
  • 网络Execution device;actuator
  1. 分析船用升降装置和保护罩发生碰撞的现象,通过系统原理可知缺乏液压互锁机构和系统的内泄漏是导致两者的执行装置发生运动干涉的主要原因。

    The systematical principle flow shows that the lack of hydraulic interlocking mechanism and the inner leakage had resulted in movement interferences of actuators of both of them .

  2. 新型智能阀门电动执行装置的硬件设计和实现

    Hardware design and implementation of new intelligent electric valve actuator

  3. 应用AutoCAD和Pro/e软件建立了作业工具和执行装置模型。

    The operational tools and the execution device model were established utilizing the AutoCAD and Pro / e software . 3 .

  4. 因为“CPU的”通常是指软件(计算机程序)的执行装置,最早的设备,可以正确地被称为中央处理器是随着存储程序的计算机。

    Sincethe term " CPU " is generally defined as a software ( computer program ) execution device , the earliest devices that could rightly be calledCPUs came with the advent of the stored-program computer .

  5. 三维激光定位系统是CT-SIM定位系统的标定等中心点的执行装置,它通过在人体体表上投射出三个标记点来完成对肿瘤等中心点的标记任务。

    Three-dimensional laser positioning system is the actuator of CT-SIM positioning system , which is used for calibrating the isocenter point . The three markers are projected out on the body surface to accomplish the task of marking the isocenter point of tumor .

  6. 轧机液压压下动力执行装置的设计

    Design of Power Executive Unit of Hydraulic Screwdown for Rolling Mill

  7. 一种大功率线性电机驱动的直行程智能电动执行装置的研究

    Research of Linear Electric Intelligent Actuator Drived by a High-power Linear Motor

  8. 采用五轴混联机构的并联机床作为零件数字化的测量执行装置,基于信息集成思想进行了系统总体及软硬件部分的设计,实现了并联机床的数字化控制;

    The five-axis parallel mechanism is used as the executive device for measurement .

  9. 负责执行装置关键机组循环检查流程。

    Be responsible for executing the cyclic examination flow for key unit in plant .

  10. 本文介绍了一套新型的全自动量热器法测试系统控制执行装置的设计原理。

    A new set of control devices for fully automatic calorimeters are introduced in this paper .

  11. 变压器的准确动作依赖于励磁涌流和故障电流期间的执行装置。

    This performance improvement depends on the transformer operating mechanism during the flow of magnetizing inrush currents and fault currents .

  12. 以新的执行装置为控制对象,提出一种简单的控制方案和另一种较高质量的控制方案。

    Put forward a kind of simple control project and another control project of higher quality towards new performing device .

  13. 电动执行装置性能的好坏,对电动阀门甚至整个管道系统的控制都具有十分重要的影响。

    The performance of electric actuator is very important for the controlling of electric valve , even for the ductwork .

  14. 蜗杆传动,手动气动切换方便。安装地执行装置与阀门之间。

    Worm transmission , convenient to switch from manual to pneumatic mode , It is installed between operation organ and valve .

  15. 内窥镜前端避障的执行装置是内窥镜主动避障系统的一部分。

    The control device for the obstacle-a voidance of the endoscope is a part of the automatic obstacle-a-voidance subsystem of endoscopy .

  16. 在每个配油模块末端分别设有一个接力器,作为液压系统的执行装置。

    A servomotor is arranged at the end of each oil distributing module and serves as an actuating device of the hydraulic system .

  17. 在压电理论和机械振动理论的基础上,提出了一种基于压电作动器的控制执行装置。

    In this paper , based on the theory of piezoelectric ceramic and vibration mechanics , an implementing mechanism propelled piezoelectric actuator is proposed .

  18. 管道机器人是以管内移动机构载体为依托,配置相应的执行装置和传感器,来完成管内检测、探伤、喷涂、焊接等各种特定作业的机械装置。

    The pipe robot is a mechanical device based on moving mechanism to complete tasks like inspection , testing , spraying , welding and so on .

  19. 介绍了一种用于棉纺设备隔距调整的电动执行装置,对该装置的运动机理、机械结构和自动控制系统作了详细介绍。

    The automatic device for the gauge adjustment of parts on textile machine was presented . Its principle , mechanical structure and control system were discussed .

  20. 导引头伺服机构是实现视轴稳定和目标跟踪的执行装置,其性能直接影响导引头的制导精度。

    A seeker servo equipment is executive mechanism to provide stabilization of LOS and track targets , thus its performance has a direct effect on the seeker .

  21. 其磨床改造方案是采用单片机作为控制系统,步进电机作为驱动执行装置的闭环控制系统。

    The NC remaking scheme of tool grinder is a closed-loop control system , which uses single-chip microcomputer as a control system and step motor as the executive equipment .

  22. 电动舵机作为修正弹的核心修正执行装置,以其优良的修正能力、良好的控制特性得到了广泛的研究与应用。

    Depending on the excellent control characteristics and correction ability , the electric actuator used as the key device of the projectile correction , has been studied and applied widely .

  23. 和传统旧式阀门电动执行装置相比,本智能阀门电动执行装置具有更优良的故障处理和报警机制、更友好的人机界面和更先进的总线通讯能力。

    Compared with traditional electric valve actuator , the intelligent one has better malfunction handling and alarming mechanism , more friendly man - machine interface and more advanced bus communication ability .

  24. 燃油调节器防喘装置是实现发动机工作过程中控制发动机主燃烧室主、付油路供油的执行装置;

    The fuel regulator surge prevention device is a actuating unit which control fuel supply of the first and second fuel path of the main chamber when the engin is working .

  25. 在硬件上,系统基于机电电液比例控制技术,以工控机为主要控制单元,结合过程数据I/O板卡、传感器和液压执行装置,实现对试件工作压力的静压控制和升压控制。

    The control part realized the pressure control and velocity of the pressure increasing , with the IPC ( Industrial Personal Computer ) as its controller based on the hydraulic-electronic control technology .

  26. 为了研究和开发一种新的、结构简单的直线执行装置,对双槽单相电容直线异步电机的电磁推力进行了分析研究。

    In order to design a new linear operating mechanism with simpler structure , the electromagnetic thrust of double-slot single-phase capacitance linear induction motor ( LIM ) is studied in this paper .

  27. 针对恶劣的振动冲击环境,提出一种基于电磁作动的冲击振动主动控制技术,并研制了一套电磁执行装置。

    Aimed at the severe environment of vibration and shock , we suggest an active control technology against vibration and shock based on electromagnetic actuation and also develop a set of electromagnetic actuator .

  28. 该系统具备目标轨迹输入与显示、运动控制规划等功能,并通过执行装置步进电机及机械装置实现目标轨迹的输出。

    This system has the function including target trajectory input and display , motion control planning and the device will achieve its objectives trajectory output through the implementation stepper motor and mechanical devices .

  29. 该系统利用PC机和单片机技术,发送一种模拟路面信息的信号给控制器,并根据控制器的输出模拟摊铺机执行装置测试控制器的工作状态。

    Using PC and single chip computer technology , the system can send a kind of signal which can represent the message of road surface to controller , and then imitate the executing equipment to verify the controller by the output of the control unit .

  30. 视频导航实验验证了导丝位移测量装置、导丝插入执行装置以及视频导航软件协调工作的可行性,并找到了影响视频导航遥操作实验花费时间长短的重要因素,为进一步研究找到了方向。

    Video navigation experiment proved that guide wire displacement measuring device , guide wire insertion device and video navigation software cooperated well . Apart from that , an important factor affected time cost of video navigation was discovered which offered a potential direction for future research .