
  • 网络Organizational justice;Organization Justice;Organizational Equity;organization equity
  1. 此外,组织公平知觉对部分个性特征,如神经质与进谏行为之间的关系具有缓冲作用,高公平知觉会削弱神经质对进谏行为的负面效应。

    In addition , perceived organizational justice moderated the relationship between some of the personality dimensions , such as neuroticism and voice behavior ; high perception of organizational justice could attenuate the negative impact of neuroticism on voice behavior .

  2. 本文将组织公平感作为中介变量,团队氛围作为调节变量,建立了LMX与团队绩效的关系模型,并据此提出了本文的假设。

    My research makes the organizational justice as intermediary variable and the team atmosphere as moderating variable . The paper establishes a relationship between LMX and team performance model , and puts forward the assumption of this paper .

  3. 公平启发式是组织公平领域中一个新的理论,由Lind等人于1992年提出,该理论主要涉及公平判断的形成和使用问题。

    Fairness heuristic is a new theory of social justice area which was put forward by Lind et al in 1992 . The theory mainly involved in the formation and use of fair judge .

  4. 受苹果委托帮助富士康改善劳动条件的监督组织公平劳动协会(FLA)在检查评估后表示,富士康未能遵守中国《劳动法》有关每月累计加班时间不得超过36小时的规定。

    Foxconn is not in compliance with Chinese law allowing only 36 hours of overtime a month , according to an inspection by the Fair Labor Association , a monitoring group brought in by Apple to help the company improve working conditions .

  5. 研究发现,人际关系对OCB产生积极的影响,组织公平感与OCB具有正向相关关系,组织公平感作为调节变量,对人际关系与OCB的关系产生了负向调节作用。

    The results show that the interpersonal relationship has a positive impact on OCB , and a positive correlation relationship do exist between organization justice and OCB , and also a negative regulatory role exist between interpersonal relationship and OCB when taking the organization justice as a moderator variable .

  6. 文章的主要目的在于回顾组织公平自其产生至今的主要文献,并介绍Colquitt(2001)的组织公平四因素结构(即分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平)[1]。

    The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce an overview of the organizational justice literature starting from its beginning . Additionally , Colquitt 's ( 2001 ) 4-factor structure of organizational justice , i.

  7. 组织公平文献综述及未来的研究方向

    The Preliminary Literature Review and Future Research Directions of Organizational Justice

  8. 公平敏感性与员工组织公平感的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Equity Sensitivity and Organizational Justice

  9. 学校组织公平感对教师工作倦怠的影响

    The Effects of School Organizational Fairness on Teachers ' Job Burnout

  10. 绩效管理的各个部分对员工的组织公平感有什么影响?

    How the performance management influence the organizational justice of the employees ?

  11. 组织公平感与员工对组织变革反应的关系研究

    The Effect of Organizational Justice on Employees ' Reaction to Organizational Change

  12. 组织公平知觉对进谏行为具有显著促进作用;

    Perceived organizational justice had positive impact on voice behavior .

  13. 中国员工组织公平感结构和现状的实证解析

    An Empirical Study on the Structure and Reality of Organizational Justice in China

  14. 组织公平感对员工工作绩效影响的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Effects of Organizational Justice on the Staff Performance

  15. 第三,组织公平感与组织承诺显著相关,分配公平和程序公平对组织承诺具有显著的预测作用。

    Thirdly , there was significant correlation between organizational commitment and organizational justice .

  16. 组织公平性&薪酬管理工作的重要原则

    Organizational Justice : an Important Principle of Emolument Management

  17. 组织公平与组织公民行为各维度都呈显著正相关。

    Organizational justice is positively correlated with each dimension of organizational citizenship behaviors .

  18. 宾馆的组织公平性与服务公平性

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Service Fairness in Hotels

  19. 本文从组织公平的视角扩展了对组织公民行为问题的研究。

    This expansion from the perspective of organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior issues .

  20. 组织公平感在团队冲突和反生产行为之间起到部分中介作用。

    Organizational justice partially mediates the relationship between team conflict and CWB . 5 .

  21. 绩效管理对组织公平感的影响研究

    The Effects of Performance Management on Organizational Justice

  22. 领导&成员交换理论及对组织公平管理研究的启示

    Analysis of Leader-Member Exchange Theory and It 's Implications on Study of Organizational Justice

  23. 领导&成员交换对工作满意度的影响:组织公平感的中介作用

    The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Job Satisfaction : The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice

  24. 结果表明:组织公平感与工作绩效显著正相关;

    The results show that organizational justice and job performance have a significantly positive correlation ;

  25. 因此,组织公平感各维度都对任务绩效有显著的正向影响。

    Therefore , all dimensions of organizational justice have significant positive impact on task performance .

  26. 企业员工的心理契约和组织公平感、组织承诺的关系研究

    The Correlation Research on the Employee 's Psychological Contract and Organizational Justice , Organizational Commitment

  27. 知识型员工组织公平感与工作满意度关系研究二、情感冲突为派遣员工知觉最多的冲突类型。

    The Study on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction of Knowledge Workers ;

  28. 大五和组织公平感对进谏行为的影响研究

    A Research on the Impact of Big Five and Perceived Organizational Justice on Voice Behavior

  29. 在中国文化背景下,程序公平与工作绩效不存在明显的相关性,而领导公平与工作绩效的相关程度较组织公平的其他维度都高。

    Under the background of Chinese culture , procedure justice is not related to job performance .

  30. 第二部分对下级评估、权力距离和组织公平感的相关文献进行了回顾。

    Chapter Two reviews the relevant literature about upward appraisal , power distance orientation and organizational justice .