
  • 网络Linear Predictive coding;linear prediction coding;lpc
  1. 线性预测编码(LPC)技术及其在音频文件上的应用

    LPC Technique and Its Application in Audio File

  2. 线性预测编码(LPC)语音合成器的设计

    Design on LPC Speech Synthesizer

  3. 实时实现低延迟码激励线性预测编码R等时线延迟。

    The Real Time Implementation of LD-CELP Coding ④ Delayed R isochronal lines .

  4. 基于遗传搜索算法的码激励线性预测编码及一种非规范RS码的研究

    Study of Code-Excited Linear Prediction Based on Genetic Algorithms and a Kind of Irregular RS Code

  5. 在现有语音编码标准中,混合激励线性预测编码(MixedExcitationLinearPrediction,MELP)是一种比较好的方法。

    In the study of speech coding in present , the Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction ( MELP ) is a kind of relatively good method .

  6. 线性预测编码(LPC)是语音信号处理的一种强有力的分析技术。

    LPC is one of the most powerful technigue in speech signal processing .

  7. 将线性预测编码(LPC,LinearPredictiveCoding)技术引入到语音数字水印的分析研究中。

    Progresses are summarized as follows : 1 . LPC ( Linear Predictive Coding ) technique is introduced to the research and analysis of speech signals .

  8. 线性预测编码(LPC)是当今语音分析中最好的方法。

    Al present , the linear predictive coding ( LPC ) is the best method for voice analysis .

  9. 算法原理是由线性预测编码(LPC)系数转换为倒频谱(CEP)参数;

    The algorithm is to transform linear predictive coding ( LPC ) cofficients into parameters of the cepstrum .

  10. 线性预测编码中Levinson-Durbin算法的ASIC实现

    ASIC Implementation of Levinson-Durbin Arithmetic in LPC

  11. 表征语音谱参数的线性预测编码(LPC)参数被广泛用于各种语音编码算法。

    Linear predictive coding ( LPC ) parameters are widely used in various speech coding algorithms for representing the spectral envelop information of speech .

  12. 通过对LPC(线性预测编码)方法提取语音信号共振峰进行的研究表明,采用相-频特性与对数幅-频特性同样能提取语音信号共振峰。

    The study on speech signal formant abstracted by LPC shows that it can also be abstracted by adopting phase-frequency characteristics and logarithmic amplitude-frequency characteristics .

  13. 本文讨论了改进的多脉冲激励线性预测编码(MPLPC)模型的语音编码方法。

    The modified MPLPC speech coding method is provided in this paper .

  14. 从线性预测编码技术的概念入手,分析和研究了线性预测编码技术及其LPC正则方程的自相关解法。

    Based on the concept of linear predication coding , analyzes and researches the linear predication coding technique and the auto-correlation solution of its LPC regularity equations .

  15. 729A标准是采用共轭结构代数码激励线性预测编码(CSACELP)算法,其速率为8kbit/s,在语音存储和语音传输领域具有广泛应用,可以用于通信等领域。

    It is used for coding speech at 8kbit / s based on conjugate structure algebraic-code-excited linear-prediction ( CS & ACELP ) scheme .

  16. 软件的设计是基于共轭结构-代数码激励线性预测编码算法(CS-ACELP)。

    The software is based on A speech coding standard named conjugate structure algebraic-code-excited linear-prediction ( CS-ACELP ) .

  17. 本文还介绍了语音信号分析方法中的滤波器组分析方法和线性预测编码技术,并推导了LPCC参数和MFCC参数。

    The paper discussed the bandpass filters analysis method and the technology of linear prediction code , then reduced the LPCC and the MFCC parameters .

  18. 最后,简要介绍了码激励线性预测编码(CELP)的基本原理和CELP在语音信号压缩方面具有的特点和优势。

    Last , we simply introduce the basic principle of Code-Excited Linear Prediction ( CELP ) and its special features and advantages on speech signal compression .

