
  • 网络wire wound potentiometer;Brand Potentiometers;R&L
  1. 本文讨论了线绕电位器的基本理论,设计原理,及电阻体绕制的方法。

    This paper discusses the basic theory of wire wound potentiometer , design principle , and the resistor winding method .

  2. 作为一种位移传感器,在许多领域取代了无接触式差动变压器和精密线绕电位器。

    As a traveling sensor , It has taken the place , in many fields , of non contact differential transformer and precise wire wound potentiometers .

  3. 在高温、高湿环境条件下,常用材料骨架的线绕电位器绝缘电阻达不到要求,影响了电气性能。

    Under high temperature and high humidity conditions , the insulation resistance for wire-wound potentiometer of which the frame is made of common materials cannot meet with the requirements , thus the electric performances are influenced .

  4. 采用电液比例溢流阀作吊机系统压力控制元件,与线性线绕式电位器和凸轮构成的角位移传感器一起组成吊机过载保护开环控制系统。

    In combination with a linear wire wound potentiometer and a cam-actuated angle displacement sensor , a hydro-electric proportional relief valve is used as pressure controlling element of hoist system to compose an open loop control system for overload protection .