
  • 网络Running Back
  1. 防御线,进攻线,跑卫,四分卫,这是另一个团队。

    Trhe defensive andoffensive line , the running back and the quarterback are gonna be anotherteam .

  2. 密西西比队的第一秒,穿着红色球衣的四分卫乔.西斯曼,接球然后传给跑卫。

    One mississippi . Joe Theismann , the quarterback , takes the snap and hands off to his running back .

  3. 昨天的选秀中没有选出一名跑卫,而且仅选出了一名四分卫,来自佛罗里达州立大学的埃里克·曼纽尔被布法罗比尔队选中,这多少有些令人吃惊。

    No running backs and only one quarter back were drafted yesterday that could be Florida state 's Eric Manuel who was selected by the Buffalo Bills was something of a surprise .

  4. 纪昌跑去告诉飞卫。

    Ji Chang ran to tell this to Fei Wei .

  5. 有个名叫纪昌的人,跑来向飞卫学艺。

    A man named Ji Chang came to Fei Wei to learn archery .

  6. 密西西比队第二秒,这是迷惑对方的打法,像跳蚤一样跑来跑去,然后跑卫把球回传给四分卫。

    Two mississippi . It 's a trick play , a , and the running back tosses the ball back to the quarterback .