
  • 网络role;Character
脚色 [jué sè]
  • (1) [rol]∶演员扮演的戏剧中人物

  • 全班戏子都穿了脚色的衣裳

  • (2) [official post]∶差事;职务

  • 当个极苦的脚色

  • (3) [a type of person]∶某一类型的人物

  • 他是一个通文不通道的脚色

  • (4) [origin]∶来历;底细

  • 去查一查他的脚色

  1. 而脚色体制既然作为一个完整的系统,应该包含有划分和聚合两个层次。

    However , as a complete system , the role system should contain the division and aggregation two levels .

  2. 几乎毫无例外,社会自由造成的虚荣,加上经济外貌的繁荣,共同允许时髦能扮演足具影响力的脚色。

    As a rule , vanity in social freedom and prosperity in economic outlook join forces in allowing fashion to play its influential role .

  3. 这意味着行星X彻底地代替了太阳对地球的影响力,饰演一个缓冲脚色。

    What this also means is that Planet X more completely SUPPLANTS the Sun 's influence for the Earth , acting as a buffer .

  4. 美国其他说笑话的人并非都只是滑稽脚色。

    The other American funny men were not all mere farceurs .

  5. 确实,一个新脚色登上了舞台。

    In fact , a new personage had entered on the scene .

  6. 他们在这一事务中扮演了可耻的脚色。

    They played a shameful part in the whole affair .

  7. 他也容不得文坛上的这类脚色。

    Nor could he applaud the equivalent in literature .

  8. 古代戏曲脚色理论述略

    Discuss the Theory of the Ancient Opera Character

  9. 把你所选择的脚色叫来。

    Recall-summons a named player to you .

  10. 假如在很多脚色之间不竭转换分歧适你的话,创业大概也不会符合你。

    If juggling many roles doesn 't suit you , entrepreneurship probably won 't , either .

  11. 事物之根本特征在其结构,认识中国民族戏剧的特征,关键在于把握其结构体制&脚色制。

    The key to understand the features of Chinese national theatre is to understand its structural system .

  12. 本研究详细记录了资源群体的肤色、胫色、脚色及屠体颜色等色素性状表型。

    Test traits included skin color , leg color , feet color and pigments in parts of slaughter trait .

  13. 根据尾羽的长度和形状,苗条的体型和脚色,我倾向认为是长尾水剃鸟。

    I tend to favour Wedge-tailed on account of length and shape of tail , slender build and leg colour .

  14. 对商人形象在戏曲脚色、语言和道具上的特点进行归纳总结及艺术赏析。

    Summarized the characteristics of the businessman image on the opera foot color , language , and props and Art Appreciation .

  15. 海上保险是一种迂腐的保险制度,可保优点在海上保险制度中饰演着紧张的脚色,它是组成海上保险条约的重要条件。

    Marine Insurance is an ancient system of Insurance , Insurable Interest , constituting the main condition of the contract of Marine Insurance .

  16. 思考乙醯胆碱在学习和记忆形成所扮演的脚色并将它运用在思考阿尔滋海默症和亨丁顿舞蹈症中所观察到的不足。

    Consider the role of acetylcholine in learning and memory formation and relate it to the deficits observed in Alzheimer 's and Huntington 's disease .

  17. 而汉剧则分别在这两个层面上完成了从脚色到行当的转化。

    On the two bases , the Han Opera respectively completed the conversion from the " foot color " to the " line of business " .

  18. 公案戏的每一类脚色的设置都是作者精心编排的结果,本文主要分为三大体系加以讨论。

    The results of each type of detective drama set foot color are the author choreographed , this paper is divided into three systems are discussed .

  19. 在西席举行言传身教的同时,门生也推行他们的职责,在口语课上饰演着相应的脚色。

    While the teacher plays his or her roles in a language classroom , the students are also responsible for their learning and playing a lot of roles .

  20. 与脚色分化相适应,建本剧出曲牌声情亦与剧出主题情事、剧中脚色身份、性格紧密配合。

    And the role of differentiation is closely adapted to build the sound out of tune , love and play out the drama theme , role identity , character .

  21. 阐述了道德及体育道德的内涵,就运动训练中运动员的道德修养与其竞技水平间的关系作了系统分析,并详细论述了教练员在运动员体育道德规范形成中所扮演的脚色和发挥的作用。

    In this paper , the author expounds the concept of moral and sports moral , he analyzes the relationship between athlete 's moral calculation and their athletics level .

  22. 划分指的是依据不同的元素来划分不同的脚色,而聚合指的是不同脚色在整个系统中的地位和作用。

    The division is divided into different roles according to the different elements , while the polymerization refers to the different roles ' status and function in the whole system .

  23. 二十世纪九十年代问世的电子书更加节省了读者和出版商双方的开支;尽管随着互连网的扩展这两者的脚色变得模糊不清了。

    E-books , which made their debut in the 1990s , cut costs even more for both consumer and producer , though as the Internet expanded those roles became confused .

  24. 传统贸易基金的脚色和新的商业活动之间的冲突在绘制地图上最为严重。「科技已远远超越了许可的模式。」道格摩表示。

    The conflict between a trading fund 's traditional role and its new commercial activities is most intense in mapping . " technology has left the licensing model far behind ," says dugmore .

  25. 戏曲作品按照是否适于演出可大致分为案头本和舞台本,而舞台脚本中包含大量插科打诨,其以俗为美的整体风格特色具体体现在脚色、语言、内容、动作等几个方面。

    There are lots of Kehun in the later one , which shows the characteristics of the beauty of vulgar that embodies in the respects of role , language , content , action , etc.

  26. 脚色行当体系是中国古典戏曲的重要组成部分,每一脚色都有其发端,其中最为重要的一环就是角色参军。

    The role category system constitutes an important part of Chinese classic opera ; each role has its own origin , of which the most important one is the role of " Canjun " .

  27. 看来法庭上所有的人,连他本人在内,都不明白为什么这么一个小脚色也在那里,除非是把他看作是戈培尔的幽灵。后来他被开释了。

    No one in the courtroom , including fritzsche , seemed to know why he was there he was too small a fry unless it were as a ghost for goebbels , and he was acquitted .

  28. 分别总结概括了公案戏中冲末的冲场作用;外的广泛使用;净扮三类人物;丑之滑稽搞笑四大脚色的特点。

    Summarizes the detective drama were summarized in the " Chong Mo " of the red field effect ;" Wai " the widespread use ;" Jing " play three types of characters ;" Chou " is hilarious , four foot color characteristics .

  29. 折子戏的兴盛,不仅有利于丰富提高戏曲的表演艺术,更促进了各行脚色形成并发展自己的本工戏,这也为后代戏曲表演艺术流派的形成做了准备。

    Excerpts of prosperity , not only help enrich the performing arts improve the opera , but also promote the formation of lines and color feet and develop their own play in this work , which school of performing arts for future generations the formation of opera made preparations .