
  • 网络executive culture
  1. 建立执行文化:现代企业管理理念的精魂

    Establish Executive Culture : Essence of Notions of Modern Business Management

  2. 构建执行文化是提升团队执行力的关键

    Building Executive Culture : the Key to the Promotion of Team Execution Ability

  3. 关于执行文化的对话

    Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . EXECUTION Dialogue

  4. 执行文化对我国电信运营商的战略意义

    Strategical Significance of Execution Culture for Telecom Operators in China

  5. 企业执行文化研究

    Business Data Enterprises Research of Executive Culture

  6. 构建我国民营企业执行文化的对策研究

    Establishing Execution Culture of Chinese Private Enterprise

  7. 构建执行文化对我国民营企业的生存与发展具有特别重要的意义。

    Establishing execution culture implies very important meanings for the existence and development of private enterprises .

  8. 关于执行文化

    Investigation on Culture Execution

  9. 企业执行文化是有益于培育和提高企业执行力的价值观念、思想理念和行为方式;

    It is beneficial that an excellent enterprise culture could foster advanced ideas of value of executives and staffs and improve their behavior .

  10. 首先,本文从生成的层面和形成主体的不同,将企业文化分为公司治理文化、管理文化和执行文化。

    First , from the differences of formation and main bodies , corporate culture is divided into CGC , managerial culture and executive culture .

  11. 执行文化的培育或创建需要企业高层领导坚持不懈地推进和员工的整体认同。

    The cultivation and development of executive culture needs unremittingly pushing forward by the top management leaders of an enterprise and the approval of the whole staff at same time .

  12. 人是企业的主体,人的思想决定了其行为,执行文化就是要通过对人的思想产生积极影响,从而改善人的行为模式使之朝着具有高效执行力的方向转变。

    Human is the main body of enterprise , and human 's thought leads action . It could make positive influence to human 's thought by execution culture , improve the mode of his conduct and turn to high execution .

  13. 最后对当前企业执行文化建设过程中应注意的几个问题作了提示:要提高全员的执行文化意识,修炼执行习惯,下力气培养执行型领导者。

    Finally I would like to point out some problems on the current enterprise cultural construction process executing : enhance the whole staff 's consciousness of culture execution , and develop the habit of execution , strive to train the execution leader .

  14. 试论执行力文化的构建与政府行政效率的提高

    Primary Discussion on Executive Ability Construction and Enhancing Administrative Efficiency

  15. 关于加强和培育企业的执行力文化的探讨

    Discussion on Enhancing and Cultivating the Executive Culture of Enterprises

  16. 护理管理执行力文化的构建与实施

    Practice and Experience of Improving Executive Ability Culture in Nursing Management Executive Force

  17. 执行力文化的工作效应与图书馆管理

    Working Effects of Execution Culture and Library Management

  18. 基于执行力文化下现代医院核心流程体系的构建

    Constitution of the core process system for modern hospital based on hospital execution culture

  19. 试论构建企业执行力文化

    On Construction of Enterprise Executing Culture

  20. 发展民族旅游业应做到:自觉地执行民俗文化的保留和传承原则;

    In order to develop folk-custom tourism , we should pursue the policy of reservation and inherit ;

  21. 修补我们的“软肋”&执行力文化

    The Culture of Executive Force

  22. 目的构建一套基于执行力文化下的现代医院核心流程体系。

    ConclusionExecution culture is the valuable driving power of modern hospital management , and building execution culture is imperative .

  23. 图书馆执行力文化是图书馆价值观得以体现的根本保证,也是搞好图书馆建设的关键。

    Library culture executive force is the basic ensure to embodiment the values of library and it 's also the key to manage the library work .

  24. 文章结合通用电气、海尔等优秀企业的执行力文化,提出了培育企业执行力文化的思路与策略。

    In combination with the executive culture of some excellent enterprises such as GE and Haier , the thought and strategy of cultivating execution of enterprise culture were put forward .

  25. 从行政文化的角度出发,创建执行力文化,是提高政府执行效力的良好途径。

    Therefore we should base on government 's executive ability , and establish the " culture of executive ability " and make it a good way to improve government 's executive ability .

  26. 认为HT公司必须结合公司自身实际,从战略、运营和人员三方面系统改进,并构建执行力企业文化。

    Think HT must be combined with its own actual , strategy , operations and personnel from three aspects of system improvement , and construction of executive power of enterprise culture .

  27. 我国公共政策执行阻滞的文化因素分析及对策

    Analysis of Culture Factors Resulting in Public Policy Block and Countermeasures

  28. 联合国执行对南非文化抵制的政策原则

    United Nations Policy Guidelines for the Implementation of the Cultural Boycott of South Africa

  29. 从建立科学有效的战略管理体系、将战略管理与企业绩效管理工作相结合以及打造崇尚执行的企业文化等方面探讨了如何提高中国网通的战略执行力。

    At last the author discussed how to improve implementation strength from aspects of company culture and strategy management .

  30. 政府执行力与行政文化的隐性链接

    The Latent Link between Government 's Excutive Ability and Administrative Culture Executive Force