
  • 网络assembly;PTTA
  1. 发动机和切割组合装置正在运转时,切勿使割草机处于倾斜状态。

    Never tilt the mower while the engine and the cutting assembly are running .

  2. 发动机和切割组合装置启动时,脚要远离刀片。

    Keep our feet at distance from the blades when starting the engine and the cutting assembly .

  3. 在一个你可以直接从货架上买到立方体卫星组合装置的时代,我们该如何相信我们头顶上的卫星是由那些知道自己在做什么的人怀着善意开发出来的呢?

    In an era when you can simply buy a CubeSat kit off the shelf , how can we trust the satellites over our heads were developed with good intentions by people who knew what they were doing ?

  4. UnitIsStrength(团结就是力量)(初二适用)气动肌腱与杠杆-铰杆增力机构的组合装置

    Unit Is Strength Unit Equipment of Pneumatic Muscle and Lever-toggle Force Amplifier

  5. 组合装置上~(235)U裂变反应率测量

    Measurement of ~ ( 235 ) U fission reaction-rates in combined device

  6. 本文论述了基于PLC机械手与冷却箱组合装置的功能、组成、原理。

    This article has expounded the function , composition and principle of PLC manipulator and cool case make up device .

  7. 基于eM-Plant的虚拟晶圆制造自动组合装置

    Virtual Cluster Tool in Wafer Fabrication Based on eM-Plant

  8. 用浓缩铀裂变室和俘获探测器测量了组合装置上的235U(包镉)裂变反应率。

    Fission reaction-rates of 235U ( wrapped with Cd of 0.8mm ) in the combined setup were measured , using the enriched uranium fission chamber and capturing detector .

  9. 半导体重入加工过程自动组合装置的建模与分析

    Modeling and analysis of cluster tool with revisiting in semiconductor manufacturing

  10. 连锁式轴承组合装置在棒线材轧机上的应用

    The application of interlocking bearing combined unit on wire rod mill

  11. 气动肌腱与杠杆-铰杆增力机构的组合装置

    Unit Equipment of Pneumatic Muscle and Lever - toggle Force Amplifier

  12. 预加应力操作仅是把液体泵入组合装置中。

    Prestressing operation is mainly pumping fluid into the apparatus .

  13. 视频台上光学演示实验组合装置

    An installation for several optical demonstration experiments on a video bench in classrooms

  14. 虚拟晶圆制造双臂自动组合装置的实现

    A Virtual Dual-arm Cluster Tool in Wafer Fabrication

  15. 低本底测量用的6路~3He计数管电子学组合装置

    A Compact Unit of 6-Fold ~ 3He Counters and its Electronics for Low Background Measurement

  16. 本实用新型涉及一种电源连接器组合装置,属于机电类。

    The utility model relates to an assembly of power supply connector of electro-mechanic type .

  17. 多功能组合装置在外围低渗透油田的应用

    The Application of the Multi-function Combined unit on the Peripheral Low Productivity Low Permeable Oilfields

  18. 而获得一个合理的分析结果的关键在于为自动组合装置建立合适的模型。

    The key of getting a proper analysis is to build a proper model of cluster tools .

  19. 组合装置、桩、约束件都预先安设在路基或基层上/中;用连续式摊铺机一次完成路面板浇筑和板与各设施的连接;

    One pass of a continuously paving machine completes slab casting and connections of the slabs and facilities ;

  20. 船用焚化炉-锅炉组合装置

    Marine incinerator-boiler composite plant

  21. 本文介绍可在多媒体视频展示台上完成多种光学演示实验的组合装置。

    This paper introduces a new installation , with which several optical demonstration experiments can do on a video bench in classrooms .

  22. 本实用新型涉及一种零件送料装置,尤其是一种可调速柔性自动送料组合装置。

    The utility model relates to a part feeding device , in particular to a speed variable flexible automatic feeding combination device .

  23. 采用无机氧化、凝聚的物化方法和沉淀池设计应用竖向折板反应等的高效组合装置,处理钢珠制造工业废水。

    By using inorganic oxidation , coacervation physico-chemical method and vertical folded-plate reaction , high efficient combined installation to treat steel-balls industrial wastewater .

  24. 更宏观的设计观被分为两周一次的作业,在工作室中进行,使用先进的制作模型工具和组合装置。

    The environment is half that of a studio where larger design visions are broken into biweekly assignments using advanced modeling tools and fabrication devices .

  25. 用于精密衰减控制的半波片和偏振片组合装置高精度激光参数测量系统中衰减系统的研究与评价

    An Assemble of a Half wave Plate and Polarizers for Precision Controlled Attenuator Investigation and evaluation of cuneiform prism and neutral glass slices used as laser attenuator

  26. 记录式或非记录式的液体比重计及类似的浮子式仪器、温度计、高温计、气压计、湿度计、干湿球湿度计及其组合装置。

    Hydrometers and similar floating instruments , thermometers and pyrometers , barometers , hygrometers and psychrometers , recording or not , and any combination of these instruments .

  27. 它的挤压装置为弹簧与气袋的组合装置,挤压力均匀,使用安全可靠。

    The extrusion device thereof is the combined device of the spring and the air bag , and has uniform extrusion force as well as safe and reliable use .

  28. 介绍热镀锌工艺的内加热式镀锌炉和钢丝垂直、斜向引出组合装置等两项新技术在国内某公司钢丝热处理车间设计中的应用。

    This paper describes the application of the internal heating type galvanizing furnace and the vertical & oblique wire leading units in the design of a wire heat treatment shop in China .

  29. 而随着晶圆直径的越来越大,加工工艺也越来越复杂,越来越多的采用自动组合装置进行大直径晶圆的加工。

    With the wafer size becoming more and more larger , the process of the wafer fabrication becomes more complex . Therefore , cluster tools are widely used to process wafers in semiconductor manufacturing .

  30. 随着蛋白质基因技术、组织再生医学及药物科学的发展和交叉,应用于组合装置的先进药物控释涂层研究已成为生物医用植入体和组织再生材料研究的重要内容。

    With the development and interdisciplines of protein technology , gene technology , tissue regeneration medicine and pharmacy , advanced drug controlled release coatings applied in drug / medical devices becomes an important issue of biomedical implants and tissue regenerative materials .