
fēi huì yuán
  • Non member;nonmember
  1. 非会员不具备通常会员才有的免税资格。

    Non-members do not qualify for the tax waiver normally applied to members .

  2. 据巴勒斯坦官员所描述的B计画则是要求联合国大会将巴勒斯坦的身分由观察员提升至非会员国。

    Plan B , as outlined by Palestinian officials , is to ask the General Assembly to upgrade Palestine to a non-member state from its current status as an observer .

  3. APQCPCF得到了会员和非会员组织的使用。

    The APQC PCF is used by member and non-member organizations .

  4. 2012年,研究人员发现,像Facebook这样的社交网络公司会利用机器学习进行相当准确的预测,即认识同一名会员的两个非会员之间是否也互相认识。

    The following year researchers showed that social network companies such as Facebook could use machine learning to pretty accurately predict whether two nonmembers known by the same member also know one another .

  5. 巴勒斯坦被联合国承认为非会员观察员国,1998成为FIFA成员。该国目前在拉姆安拉附近建有一座国家体育馆,而且已经四次尝试入围世界杯决赛圈。

    Palestine recognized as a nonmember observer state by the United Nations and a member of FIFA since 1998 now has a national stadium near Ramallah and has attempted to qualify for four World Cup finals .

  6. 巴勒斯坦被联合国承认为“非会员观察员国”,1998成为FIFA成员。该国目前在拉姆安拉附近建有一座国家体育馆,而且已经四次尝试入围世界杯决赛圈。

    Palestine - recognized as a " nonmember observer state " by the United Nations and a member of FIFA since 1998 - now has a national stadium near Ramallah and has attempted to qualify for four World Cup finals .

  7. 组委会要求所有AACS会员都要参加,同时也欢迎非会员投稿并加入协会,参加年会。

    Although membership in AACS is required for participation in the Annual Meeting , non-members are welcome to submit proposals , join the Association and participate in the Annual Meeting .

  8. 非会员的人也来参加比赛吧。

    For somebody who 's not a member to compete .

  9. 推荐虚拟品牌社区给其他非会员。

    Recommend the on-line brand community to non-member .

  10. 会员及非会员参加了这次公开仪式。

    Affiliates and nonmembers attended the public ceremony .

  11. 亲爱的会员和非会员朋友们。

    Dear fellow members and guests .

  12. 但我可以说非会员想玩的乐趣意愿很低,那不是你所说的游戏有这么好玩吗。

    And isn 't that all about if you play a game " having FUN " .

  13. 非会员可以在这个俱乐部玩吗?

    Can non-members use this club ?

  14. 不过有些联谊会和女生联谊会也经常供应非会员的外国学生食宿;

    However , some fraternities and sororities regularly provide living accommodations to foreign students who are nonmembers .

  15. 参加者(员或非会员)自行负责自己的车支及膳食费。

    All participants ( members or not ) pay for their own share of transportation and meals .

  16. 这份名单既包括了美国医学会的会员也包括了非会员,名单每周更新一次。

    This list , which includes both physicians who are members of the American Medical Association and nonmembers , is updated weekly .

  17. 研究了非会员作品的使用费收取和分配问题,以及对非会员作品的管理提出了设想。

    Do the study of the non-member work royalty collection and distribution problems , as well as plan on non-members works management .

  18. 职业足球俱乐部会员与非会员球迷主场比赛消费忠诚度比较但是对职业的忠诚,反而增加。

    The Study Compared the Loyalty of Member Fans to Nonmember Fans of Professional Football Club when Viewing Games at Their Home Stadium ;

  19. 本公会将不时举办小活动,以供会员参加,非会员将不被承认。

    Guild will make events time by time , and it 's just qualify for guild member , non-guild member will not be qualify to the events .

  20. 美国国际青年旅舍协会欢迎会员与非会员(美国居民),但是非会员入住的费用比会员高。

    Hostelling International USA welcomes both members and non-members ( US residents ), but non-members are required to pay a higher overnight rate for each night they stay .

  21. 由于成本、运费和汇率都有调整,所以背带的价钱调整至会员$70,非会员$85。

    Due to the increasing production cost and currency exchange rate , the binocular straps price is now revised to $ 70 for members and $ 85 for non-members .

  22. 下一步我们将做相关的在线问卷调查,将志同道合会员和非会员组成虚拟研讨小组,将主题会议将作为研讨的汇报。

    For the next step , we will deliver the relative survey and found the meeting project teams to deliver the theme oriented meeting to you in the near future .

  23. 由于租船费用比预期高,故此我们决定将活动收费调整为会员:$200,非会员$250。

    Due to the unexpected high boat rent , we decided to adjust the application fee of this boat trip to Member : $ 200 , Non-member - $ 250 .

  24. 在月会员费略高于70美元(约合440元人民币)的情况下,这意味着每去一次平均花费17美元,远高于非会员锻炼一次10美元的收费。

    With monthly membership fees of just over $ 70 , that meant an average of $ 17 per visit & well above the $ 10 charge to work out as a nonmember .

  25. 不过有一点是明显的:加拿大皇家资本市场公司指出,Prime会员花在亚马逊网站上的时间要明显多于非Prime会员。

    But what is clear is that Prime members spend significantly more than more casual Amazon shoppers , according to RBC Capital Markets .

  26. Prime会员表示,他们在亚马逊的年均购物花费为538美元,远远高于非Prime会员的320美元。

    Prime members said they spent an average of $ 538 annually with Amazon , far more than the $ 320 by non-Prime members .

  27. 最后,主席代表俱乐部为来听讲座的非俱乐部会员致谢。

    At last , the presider gave thanks to the non-members of MSTC .

  28. 全面结算会员期货公司不得向非结算会员收取结算担保金。

    A general settlement member futures company shall not collect the deposits for settlement from non-settlement members .

  29. 非渔会会员或非渔业生产合作社社员之入渔,应另以契约约定之。

    Fishing in specific waters by non-members of a fishery association or fishery production cooperative shall be agreed to by a contract .

  30. 全面结算会员期货公司可以根据非结算会员的资信及市场情况调整保证金标准。

    A general settlement member futures company may , according to the credit and market conditions of non-settlement members , adjust the deposit standard .