
  1. 他目前与妻子(她可承担一个功能齐全的Web应用,并能将它做得相当好看。)及他的狗(它比他跑的快,但还比不上松鼠)住在Raleigh,NC。

    He currently lives in Raleigh , NC with his wife ( who can take a functional web app and make it actually look good ) and his dog ( who can outrun him , but is no match for squirrels ) .

  2. 特别重要的,根据Taceview的数据作出更改后,请确保代码在没有Traceview时,确实跑的快了。

    It 's especially important after making changes suggested by Traceview data to ensure that the resulting code actually runs faster when run without Traceview .

  3. 即使喘不上气,你也要尽力跑的快一些。

    You have to run faster even though youre out of breath .

  4. 他不如小明跑的快。

    He doesn 't run as fast as Xiao ming .

  5. 同时你能比他跑的快去拿符和追杀。

    Also you can outrun him to the runes and chase better for a kill .

  6. 我比你跑的快!

    I run faster than you !

  7. 坏消息跑的快。

    Bad news travels fast .

  8. 兔子跑的快。

    The rabbit is fast .

  9. 那些比我跑的快和脚下技术比我好的都是因为他们要比我矮一大截。

    " Soccer " helped my coordination ," and " I liked to play midfield , always passing the ball to my teammates , guys that were faster than me and more skilled with their feet because they were shorter .

  10. 问:而且你跑的很快。

    Q : And you go fast . Curry : Yeah .

  11. 刘翔是世界上跑的最快的人之一。

    Liuxiang is one of the fastest men in the world .

  12. 他跑的最快而获得奖励。

    He was awarded the prize for being the fastest runner .

  13. 袋鼠跑的很快,但是麋鹿跑的更快。

    A kangaroo is fast , but an emu is faster .

  14. 他被认为是我们当中跑的最快的人。

    He is supposed to be the fastest runner of us .

  15. 史蒂夫跑的很快,但是我跑的和他一样快。

    Steve runs fast , but I run just as fast .

  16. 他是跑的最快的学生之一。

    He is one of the students who runs fastest .

  17. 兔子跑的太快了,以至于乌龟很快就落在后面了。

    The rabbit runs so fast that Mr. Turtle soon falls behind .

  18. 你是斯坦顿高中跑的最快的。是的。

    You were fastest guys in the Stanton High School.Yes .

  19. 她跑的也快了。但是大家仍然不喜欢跟她玩。

    She runs fast . But they dont like that , either .

  20. 哈利虽然弱不经风,但是跑的很快。

    Harry didn 't look it , but he was very fast .

  21. 我从来不知道我可以跑的那么快。

    I never knew I could run so fast .

  22. 球的速度比你跑的速度快。

    That the ball can travel faster than you .

  23. 但他在上星期的时间测试中没能跑的足够快。

    But he failed to run fast enough during time trials last week .

  24. 越多人来它就跑的越快!

    The more the people the faster it runs !

  25. 好,陆地上跑的最快的动物是什么?

    Okay , what 's the fastest land mammal ?

  26. 因为穿了那个你会跑的很快?

    Because you 're gonna run really fast ?

  27. 得到之后别跑的太快。

    Do not run too fast after gain .

  28. 在编程上,“他是跑的最快的那一个”。

    when it comes to programming , " he is the fastest runner . "

  29. 你怎么跑的这么快!

    How can you run so fast !

  30. 因为它跑的很快我男人有五个孩子

    Because it 's fast . I have a man , who has five kids .