
  • 网络Listing Agreement
  1. 这是一种常见类型的房地产上市协议。

    This is a common type of real estate listing agreement .

  2. 文章认为,当其以商业组织面目出现时,具有私法人属性,与企业签定上市协议、与证券商签定市场参与协议,总体上属于私法行为。

    The author believes that when a stock exchange projects itself as a business organization , it has the attribute of private legal person . The acts of signing listing agreement with corporations and market participation agreement with securities traders are generally governed by private laws .

  3. 第四章对证券市场自律规则的性质做了分析,分别对上市协议和会员章程的性质,以及据此对证券市场自律监管关系的调整。

    Chapter four analyses the nature of self-regulating rules , taking listed-agreement and regulations by which to adjust self-regulated relations for examples .

  4. 上市公司协议收购的法律分析

    Legal Analysis of Negotiated M & A in Chinese Securities Market

  5. 境内上市公司协议收购的六种模式

    Six purchasing models agreement of enterprises entered into stock market

  6. 上市公司协议收购中的中小股东利益保护

    The Protection of Minority Shareholder in Listed Company 's Negotiating

  7. 上市公司协议收购的弊端及立法治理对策

    On the Malpractice of the Listed Company in Its Negotiated Procurement and the Relevant Legislative Countermeasures

  8. 强制要约制度与中小投资者保护&基于我国上市公司协议收购市场反应的实证研究

    Mandatory Bid Rule and Minority Shareholders Protection : & An Empirical Research of Negotiated Trades of Corporate Control

  9. 上市公司协议收购应该以这个内在价值为基础,再考虑影响价格形成的其他因素。

    The stock price of negotiating merger of listed company should based on this inherent value , and then consider other factors that influence prices to form .

  10. 对于协议收购,我国立法规定得较为简单粗略,亟待完善。强制要约制度与中小投资者保护&基于我国上市公司协议收购市场反应的实证研究

    But the law on takeover agreement in China is quite simple and need to be perfect . Mandatory Bid Rule and Minority Shareholders Protection : & An Empirical Research of Negotiated Trades of Corporate Control

  11. 上市公司协议收购是一种重要的公司收购方式,对于公司扩大规模,整合市场资源有着重要意义,是公司之间资本运作的重要手段。

    Negotiation purchase . of listed company is an important way of purchasing companies and a useful means of capital operation , playing a significant role in expanding the size of companies and integrating market resources .

  12. 上市公司协议收购是指投资者为了取得对于某上市公司的控制权,而在证券集中交易场所以外通过私下协议的方式受让该上市公司股份的行为。

    Acquiring a listed company by agreement can be defined as follows : in order to get the control of a listed company , an investor tries to buy enough shares of the target company by private agreement from outside of the Stock Exchanges .

  13. 第一部分介绍了关于上市公司协议收购的基本理论及与相关概念的比较,介绍了协议收购的基本原则,为下文保护中小股东的利益奠定理论基础。

    The first part introduces the basic theories and relevant concept about the acquiring a listed company by agreement , introduces the basic principle of acquiring a listed company by agreement , All the contents lay a foundation for minority stock holder 's interests protection .

  14. 论上市公司的协议收购

    Dealing With Takeover Agreement of Listed Company

  15. 最后一节重点分析了我国上市公司的协议收购和要约收购程序。

    In the last section the author analyzes agreement M A and offer M A procedure of our listed companies .

  16. 根据商业原则与上市公司签订有关协议。

    May enter into relevant agreements with the listed company in accordance with commercial principles .

  17. 上市公司国有股协议转让价格影响因素研究

    An Empirical Research on the Negotiating Transfer Price of the State-owned Stocks in Chinese Listed Companies

  18. 本公司保证严格遵守国家有关法律法规、本公司章程,严格遵守贵所上市规则和股票上市协议,履行法定义务,接受贵所监管。

    The company guarantees to comply with relevant laws and regulations of the state , the articles of association of the company , listing rules of the exchange and share listing agreement , and to execute legal obligations and to accept the supervisions of the exchange .