• miscellaneous;varied;sundry;mixed
  • mix;blend;mingle
  • 多种多样的,不单纯的:~乱。~沓。~感。~志。~货。~居。~务。~品。错综复~。私心~念。

  • 混合:夹~。混~。~交。


(多种多样的;混杂的) miscellaneous; varied; sundry; mixed:

  • 复杂

    complex; complicated;

  • 嘈杂


  • 闲杂人员

    miscellaneous personnel;

  • 杂项税收

    sundry revenue;

  • 杂事儿

    chore; miscellaneous affairs;

  • 杂而不乱

    mixed but not confused;

  • 杂七杂八的东西

    odds and ends; a medley


(混合在一起; 搀杂) mix; blend; mingle:

  • 羊毛中夹杂进棉花

    mix cotton into wool;

  • 这片桃树中杂有几棵苹果树。

    There are a few apple trees scattered among these peach trees.

  1. 这6类食物包括谷类产品、蔬菜、水果、牛奶和奶制品、肉类和肉类替代品以及杂类食品。

    The six food groups include grain products , vegetables , fruits , milk and milk products , meats and meat alternates , and a miscellaneous group .

  2. 娟姗牛和娟杂牛妊娠天数显著低于荷斯坦牛(P0.05)。

    The days of pregnancy of Jersey cattle and Juan miscellaneous cattle was evidently lower than Holsteins ( P 0.05 ) .

  3. 他扫完地,又干了几样杂活儿。

    He sweeps up and does a few odds and ends .

  4. 农场雇用了一名拖拉机手和两名杂工。

    The farm employed a tractor driver and two general labourers .

  5. 越南战场上用于毁灭林区的“橙剂”,其成分是二氧杂芑。

    Dioxin was the ingredient in Agent Orange , used to defoliate Vietnam .

  6. 这片桃树中杂有几棵苹果树。

    There are a few apple trees scattered among these peach trees .

  7. 房间摆着黑白相杂的装饰品。

    The room is a mixture of black and white decorations .

  8. 他在这家餐厅干杂活儿挣点儿钱。

    He earns some money by doing odd jobs at the restaurant .

  9. 到会的人很杂。

    A motley group of people attended the meeting .

  10. 在穆斯科克斯杂岩体中,铬铁矿矿层仅产于长石质橄榄岩中。

    The chromite deposits in the muskox complex occur only in feldspathic peridotite .

  11. 众所周知,单全异株,或者更通俗一些说,雌雄杂生为最适交配打下基础。

    Cases are known where trioecy or , more generally , heteroecy , provides for an optimal mating system .

  12. 杂染好比河中的沙洲与暗桩,它们会阻碍我们的船靠岸。

    Defilements are like sand bars or stumps in a river that will keep our boat from getting to shore .

  13. 陨铁成分很杂,主要是铁和镍,还有地球少有的元素。

    There are many different elements in aerosiderite , the main element are iron and nickel , and some rare element in earth .

  14. 本周《自然》杂查的一项研究表明,尽管防晒指数为50的防晒霜能够减少黑瘤的数量,并延缓其出现,但却并不能阻止其发生。

    Research in this week Nature shows that while factor 50 reduces the number of melanomas and delays their occurrence , it can 't prevent them .

  15. 由咸熏肉、香肠、番茄和蘑菇做成的烤杂排

    a mixed grill of bacon , sausages , tomatoes and mushrooms

  16. 在文化交流中我们应该坦然地面对这种杂合

    A culture should frankly face the hybridity in exchange with others .

  17. 小塞涅卡:不要在短时间内读太多太杂的书


  18. 提出来地方法都不足以排除地面杂波

    None of the proposed Methods : Will effective enough to remove ground clutters .

  19. 现在这汤味道太杂了!

    There are too many flavours now !

  20. 它们也是有机物氨中的一个或多个氢被替换成更复杂的组成,研究显示抗氧化剂能减少这些杂胺环。

    They are also organic compounds in which one or more of the hydrogens in ammonia is replaced with a more complex group . Studies show that antioxidants are known to decrease these heterocyclic amines .

  21. P(204)-HCl体系捞钕除杂工业实验

    Industrial Experiments of Extracting Neodymium and Removing Impurities in P_ ( 204 ) - HCl System

  22. 空间二维相关K分布杂波建模与仿真

    Modelling and Simulation of Spatially Bidimensional Correlated K-distributed Radar Clutter

  23. H在含杂过渡金属表面化学吸附的DV&Xα方法研究

    Dv & xa method used to study Hydrogen Chemisorption on contaminated transition metal surface

  24. 雷达杂波抑制方法及DSP实现技术

    Study of Radar Clutter Cancellation and Realized by DSP

  25. 用蒙特卡罗法数值模拟CCD相机的杂光

    Numerical Simulation of Stray Light in CCD Camera with the Monte Carlo Method

  26. 机载多通道天线SAR自适应杂波抑制

    Airborne Multi-channel Antenna SAR Adaptive Clutter Suppression

  27. 任意姿态机载PD雷达三维地杂波算法研究

    Study on Algorithm of 3D Terrain Clutter for Airborne PD Radar with Arbitrary Postures

  28. 分数傅立叶变换用于抑制SAR杂波背景检测慢速动目标

    Symmetry FrFT Used to Suppress the Fixed Background Clutter to Detect Moving Target in a SAR Image

  29. 新的SHRIMP定年结果表明,原先划归于古元古代的丹东花岗杂岩现在被确定为中生代岩体。

    New SHRIMP dating reveals that the previously-known Paleoproterozoic Dandong granitic complex is Mesozoic .

  30. 2例有CKIT基因11号外显子杂合性突变。

    Of the five cases examined for heterozygous deletion mutation of 11 exon of the c-kit gene two were found positive .