
  • 网络Group;Drawing GROUP
  1. 本文使用C语言为软件开发平台,以二维坐标系中的斜角坐标系中心组合图形为例,设计程序并为开发专题地图量化信息可视化创造一定的前提条件。

    In this paper C language in used to realize central combination of the oblique coordinate in two dimensions coordinate . Some preconditions in developing the map quantitative information visualization of special subject are shown .

  2. 基于面向对象技术的组合图形描述方法及实现

    Description and Implementation for composed graphics on the object oriented technique

  3. 组合图形法在光学检验中的应用

    Application of composite pattern method in optical testing

  4. 弹性地基上矩形组合图形板的实用计算法

    Practical method for calculating the plates with some rectangular shapes supported on an elastic foundation

  5. 常用组合图形参数化设计

    Parameter Design of Common Composite Figures

  6. 要组合图形对象,单击绘图工具栏上的建立对象组按钮。

    You can click the Group Objects button on the Drawing toolbar as a shortcut for grouping graphic objects .

  7. 本文提出一种计算弹性地基上矩形组合图形板的实用法。

    In this paper , a new practical method for calculating the plates consisting of rectangular shapes and supported on an elastic foundation is proposed .

  8. 在此基础上,最终实现了基本图形元素的绘制、选中等功能,从而可以实现图元的绘制、组合图形的绘制。

    Finally the function of plotting and choosing graphic element are realized on this basis , thus plotting function of pixel and composite figure can be achieved .

  9. 文章选择新颖的斜角坐标系量化图形中的双坐标系组合图形用于展现地球信息图谱。

    The paper selects the new-style double coordinate system combined graph in category of the chart of oblique coordinate system to describe the graphic methodology of geo - information .

  10. 在此基础上,分析了现今一些图形软件中的组合图形的数据结构和集散型控制系统算法组态图中的元件编辑器数据结构。

    From the point of view , we analyzed the data structure of " united graphics " in some software and " component editor " of Graphics Configuration based on Distributed Control System .

  11. 首先,草图识别包括预处理和图形识别,根据各种图形处理机制,介绍了四种图形识别方法:基于笔划的、基于图元的、基于几何特征的、基于组合图形的。

    Firstly , sketch recognition is divided into preprocessing and graphics recognition , and according to various graphics processing mechanisms , a few graphics recognition methods based on strokes , primitive shapes , geometric features or composite shapes are introduced .

  12. XML在组合夹具图形库中的应用

    The Application of XML to Modular Fixture Graphics Library

  13. 在这里,可以看到Manufacturer组合的图形化展示,该组合公开的服务由四个连接在一起的SCA组件来实现。

    Here , we see a graphical depiction of the Manufacturer composite , with its exposed Service being realized by four wired-together SCA components .

  14. 根据题材把绣面龙被中的图案分为人物、植物、动物、几何的组合式图形。

    According to subject matter the embroidery pattern in dragon was divided into person , animal , plant , a combination of geometric graphics .

  15. 本文抽象了画面基本元素,设计了一组可组合的图形元件,并给出了用于绘制流程图的几个不同的工具类。

    The basal element of picture was abstracted and a group of element of figure was also designed to provide some different tool classes for user to draw flow chart .

  16. 本论文以组合夹具元件图形库为应用对象,开发了基于XML的图形库系统。该系统主要应用了以下技术:基于。

    In the paper the graphics library of modular fixture is based on XML .

  17. 介绍了相变理论中的组合近似和图形展开技术,并用这一方法严格计算了Bethe-type格子上Ising模型的配分函数和自旋关联函数。

    A combinatorial approach and graph expansion in theory of phase transition are introduced and the method to calculation correlation function of the Ising model is applied to Bethe-type lattice .

  18. 有关组合或实现图形和布局的更多信息可在Draw2D开发人员指南中找到,该指南包含在GEFSDK中。

    More information about composing or implementing figures and layouts can be found in the Draw2D developers guide included with the GEF SDK .

  19. 通过组合多个图形可以做到这一点。

    This can be done by composing multiple figures .

  20. 有时候,通过组合多个图形、布局管理器和/或边框可以获得期望的结果。

    Sometimes the desired results can be achieved by composing multiple figures , layout managers , and / or borders .

  21. 作为视觉传达的基本组合元素,图形和文字在视觉传达设计中的应用手法和创作风格多种多样。

    As the basic combinational elements of the visional communication , the technique and the creative style of figures and letters in visional communication design should be rich .

  22. 研究分形上自旋系统的相变问题,常用的理论方法有:组合解法,图形展开法,转移矩阵法和重整化群方法。

    The usual ways to study the subject are the transfer-matrix method , combination solution , the graphic expansion and the renormalization - group technique , and so on .

  23. 齿轮连杆组合机构的交互式图形仿真设计

    Interactive Design of Graphic Simulation for Gear-Linkage Combined Mechanism

  24. 拆分选定的组合在一起的图形对象

    Ungroups the selected group of drawing objects

  25. 利用Pro/E开发组合夹具通用件图形库

    Using Pro / E to Develop a Shape Library for the Universal Parts of Built-in Jigs

  26. 可绘制包括圆、椭圆、圆弧与椭圆弧及其组合的任意平面图形的剖面线。

    Section lines of any plane figure including circle , ellipse , straight line and their combination can be drawn .

  27. 总结组合夹具通用件图形库的建立方法、原则和步骤。

    And sums up method and principle and procedure of setting up shape library for the universal parts of built-in jigs .

  28. 研究实现了几种几何图形的扫描程序,并在此基础上,进行组合,实现复杂图形的扫描切割,并进行了路径优化的特殊功能的编程,这是本文的一个创新点。

    It is an innovation to realize path optimize for scan cutting of complicated figures by the compounding of compiling some scan programs of fundamental graphics .

  29. 商业外观是指商品的总体形象或总体外貌,包括尺寸、外形、颜色或颜色组合、构造、图形,甚至特殊的销售技巧。

    The trade dress is total image of a product and may include features such as size , shape , colour , or colour combinations , texture , graphics , or even particular sales techniques .

  30. 请考虑使用工具栏布局(在垂直或水平方向上)和边框布局的组合来组合多个图形。

    Consider composing multiple figures using combinations of the toolbar layout ( in vertical or horizontal orientation ) and the border layout .