  19. 最基本的低速率语音编码算法都采用线性预测编码(LPC)技术,LPC-10声码器和MELP声码器都是成功应用LPC技术的典范。

    The most basic low-rate speech coding used is linear predictive coding ( LPC ) . LPC-10 and MELP vocoder are typical successful use of LPC .

  20. 小波激励线性预测编码(WELP)&一种新的低速语音编码方法

    Wavelet-Excited Linear Prediction ( WELP ) ─ A New Method for Lower Bit Rate Speech Coding

  21. 详细阐述了声道模型、线性预测编码(LPC)分析、LPC倒谱系数、Mel倒谱系数的求解;2、声纹识别的识别方法和模型。

    The extraction of features of Voiceprint Recognition System . The paper describes the sound channel model , Linear Predictive Coding ( LPC ), Linear Predictive Cepstral Coefficients and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients . 2 .

  22. 多脉冲线性预测编码(MP-LPC)算法是近来发展很快的一种语音压缩编码方法,文中介绍一种基于最大互相关搜索法的MP-LPC编码方案。

    Multi-pulse excited linear predicative coding ( MP-LPC ) is a newly developed speech compression method .

  23. 尽管码激励线性预测编码(CELP)算法在中、低比特速率中已提供了较好的语声质量,但对随机码本的全搜索,其计算是极其复杂的。

    Although CELP ( Code-Excited Linear Predictive ) has provided good quality synthetic speech at medium and low bit rates , yet the computation of exhaustive search for stochastic code book is extremely complex .

  24. 这种线性预测编码是一种新的压缩方法,可使码率降低到2.4kb/s以下。

    This kind of linear predictive coding is a new compression technique , by which a code rate lower than 2.4kb/s can be obtained .

  25. 本文使用微处埋机及RAM,ROM的数据存储器,来说明线性预测编码技术在处理语音信号中的实用性及优越性。同时,还使用了固化开发和微程序控制技术。

    In addition to the firmware development and the microprogram control technology , the author of this paper also uses the microprocessor and the data memory of RAM and ROM to illustrate the practicability and superiority of linear predictive coding in speech signal processing .

  26. 特征提取部分,本文主要介绍了三种语音特征参数:线性预测编码系数、线性预测编码倒谱系数和Mel频率倒谱系数,对三种算法分别进行了仿真实验,并进行了算法的比较。

    In the feature extraction part , Linear Predictive Coding , Linear Predictive Cepstrum Coding and Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients feature parameters are discussed . Comparing the emulation data of these three algorithms , the paper gives the results of comparation .

  27. 基于语音识别的基本原理和过程,介绍了语音端点检测,线性预测编码(LPC)倒谱系数,语音建模及模型相似性判断的基本原理和计算方法。

    Three points are focused in the paper as following aspects . Firstly , on the base of the ASR theory , the prime principles and the methods of speech front-end detection , LPC cepstrum coefficients , acoustic modeling and its similarity estimation are studied ;

  28. 然后文章对获得广泛应用(并且也是G.723.1标准的基础)的线性预测编码声码器的一些关键技术进行了详细的论述。

    Then focus on the research of the linear predictive coding , which is used widely ( and is the base of G.723.1 too ), and narrate in detail some key techniques in this area .

  29. 729a是ITU-T推出的用于PSTN的第四代语音编码标准,采用了共轭结构-算术码本激励线性预测编码(CS-ACELP)算法,其码率为8Kbps。

    729a is the fourth generation of speech compression coding standard used on PSTN issued by ITU T. It is used for coding speech at 8 Kbps by conjugate structure algebraic code excited linear prediction ( CS ACELP ) scheme .

  30. 在深入研究码激励线性预测编码算法理论的基础上,提出了基于FS-1016标准实现数字语音信号编解码的技术方案,并开发了数字语音信号的编解码仿真系统。

    Basing on the study of FS-1016 algorithm , a digital speech codec scheme in technic is presented and a simulation system is constructed for it .