
pǎo dào shì chénɡ
  • Runway visual range;runaway visual range
  1. 跑道视程(水平、斜视)和云高的激光探测

    Lidar for Measuring Both Runway Visual Range and Cloud Height

  2. 本文介绍机场用小型、自动化、可综合探测跑道视程、斜视视程和云高的激光雷达的基本工作原理;

    The principles of the minor , automatic and comprehensive lidar for measuring both runway visual range and cloud height are described in this paper .

  3. 着重介绍各种能见度术语以及部分国家和国际组织因对能见度描述用语的不同而产生的差异,尤其是气象能见度同航空要求的能见度与跑道视程之间的不同。

    The differences due to the different descriptions of visibility terms described by various countries and international organizations are introduced , especially , the difference between meteorological visibility , visibility demanded by aviation and runway visual range .

  4. 能见度:天文台在香港国际机场跑道上安装有三套跑道视程透射表。

    Visibility : There are three sets of runway visual range transmissometers located at the runway of the Hong Kong International Airport .