
jiǎo bù dònɡ zuò
  • footwork
  1. 浅谈篮球教学中的脚步动作

    A Talk about the Footwork in Basketball Teaching

  2. 突破技术是持球队员运用脚步动作和运球技术超越对手的一项攻击性很强的技术。

    Breakthrough technology is the use of footwork and ball players dribbling technique ahead of the competition in a highly technical attack .

  3. 极量运动20min,全场往返的徒手脚步动作练习。

    Extreme Sports ② Maximal exercise for 20 minutes : Return exercise of foot movement with freehand for the whole ground .

  4. 试析青少年篮球运动员脚步动作训练要素

    Analysis on the Elements in Youngster 's Basketball Player Training

  5. 脚步动作在篮球技术中重要性的探讨

    Importance of the Step movement in the Basketball Technology

  6. 虚实修身运动网球脚步动作探析

    On the Footstep Movement in Playing Tennis

  7. 持球突破技术是持球队员在训练和比赛中利用快速突破的脚步动作和熟练的运球技术,来超越防守者的篮球进攻技术之一。

    The technique of holding a ball and making a break is that a player uses his move to surpass his defender .

  8. 在篮球比赛中,一般只强调防守的脚步动作,而忽视了防守的手臂动作。

    To improve defensive quality and strengthen the attack , this article describles several ways of how to defend with arms in basketball matches .

  9. 预判进攻队员的进攻路线,通过脚步动作积极移动占据有利的防守位置、可以减少不必要的犯规。

    Anticipation of offensive players attack route , through the time move up the defense of positive move favorable position can reduce unnecessary foul .

  10. 对脚步动作在篮球技术中的重要性进行探讨可以为提高我们篮球技术训练水平提供建设性意见。

    Therefore the research about the importance of the step movement in the basketball technology can provide constructive suggestions for the raising of training level of our collective basketball technology .

  11. 篮球移动技术是比赛中学生为了改变位置、方向、速度和争取高度而采取的各种脚步动作,是完成进攻和防守技术的基础。

    Basketball moving skills , the base of attack and defense technics , refer to students ' step-moving in the match to change location , direction , speed , and gaining height .

  12. 如何改进篮球脚步移动练习的动作,提高篮球运动员灵敏素质是篮球教练员要解决的问题之一。

    How to improve the basketball footwork exercises , basketball players to improve agility is one of the basketball coaches to solve problems .