构,但是禁用四大可能使它们难以按时发表2013年财务报表。

    Although these Chinese companies – which have issued share-like depositary receipts in the US – can turn to smaller auditors , a ban on the big four would make it difficult for them to publish their 2013 results on schedule .

  19. 中投公司于7月发布了其2010年年度财务报表。

    In July , CIC released its 2010 financial report .

  20. 方法收集并分析温州市2004年结核病监测报表。

    Methods The annual report of tuberculosis surveillance in 2004 was collected and analyzed .

  21. 方法对珠海市1996~2005年性病月报表及年报表等流行病学资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The STDs data were collected from monthly reports and yearly reports in Zhuhai during the period of 1996 ~ 2005 and retrospectively analyzed .

  22. 106号通知要求申请者提交所涉国内企业过去三年的财务报表,这意味着国内企业应当具备三年的经营记录。

    Notice 106 requires applicants to submit the financial results of the underlying domestic enterprise for the previous three years , which suggests that the domestic enterprise should have a three-year track record .

  23. 根据我国医疗卫生机构在职人员培训1981~1996年统计年报表,对医疗卫生机构行政管理人员和卫生技术人员在职培训发展状况作了统计分析。

    Based on the 1981 ~ 1996 national statistics annual reports on in service training of health care institutions personnel , the current situations of health professionals and executives in service training are analysed .

  24. 根据我国主要商业银行2007年的年度报表披露的财务信息及信用风险管理度量方法,分析了我国商业银行信用风险现状和信用风险管理中存在的问题。

    According to the annual financial statements of Chinese major commercial banks in 2007 , which disclose information and credit risk management measurement methods , we analysis Chinese commercial banks credit risk status and problems that exist in credit risk measurement .

  25. 三者之间由此而有了必然的逻辑关系,本文利用它们之间的逻辑关系,对东方电子2000年的会计报表进行审阅,用案例分析的方法证实了报表审阅对判断虚假会计报表是有效的。

    Thus there are inevitable logical relations between these three concepts . Using relations between them , through reviewing the Accounting Statement of Dongfang Electron Corp.2000 , the paper testifies the key effects that Review can tell the sham Accounting Statement .

  26. 方法对淮北市1998~2004年结核病疫情报表中肺结核病疫情资料进行收集整理,回顾性分析7年间结核病人的发现情况及新发涂阳肺结核病人的构成和转归。

    Methods Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis was investigated in Huaibei prefecture during the period from 1998 to 2004 . Retrospection analysis of new TB cases and the composition and prognosis of new cases with smear positive in the seven years were made .

  27. 我们翻阅了公司过去5年来的财务报表。

    We perused the company 's financial statements for the past five years .

  28. BP在其2010年年报和会计报表中广泛涉及石油泄漏问题。

    BP has covered the oil spill extensively in its2010 annual report and accounts .

  29. 因此1988年的合并财务报表所显示的Cofipex的股份归于布伊格股份有限公司名下,就像是该集团所拥有。

    Hence the consolidated balance sheet for1988 shows Cofipex 's stake in Bouygues SA as shares that the group held in itself .

  30. 湖南省2004年药品不良反应报表统计

    Statistics of 7061 ADR Report Forms during 2004 in Hunan Province