
  1. 以敦煌写本宅经镇宅法为个案,结合敦煌杂占文书与传统文献,可看出古代占卜文化非逻辑变通特性的存在及其影响。

    Focusing on the case study of " Dun Huang Xie Ben Zhai Jing ", the paper indicates the existence and the influence of the illogical transformation in the ancient divination art .

  2. 类酵母菌占13.47%,大量杂菌占7.95%,其荧光指标数值均高于红细胞的荧光指标(P<0.01)。

    Of yeast-like cells was 13.47 % ; of bacteria was 7.95 % , the value of its fluorescent index was higher than that of red blood cells ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 杂合型占16.7%,Null型占23.5%;

    Heterozygote type accounted for 16 . 7 % and Null type 23 . 5 % .

  4. 在草地物种组成上,杂类草占81.3%,莎草类仅占6.8%;

    Species composition of this region showed that forbs consisted of about 81.3 % , while sedges only about 6.8 % of the total species .

  5. 每个个体杂合位点所占的比例为27.13%。

    An individual is heterozygotes on the average at 27.13 % of its loci .